Lines Matching refs:used

3 *Styles* are used to set the appearance of objects. Styles in lvgl are heavily inspired by CSS. The…
7 - The same style can be used by any number of objects.
11 …e. This means if a property is specified in two styles the newest style in the object will be used.
38 …e best matching state's property will be used. Typically this means the property with `LV_STATE_DE…
39 If the property is not set even for the default state the default value will be used. (See later)
50 … precedence which is higher than the default state's 0x0000 precedence, so gray color will be used.
51 3. When the object is focused the same thing happens as in pressed state and red color will be used
52 …ed would work, but the pressed state has higher precedence than focused so gray color will be used.
54 …0x0022 precedence, which is higher than the pressed state's precedence so rose color would be used.
70 This is much like in CSS when used classes are listed like `<div class=".btn .btn-red">`.
85 So if a button is pressed, and the text color comes from here, the pressed text color will be used.
100 You may also want to force the default value of a property to be used, without needing to hardcode …
185 Later `const` style can be used like any other style but (obviously) new properties can not be adde…
209 …on will remove `style` only if the `selector` matches with the `selector` used in `lv_obj_add_styl…
221 …heritance, local styles and transitions (see below) - property get functions like this can be used:
232 Local styles are like normal styles, but they can't be shared among other objects. If used, local s…
291 …- `LV_LAYER_SIMPLE_FALLBACK_BUF_SIZE`: [bytes] used if `LV_LAYER_SIMPLE_BUF_SIZE` couldn't be all…
293used the layer can not be rendered in chunks, but one larger memory needs to be allocated. The req…
295 …er and uses less memory). If the opposite case ARGB rendering needs to be used. A widget might not…