Lines Matching full:your
3 Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Apache Thrift project! Information on why and h…
12 it activates the continuous integration (CI) build systems at Appveyor and Travis to build your cha…
30 1. Create a fork in your GitHub account of
31 1. Clone the fork to your development system.
32 1. Create a branch for your changes (best practice is issue as branch name, e.g. THRIFT-9999).
38 …your change works on other platforms by adding a GitHub service hook to [Travis CI](…
40 1. Squash your changes to a single commit. This maintains clean change history.
41 …1. Commit and push changes to your branch (please use issue name and description as commit title, …
42 …ull request going from your branch to apache:master. Ensure that the Jira ticket number is at the…
43 …1. Wait for other contributors or committers to review your new addition, and for a CI build to co…
44 …1. Wait for a committer to commit your patch. You can nudge the committers if necessary by sendin…
63 1. Contribute your code changes using the GitHub pull request method:
67 To create a patch from changes in your local directory:
71 …hen wait for contributors or committers to review your changes, and then for a committer to apply …
75 Sometimes commmitters may ask you to take actions in your pull requests. Here are some recipes tha…
77 ### Squash your changes ###
79 …rebased your existing pull request, you can squash all your commits down to a single commit. This…
85 5. All your changes are now in a single commit.
87 …standing, you will need to do a "force push" to overwrite it since you changed your commit history:
93 ### Rebase your pull request ###
95 If your pull request has a conflict with master, it needs to be rebased:
104 If your pull request contains commits that are not yours, then you should use the following techniq…
110 (pick only your commits from your original pull request in ascending chronological order)
111 squash your changes to a single commit if there is more than one (see above)
114 …your commits in order to the current master, then you will squash them to a single commit, and the…