Lines Matching refs:OpenThread
1 [![OpenThread][ot-logo]][ot-repo] [![Build][ot-gh-action-build-svg]][ot-gh-action-build] [![Simulat…
5 # What is OpenThread?
7 OpenThread released by Google is... <a href="…
9 …at-is-Thread/Overview) networking protocol.** Google Nest has released OpenThread to make the tech…
28 # Who supports OpenThread?
36 - Learn more about OpenThread features and enhancements
37 - Use OpenThread in your products
39 - Port OpenThread to a new platform
40 - Build an application on top of OpenThread
41 - Certify a product using OpenThread
47 If you're interested in contributing to OpenThread, read on.
51 We would love for you to contribute to OpenThread and help make it even better than it is today! Se…
57 OpenThread is released under the [BSD 3-Clause license](…
59 Please only use the OpenThread name and marks when accurately referencing this software distributio…
63 OpenThread support is available on GitHub: