*.o *.a *.d *.cmd *.log *.pyc *.swp *.swo *~ # Emacs \#*\# build*/ !doc/build/ !scripts/build !tests/drivers/build_all !scripts/pylib/build_helpers cscope.* .dir /*.patch # The .cache directory will be used to cache toolchain capabilities if # no suitable out-of-tree directory is found. .cache outdir outdir-* scripts/basic/fixdep scripts/gen_idt/gen_idt coverage-report doc-coverage.info doc/_build doc/doxygen doc/xml doc/html doc/boards doc/samples doc/latex doc/themes/zephyr-docs-theme sanity-out* twister-out* bsim_out bsim_bt_out myresults.xml tests/RunResults.xml scripts/grub doc/reference/kconfig/*.rst doc/doc.warnings .*project .settings .envrc .vscode hide-defaults-note venv .venv .DS_Store .clangd new.info # Cargo drops lock files in projects to capture resolved dependencies. # We don't want to record these. Cargo.lock # Cargo encourages a .cargo/config.toml file to symlink to a generated file. Don't save these. .cargo/ # Normal west builds will place the Rust target directory under the build directory. However, # sometimes IDEs and such will litter these target directories as well. target/ # CI output compliance.xml _error.types # Tag files GPATH GRTAGS GTAGS TAGS tags .idea # from check_compliance.py BinaryFiles.txt BoardYml.txt Checkpatch.txt ClangFormat.txt DevicetreeBindings.txt GitDiffCheck.txt Gitlint.txt Identity.txt ImageSize.txt Kconfig.txt KconfigBasic.txt KconfigBasicNoModules.txt KconfigHWMv2.txt KeepSorted.txt MaintainersFormat.txt ModulesMaintainers.txt Nits.txt Pylint.txt Ruff.txt SphinxLint.txt TextEncoding.txt YAMLLint.txt