/* userchan.c - HCI User Channel based Bluetooth driver */ /* * Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation * Copyright (c) 2023 Victor Chavez * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "soc.h" #include "cmdline.h" /* native_posix command line options header */ #include #include #include #define LOG_LEVEL CONFIG_BT_HCI_DRIVER_LOG_LEVEL #include LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(bt_driver); #define BTPROTO_HCI 1 struct sockaddr_hci { sa_family_t hci_family; unsigned short hci_dev; unsigned short hci_channel; }; #define HCI_CHANNEL_USER 1 #define SOL_HCI 0 /* Bluetooth spec v5.4 Vol 4, Part A Table 2.1 */ #define H4_CMD 0x01 #define H4_ACL 0x02 #define H4_SCO 0x03 #define H4_EVT 0x04 #define H4_ISO 0x05 static K_KERNEL_STACK_DEFINE(rx_thread_stack, CONFIG_ARCH_POSIX_RECOMMENDED_STACK_SIZE); static struct k_thread rx_thread_data; static int uc_fd = -1; static unsigned short bt_dev_index; #define TCP_ADDR_BUFF_SIZE 16 static bool hci_socket; static char ip_addr[TCP_ADDR_BUFF_SIZE]; static unsigned int port; static bool arg_found; static struct net_buf *get_rx(const uint8_t *buf) { bool discardable = false; k_timeout_t timeout = K_FOREVER; switch (buf[0]) { case H4_EVT: if (buf[1] == BT_HCI_EVT_LE_META_EVENT && (buf[3] == BT_HCI_EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT)) { discardable = true; timeout = K_NO_WAIT; } return bt_buf_get_evt(buf[1], discardable, timeout); case H4_ACL: return bt_buf_get_rx(BT_BUF_ACL_IN, K_FOREVER); case H4_ISO: if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_ISO)) { return bt_buf_get_rx(BT_BUF_ISO_IN, K_FOREVER); } __fallthrough; default: LOG_ERR("Unknown packet type: %u", buf[0]); } return NULL; } /** * @brief Decode the length of an HCI H4 packet * @details Decodes packet length according to Bluetooth spec v5.4 Vol 4 Part E * @param buf Pointer to a HCI packet buffer * @return Length of the HCI packet in bytes, zero if no valid packet found. */ static uint16_t packet_len(const uint8_t *buf) { uint16_t payload_len = 0; uint8_t header_len = 0; const uint8_t type = buf[0]; const uint8_t *hdr = &buf[sizeof(type)]; switch (type) { case H4_CMD: { const struct bt_hci_cmd_hdr *cmd = (const struct bt_hci_cmd_hdr *)hdr; /* Parameter Total Length */ payload_len = cmd->param_len; header_len = BT_HCI_CMD_HDR_SIZE; break; } case H4_ACL: { const struct bt_hci_acl_hdr *acl = (const struct bt_hci_acl_hdr *)hdr; /* Data Total Length */ payload_len = sys_le16_to_cpu(acl->len); header_len = BT_HCI_ACL_HDR_SIZE; break; } case H4_SCO: { const struct bt_hci_sco_hdr *sco = (const struct bt_hci_sco_hdr *)hdr; /* Data_Total_Length */ payload_len = sco->len; header_len = BT_HCI_SCO_HDR_SIZE; break; } case H4_EVT: { const struct bt_hci_evt_hdr *evt = (const struct bt_hci_evt_hdr *)hdr; /* Parameter Total Length */ payload_len = evt->len; header_len = BT_HCI_EVT_HDR_SIZE; break; } case H4_ISO: { const struct bt_hci_iso_hdr *iso = (const struct bt_hci_iso_hdr *)hdr; /* ISO_Data_Load_Length parameter */ payload_len = bt_iso_hdr_len(sys_le16_to_cpu(iso->len)); header_len = BT_HCI_ISO_HDR_SIZE; break; } /* If no valid packet type found */ default: LOG_WRN("Unknown packet type 0x%02x", type); return 0; } return sizeof(type) + header_len + payload_len; } static bool uc_ready(void) { struct pollfd pollfd = { .fd = uc_fd, .events = POLLIN }; return (poll(&pollfd, 1, 0) == 1); } static void rx_thread(void *p1, void *p2, void *p3) { ARG_UNUSED(p1); ARG_UNUSED(p2); ARG_UNUSED(p3); LOG_DBG("started"); while (1) { static uint8_t frame[512]; struct net_buf *buf; size_t buf_tailroom; size_t buf_add_len; ssize_t len; const uint8_t *frame_start = frame; if (!uc_ready()) { k_sleep(K_MSEC(1)); continue; } LOG_DBG("calling read()"); len = read(uc_fd, frame, sizeof(frame)); if (len < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) { k_yield(); continue; } LOG_ERR("Reading socket failed, errno %d", errno); close(uc_fd); uc_fd = -1; return; } while (len > 0) { const uint8_t packet_type = frame_start[0]; const uint16_t decoded_len = packet_len(frame_start); if (decoded_len == 0) { LOG_ERR("HCI Packet type is invalid, length could not be decoded"); break; } if (decoded_len > len) { LOG_ERR("Decoded HCI packet length (%d bytes) is greater " "than buffer length (%d bytes)", decoded_len, len); break; } buf = get_rx(frame_start); if (!buf) { LOG_DBG("Discard adv report due to