Lines Matching +full:- +full:j

10  *
24 {.$DEFINE StressTest} // activate to stress-test the server with frequent connects/disconnects
97 Empty, // Edge case: the zero-length empty binary
99 ByteArrayTest, // THRIFT-4454 Large writes/reads may cause range check errors in debug mode
100 …PipeWriteLimit, // THRIFT-4372 Pipe write operations across a network are limited to 65,535 bytes…
204 + ' -h | --help Produces this help message'#10
205 + ' --host=arg (localhost) Host to connect'#10
206 + ' --port=arg (9090) Port number to connect'#10
207 + ' --pipe=arg Windows Named Pipe (e.g. MyThriftPipe)'#10
208 + ' --anon-pipes hRead hWrite Windows Anonymous Pipes pair (handles)'#10
209 + ' --transport=arg (sockets) Transport: buffered, framed, http, winhttp'#10
210 + ' --protocol=arg (binary) Protocol: binary, compact, json'#10
211 + ' --ssl Encrypted Transport using SSL'#10
212 + ' -n=num | --testloops=num (1) Number of Tests'#10
213 + ' -t=num | --threads=num (1) Number of Test threads'#10
214 … + ' --performance Run the built-in performance test (no other arguments)'#10
223 Console.WriteLine( ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)),'') + ' -h for more information');
268 if IsSwitch( sArg, '-h', sValue)
269 or IsSwitch( sArg, '--help', sValue)
271 // -h [ --help ] produce help message
276 else if IsSwitch( sArg, '--host', sValue) then begin
277 // --host arg (=localhost) Host to connect
280 else if IsSwitch( sArg, '--port', sValue) then begin
281 // --port arg (=9090) Port number to connect
285 else if IsSwitch( sArg, '--domain-socket', sValue) then begin
286 …// --domain-socket arg Domain Socket (e.g. /tmp/ThriftTest.thrift), instead of host and po…
287 raise Exception.Create('domain-socket not supported');
289 // --pipe arg Windows Named Pipe (e.g. MyThriftPipe)
290 else if IsSwitch( sArg, '--pipe', sValue) then begin
291 // --pipe arg Windows Named Pipe (e.g. MyThriftPipe)
296 else if IsSwitch( sArg, '--anon-pipes', sValue) then begin
297 // --anon-pipes hRead hWrite Windows Anonymous Pipes pair (handles)
305 else if IsSwitch( sArg, '--transport', sValue) then begin
306 // --transport arg (=sockets) Transport: buffered, framed, http, winhttp, evhttp
314 else if IsSwitch( sArg, '--protocol', sValue) then begin
315 // --protocol arg (=binary) Protocol: binary, compact, json
321 else if IsSwitch( sArg, '--ssl', sValue) then begin
322 // --ssl Encrypted Transport using SSL
326 else if IsSwitch( sArg, '-n', sValue) or IsSwitch( sArg, '--testloops', sValue) then begin
327 // -n [ --testloops ] arg (=1) Number of Tests
333 else if IsSwitch( sArg, '-t', sValue) or IsSwitch( sArg, '--threads', sValue) then begin
334 // -t [ --threads ] arg (=1) Number of Test threads
339 else if IsSwitch( sArg, '--performance', sValue) then begin
350 // -> behave nicely and allow for attaching a debugger to this process
375 for test := 0 to FNumThreads - 1 do begin
382 for test := 0 to FNumThreads - 1 do begin
423 j : Integer;
475 // in-depth exception test
494 // re-open connection if needed
516 FTransport.Open; // re-open connection, server has already closed
529 // re-open connection if needed
557 i32 := client.testI32(-1);
558 Expect( i32 = -1, 'testI32(-1) = ' + IntToStr(i32));
560 Console.WriteLine('testI64(-34359738368)');
561 i64 := client.testI64(-34359738368);
562 Expect( i64 = -34359738368, 'testI64(-34359738368) = ' + IntToStr( i64));
564 guidOut := StringToGUID('{00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF}');
591 Expect( abs(dub-5.325098235) < 1e-14, 'testDouble(5.325098235) = ' + FloatToStr( dub));
595 Console.WriteLine('testStruct({''Zero'', 1, -3, -5})');
599 o.I32_thing := -3;
600 o.I64_thing := -5;
604 Expect( i.I32_thing = -3, 'i.I32_thing = '+IntToStr(i.I32_thing));
605 Expect( i.I64_thing = -5, 'i.I64_thing = '+IntToStr(i.I64_thing));
613 Console.WriteLine('testNest({1, {''Zero'', 1, -3, -5}, 5})');
622 Expect( i.I32_thing = -3, 'i.I32_thing = '+IntToStr(i.I32_thing));
623 Expect( i.I64_thing = -5, 'i.I64_thing = '+IntToStr(i.I64_thing));
637 for j := 0 to 4 do
639 mapout.AddOrSetValue( j, j - 10);
654 for j := 0 to 4 do
656 …Expect( mapout.ContainsKey(j), 'testMap: mapout.ContainsKey('+IntToStr(j)+') = '+BoolToString(mapo…
661 Expect( mapin[key] = key - 10, 'testMap: mapin['+IntToStr(key)+'] = '+IntToStr( mapin[key]));
669 for j := 0 to 4 do
671 strmapout.AddOrSetValue( IntToStr(j), IntToStr(j - 10));
686 for j := 0 to 4 do
688 Expect( strmapout.ContainsKey(IntToStr(j)),
689 'testStringMap: strmapout.ContainsKey('+IntToStr(j)+') = '
690 + BoolToString(strmapout.ContainsKey(IntToStr(j))));
695 …Expect( strmapin[strkey] = IntToStr( StrToInt(strkey) - 10), 'testStringMap: strmapin['+strkey+'] …
704 for j := -2 to 2 do
706 setout.Add( j );
710 for j in setout do
715 Console.Write(IntToStr( j));
722 for j := -2 to 2 do // unordered, we can't rely on the order => test for known elements only
724 …Expect( setin.Contains(j), 'testSet: setin.Contains('+IntToStr(j)+') => '+BoolToString(setin.Conta…
732 listout.Add( -2);
734 listout.Add( -4);
738 for j in listout do
743 Console.Write(IntToStr( j));
751 Expect( listin[1] = -2, 'listin[1] = '+IntToStr( listin[1]));
753 Expect( listin[3] = -4, 'listin[3] = '+IntToStr( listin[3]));
797 neg := mm[-4];
798 for j := 1 to 4 do
800 Expect( pos[j] = j, 'pos[j] = '+IntToStr(pos[j]));
801 Expect( neg[-j] = -j, 'neg[-j] = '+IntToStr(neg[-j]));
813 truck.Byte_thing := -8; // byte is signed
873 * @return map<UserId, map<Numberz,Insanity>> - a map with the above values
902 for arg0 := 0 to insane.Xtructs.Count-1 do begin
943 { this is not necessarily true, these fields are default-serialized
977 { this is not necessarily true, these fields are default-serialized
996 for k := 0 to 1000 - 1 do
1000 …Console.WriteLine(' = ' + FloatToStr( (GetTickCount - StartTick) / 1000 ) + ' ms a testVoid() call…
1040 … if not FTransport.IsOpen then FTransport.Open; // re-open connection, server has already closed
1115 TEST_DOUBLE = -1.234e-56;
1117 TEST_STRING = 'abc-'#$00E4#$00f6#$00fc; // german umlauts (en-us: "funny chars")
1118 // Test THRIFT-2336 and THRIFT-3404 with U+1D11E (G Clef symbol) and 'Русское Название';
1173 Expect( abs(prot.ReadDouble-TEST_DOUBLE) < abs(DELTA_DOUBLE), 'WriteDouble/ReadDouble');
1182 iErr := -1;
1209 // We can't assume hex-encoding, since (nearly) any Unicode char is valid JSON
1222 // Widechars should work with hex-encoding too. Do they?
1235 prot := nil; //-> Release
1251 Console.WriteLine( StringOfChar('-',60));
1268 // -> issue DebugBreak ONLY if a debugger is attached,
1269 // -> unhandled DebugBreaks would cause Windows to terminate the app otherwise
1295 for sLine in FErrors do Console.WriteLine('- '+sLine);
1352 for i := 0 to FNumIterations - 1 do begin