Lines Matching full:can
11 …'dsc': "Sets the width of object. Pixel, percentage and `LV_SIZE_CONTENT` values can be used. Perc…
15 …'dsc': "Sets a minimal width. Pixel and percentage values can be used. Percentage values are relat…
19 …'dsc': "Sets a maximal width. Pixel and percentage values can be used. Percentage values are relat…
23 …'dsc': "Sets the height of object. Pixel, percentage and `LV_SIZE_CONTENT` can be used. Percentage…
27 …'dsc': "Sets a minimal height. Pixel and percentage values can be used. Percentage values are rela…
31 …'dsc': "Sets a maximal height. Pixel and percentage values can be used. Percentage values are rela…
35 …ate of the object considering the set `align`. Pixel and percentage values can be used. Percentage…
39 …ate of the object considering the set `align`. Pixel and percentage values can be used. Percentage…
47 …both sides with this value. Pixel and percentage (with `lv_pct(x)`) values can be used. Percentage…
51 …both sides with this value. Pixel and percentage (with `lv_pct(x)`) values can be used. Percentage…
55 …igns and other positioning. Pixel and percentage (with `lv_pct(x)`) values can be used. Percentage…
59 …igns and other positioning. Pixel and percentage (with `lv_pct(x)`) values can be used. Percentage…
137 …'dsc': "Set a background image. Can be a pointer to `lv_img_dsc_t`, a path to a file or an `LV_SYM…
166 'dsc': "Set the width of the border. Only pixel values can be used."},
170 …ues are `LV_BORDER_SIDE_NONE/TOP/BOTTOM/LEFT/RIGHT/INTERNAL`. OR-ed values can be used as well, e.…
208 …'dsc': "Make the shadow calculation to use a larger or smaller rectangle as base. The value can be…
275 …rc will be masked out. It's useful to display complex effects on the arcs. Can be a pointer to `lv…
300 …ible values are `LV_TEXT_DECOR_NONE/UNDERLINE/STRIKETHROUGH`. OR-ed values can be used as well." },
313 'dsc': "Enable to clip the overflowed content on the rounded corner. Can be `true` or `false`." },