insufficient buf"); continue; } buf_tailroom = net_buf_tailroom(buf); buf_add_len = decoded_len - sizeof(packet_type); if (buf_tailroom < buf_add_len) { LOG_ERR("Not enough space in buffer %zu/%zu", buf_add_len, buf_tailroom); net_buf_unref(buf); continue; } net_buf_add_mem(buf, frame_start + sizeof(packet_type), buf_add_len); LOG_DBG("Calling bt_recv(%p)", buf); bt_recv(buf); len -= decoded_len; frame_start += decoded_len; } k_yield(); } } static int uc_send(struct net_buf *buf) { LOG_DBG("buf %p type %u len %u", buf, bt_buf_get_type(buf), buf->len); if (uc_fd < 0) { LOG_ERR("User channel not open"); return -EIO; } switch (bt_buf_get_type(buf)) { case BT_BUF_ACL_OUT: net_buf_push_u8(buf, H4_ACL); break; case BT_BUF_CMD: net_buf_push_u8(buf, H4_CMD); break; case BT_BUF_ISO_OUT: if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_ISO)) { net_buf_push_u8(buf, H4_ISO); break; } __fallthrough; default: LOG_ERR("Unknown buffer type"); return -EINVAL; } if (write(uc_fd, buf->data, buf->len) < 0) { return -errno; } net_buf_unref(buf); return 0; } static int user_chan_open(void) { int fd; if (hci_socket) { struct sockaddr_hci addr; fd = socket(PF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_RAW | SOCK_CLOEXEC | SOCK_NONBLOCK, BTPROTO_HCI); if (fd < 0) { return -errno; } (void)memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.hci_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; addr.hci_dev = bt_dev_index; addr.hci_channel = HCI_CHANNEL_USER; if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { int err = -errno; close(fd); return err; } } else { struct sockaddr_in addr; fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd < 0) { return -errno; } addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(port); if (inet_pton(AF_INET, ip_addr, &(addr.sin_addr)) <= 0) { int err = -errno; close(fd); return err; } if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { int err = -errno; close(fd); return err; } } return fd; } static int uc_open(void) { if (hci_socket) { LOG_DBG("hci%d", bt_dev_index); } else { LOG_DBG("hci %s:%d", ip_addr, port); } uc_fd = user_chan_open(); if (uc_fd < 0) { return uc_fd; } LOG_DBG("User Channel opened as fd %d", uc_fd); k_thread_create(&rx_thread_data, rx_thread_stack, K_KERNEL_STACK_SIZEOF(rx_thread_stack), rx_thread, NULL, NULL, NULL, K_PRIO_COOP(CONFIG_BT_DRIVER_RX_HIGH_PRIO), 0, K_NO_WAIT); LOG_DBG("returning"); return 0; } static const struct bt_hci_driver drv = { .name = "HCI User Channel", .bus = BT_HCI_DRIVER_BUS_UART, .open = uc_open, .send = uc_send, }; static int bt_uc_init(void) { bt_hci_driver_register(&drv); return 0; } SYS_INIT(bt_uc_init, POST_KERNEL, CONFIG_KERNEL_INIT_PRIORITY_DEVICE); static void cmd_bt_dev_found(char *argv, int offset) { arg_found = true; if (strncmp(&argv[offset], "hci", 3) == 0 && strlen(&argv[offset]) >= 4) { long arg_hci_idx = strtol(&argv[offset + 3], NULL, 10); if (arg_hci_idx >= 0 && arg_hci_idx <= USHRT_MAX) { bt_dev_index = arg_hci_idx; hci_socket = true; } else { posix_print_error_and_exit("Invalid argument value for --bt-dev. " "hci idx must be within range 0 to 65536.\n"); } } else if (sscanf(&argv[offset], "%15[^:]:%d", ip_addr, &port) == 2) { if (port > USHRT_MAX) { posix_print_error_and_exit("Error: IP port for bluetooth " "hci tcp server is out of range.\n"); } struct in_addr addr; if (inet_pton(AF_INET, ip_addr, &addr) != 1) { posix_print_error_and_exit("Error: IP address for bluetooth " "hci tcp server is incorrect.\n"); } } else { posix_print_error_and_exit("Invalid option %s for --bt-dev. " "An hci interface or hci tcp server is expected.\n", &argv[offset]); } } static void add_btuserchan_arg(void) { static struct args_struct_t btuserchan_args[] = { /* * Fields: * manual, mandatory, switch, * option_name, var_name ,type, * destination, callback, * description */ { false, true, false, "bt-dev", "hciX", 's', NULL, cmd_bt_dev_found, "A local HCI device to be used for Bluetooth (e.g. hci0) " "or an HCI TCP Server (e.g."}, ARG_TABLE_ENDMARKER }; native_add_command_line_opts(btuserchan_args); } static void btuserchan_check_arg(void) { if (!arg_found) { posix_print_error_and_exit("Error: Bluetooth device missing.\n" "Specify either a local hci interface --bt-dev=hciN\n" "or a valid hci tcp server --bt-dev=ip_address:port\n"); } } NATIVE_TASK(add_btuserchan_arg, PRE_BOOT_1, 10); NATIVE_TASK(btuserchan_check_arg, PRE_BOOT_2, 10);