Lines Matching refs:dest
124 notand g0,3,g4 # extract word addr of start of dest
126 and g0,3,LSW # extract byte offset of dest
140 lda 4(g4),g4 # post-increment dest word pointer
142 ld (g4),MSW # fetch next word of dest
146 subo 4,g4,g4 # move dest word ptr back to word with null
148 lda (g4),g2 # set dest byte ptr to 1st byte of word w/ null
156 lda 1(g2),g2 # move dest byte ptr to next byte
170 notand g0,3,g4 # extract word addr of start of dest
172 cmpo g0,g4 # check alignment of dest
175 bne.f Lcase_235 # branch if dest is NOT word aligned
187 Lcase_1: # src and dest are word aligned
188 subo 4,g4,g4 # store is pre-incrementing; back up dest addr
192 addo 4,g4,g4 # pre-increment dest addr
196 st g2,(g4) # store word in dest string
209 stob g14,(g4) # store the byte in dest
210 lda 1(g4),g4 # post-increment dest byte addr
214 bx (g13) # g0 = addr of dest; g14 = 0
218 Lcase_3: # src is word aligned; dest is not
219 addo 4,g4,g4 # move dest word ptr to first word boundary
224 Lcase_3_cloop_at_start: # character copying loop for start of dest str
233 stob g14,(g2) # store the byte in dest
234 lda 1(g2),g2 # post-increment dest ptr
236 cmpo g2,g4 # have we reached word boundary in dest?
253 st g2,(g4) # store 4 bytes to dest
254 addo 4,g4,g4 # post-increment dest ptr
258 lda (g0),g2 # copy dest ptr
265 be.t Lcase_3 # branch if dest is word aligned
268 cmpo g2,g14 # < indicates first word of dest has more bytes
269 lda 4(g4),g4 # move dest word addr to first word boundary