Lines Matching full:build
14 #(sphinx-build) and it's dependences (Python).
17 #method this module expects sphix-build to be either available on the PATH,
21 # SPHINX_PATH = variable specifying where sphinx-build can be found.
28 # SPHINX_VERSION = The version reported by "sphinx-build --version"
29 # SPHINX_FOUND = True is sphinx-build was found and executed fine
52 NAMES sphinx-build
63 message(STATUS "Failed to find sphinx-build at ${SPHINX_PATH}.")
70 NAMES sphinx-build
75 message(STATUS "Failed to find sphinx-build at OS specific default locations.")
85 if(_SPHINX_VERSION MATCHES ".*sphinx-build[^0-9.]*([0-9.]+).*")
86 string(REGEX REPLACE ".*sphinx-build ([0-9.]+).*" "\\1" SPHINX_VERSION "${_SPHINX_VERSION}")