Lines Matching refs:echo
19 @echo off
46 echo Looking for dcc32.exe ...
50 echo Found %DCC%
51 echo.
71 echo Errors > "%LOGFILE%"
72 echo ---------------- >> "%LOGFILE%"
80 echo.
81 echo Generating code, please wait ...
95 echo program %TESTAPP%; > %TESTAPP%.dpr
96 echo {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} >> %TESTAPP%.dpr
97 echo. >> %TESTAPP%.dpr
98 echo uses >> %TESTAPP%.dpr
99 for %%a in (*.pas) do echo %%~na, >> %TESTAPP%.dpr
100 echo Windows, Classes, SysUtils; >> %TESTAPP%.dpr
101 echo. >> %TESTAPP%.dpr
102 echo begin >> %TESTAPP%.dpr
103 echo Writeln('Successfully compiled!'); >> %TESTAPP%.dpr
104 echo Writeln('List of units:'); >> %TESTAPP%.dpr
105 for %%a in (*.pas) do echo Write('%%~na':30,'':10); >> %TESTAPP%.dpr
106 echo Writeln; >> %TESTAPP%.dpr
107 echo end. >> %TESTAPP%.dpr
108 echo. >> %TESTAPP%.dpr
116 echo.
117 echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
118 echo The compiled program is now executed. If it hangs or crashes, we
119 echo have a serious problem with the generated code. Expected output
120 echo is "Successfully compiled:" followed by a list of generated units.
121 echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
123 echo -----------------------------------------------------------------
124 echo.
131 echo Delphi Compiler (dcc32.exe) not found.
132 echo Please check the "DCC" setting in this batch.
133 echo.
143 echo Missing, incomplete or wrong configuration settings!
153 echo Missing an expected Delphi testcase!
161 echo Code generation FAILED!
169 REM echo %1