.. _debug_with_arm_ds: Debug with Arm DS ################# Install Arm DS ************** Please refer to the official Arm Development Studio Page [1]_ for details. Here ``Version: 2020.b Build: 2020110909`` is used in the following example. .. image:: images/version-info.jpg :align: center :alt: Arm DS Version Download Arm FVP BaseR AEMv8-R ****************************** Please refer to official FVP page [2]_ for download instructions. Here ``$FVP_D`` is used to indicate which directory is FVP located. Use DS perspective ****************** From menu choose ``Window -> Perspective -> Open Perspective -> Other...``: .. image:: images/perspective-choose-other.jpg :align: center :alt: Arm DS Perspective choose Other... In the opened window, choose ``Development Studio (default)``: .. image:: images/perspective-choose-ds.jpg :align: center :alt: Arm DS Perspective choose DS Create a new configuration database *********************************** Create a new configuration database by selecting ``File -> New -> Other... -> Configuration Database``: .. image:: images/create-new-configuration-database.jpg :align: center :alt: Arm DS create new configuration database Choose a name for the database. Here ``Zephyr`` is used: .. image:: images/create-new-configuration-database_database-name.jpg :align: center :alt: Arm DS create new configuration database: choose database name Click ``Finish`` and the new configuration database can be seen in ``Project Explorer``: .. image:: images/create-new-configuration-database_shown-in-project-explorer.jpg :align: center :alt: Arm DS create new configuration database: shown in project explorer Create a new model configuration ******************************** Right click ``Zephyr`` in ``Project Explorer``, choose ``New -> Model Configuration``: .. image:: images/create-new-model-configuration.jpg :align: center :alt: Arm DS create new model configuration In the opened window: 1. Choose ``Iris`` for ``Model Interface``, then ``Next >``. 2. Choose ``Launch and connect to specific model``, then ``Next >``. 3. Set ``Model Path`` to ``$FVP_D/FVP_BaseR_AEMv8R``, then ``Finish``. .. image:: images/create-new-model-configuration_model-path.jpg :align: center :alt: Arm DS create new model configuration: set model path Then in ``FVP_BaseR_AEMv8R`` tab, change ``ARMAEMv8-R_`` to ``V8R64-Generic``, click ``Save`` and then click ``Import``: .. image:: images/create-new-model-configuration_model-use-V8R64-Generic.jpg :align: center :alt: Arm DS create new model configuration: import Create a new launch configuration ********************************* From ``Project Explorer``, right click ``FVP_BaseR_AEMv8R`` and select ``Debug as -> Debug configurations...``: .. image:: images/create-new-launch-configuration_context-menu.jpg :align: center :alt: Arm DS create new launch configuration: context menu Select ``Generic Arm C/C++ Application`` and click ``New launch configuration`` button. A new configuration named ``New_configuration`` will be created. 1. In ``Connection`` tab: - In ``Select target`` box, select ``Imported -> FVP_BaseR_AEMv8R -> Bare Metal Debug -> ARMAEMv8-R_MP_0`` - In ``Connections`` box, set ``Model parameters`` to:: -C bp.dram.enable_atomic_ops=1 -C bp.sram.enable_atomic_ops=1 -C bp.refcounter.non_arch_start_at_default=1 -C gic_distributor.GICD_CTLR-DS-1-means-secure-only=1 -C gic_distributor.has-two-security-states=0 -C bp.vis.disable_visualisation=1 -C cluster0.has_aarch64=1 -a /home/fengqi/zephyrproject/build/zephyr/zephyr.elf These parameters are passed to ``FVP_BaseR_AEMv8R`` when launches. Run ``FVP_BaseR_AEMv8R --help`` to see all command line options. Run ``FVP_BaseR_AEMv8R --list-params`` to see all supported parameters. The file ``zephyr.elf`` specified by ``-a`` is the binary built from Zephyr. .. image:: images/create-new-launch-configuration_connection.jpg :align: center :alt: Arm DS create new launch configuration: connection 2. In ``Files`` tab: In ``Files`` box, set ``Load symbols from file`` to full path of ``zephyr.elf`` that you built. .. image:: images/create-new-launch-configuration_files.jpg :align: center :alt: Arm DS create new launch configuration: files 3. In ``Debugger`` tab: - In ``Run control`` box, check ``Execute debugger commands`` and insert:: add-symbol-file "/home/fengqi/zephyrproject/build/zephyr/zephyr.elf" EL1S:0 Replace ``/home/fengqi/zephyrproject/build/zephyr/zephyr.elf`` with your local path. - In ``Paths`` box, set ``Source search directory`` to the path to Zephyr source code. .. image:: images/create-new-launch-configuration_debugger.jpg :align: center :alt: Arm DS create new launch configuration: debugger After all these changes are made, click ``Apply``, then click ``Debug``. DS will launch ``FVP_BaseR_AEMv8R`` and connect to it. You can see a new session is connected in ``Debug Control`` window. .. image:: images/DS-debug-working.jpg :align: center :alt: Arm DS working References ********** .. target-notes:: .. [1] https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/embedded/arm-development-studio .. [2] https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/simulation-models/fixed-virtual-platforms/arm-ecosystem-models