Lines Matching full:or
4 …gets/core/img), [List](/widgets/extra/list), [Chart](/widgets/extra/chart) or [Text area](/widgets…
8 …g an `lv_obj_t` pointer as a handle. This pointer can later be used to set or get the attributes o…
53 …he parent but there are objects which are typically a parent (e.g. button) or a child (e.g. label).
82 If a child is partially or fully outside its parent then the parts outside will not be visible.
134 Screens can be created with any object type. For example, a [Base object](/widgets/obj) or an image…
165 - `LV_SCR_LOAD_ANIM_FADE_IN/OUT` Fade the new screen over the old screen, or vice versa
188 - `LV_PART_INDICATOR` Indicator, e.g. for slider, bar, switch, or the tick box of the checkbox
190 - `LV_PART_SELECTED` Indicate the currently selected option or section
192 - `LV_PART_TICKS` Ticks on scales e.g. for a chart or meter
193 - `LV_PART_CURSOR` Mark a specific place e.g. text area's or chart's cursor
202 - `LV_STATE_CHECKED` Toggled or checked state
203 - `LV_STATE_FOCUSED` Focused via keypad or encoder or clicked via touchpad/mouse
204 - `LV_STATE_FOCUS_KEY` Focused via keypad or encoder but not via touchpad/mouse
217 To set or clear given state (but leave the other states untouched) use `lv_obj_add/clear_state(obj,…
218 In both cases OR-ed state values can be used as well. E.g. `lv_obj_add_state(obj, part, LV_STATE_PR…