Lines Matching refs:object
3 …riggered in LVGL when something happens which might be interesting to the user, e.g. when an object
9 ## Add events to the object
11 The user can assign callback functions to an object to see its events. In practice, it looks like t…
28 More events can be added to an object, like this:
35 Even the same event callback can be used on an object with different `user_data`. For example:
47 ## Remove event(s) from an object
49 Events can be removed from an object with the `lv_obj_remove_event_cb(obj, event_cb)` function or `…
69 - `LV_EVENT_PRESSED` An object has been pressed
70 - `LV_EVENT_PRESSING` An object is being pressed (called continuously while pressing)
71 - `LV_EVENT_PRESS_LOST` An object is still being pressed but slid cursor/finger off of the object
72 - `LV_EVENT_SHORT_CLICKED` An object was pressed for a short period of time, then released. Not …
73 - `LV_EVENT_LONG_PRESSED` An object has been pressed for at least the `long_press_time` specified i…
75 - `LV_EVENT_CLICKED` Called on release if an object did not scroll (regardless of long press)
76 - `LV_EVENT_RELEASED` Called in every case when an object has been released
79 - `LV_EVENT_SCROLL` An object was scrolled
81 - `LV_EVENT_KEY` A key is sent to an object. Get the key with `lv_indev_get_key(lv_indev_g…
82 - `LV_EVENT_FOCUSED` An object is focused
83 - `LV_EVENT_DEFOCUSED` An object is unfocused
84 - `LV_EVENT_LEAVE` An object is unfocused but still selected
85 …a = lv_event_get_hit_test_info(e)` and check if `a->point` can click the object or not. If not set…
89 - `LV_EVENT_COVER_CHECK` Check if an object fully covers an area. The event parameter is `lv_cover_…
90 - `LV_EVENT_REFR_EXT_DRAW_SIZE` Get the required extra draw area around an object (e.g. for a shad…
118 - `LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED` The object's value has changed (i.e. slider moved)
119 - `LV_EVENT_INSERT` Text is being inserted into the object. The event data is `char *` being …
120 - `LV_EVENT_REFRESH` Notify the object to refresh something on it (for the user)
128 They can be sent to any object with `lv_event_send(obj, MY_EVENT_1, &some_data)`
132 To manually send events to an object, use `lv_event_send(obj, <EVENT_CODE> &some_data)`.
143 `LV_EVENT_REFRESH` is a special event because it's designed to let the user notify an object to ref…
147 - add/remove styles to/from an object if a limit is exceeded, etc
153 - `lv_event_get_current_target(e)` get the object to which an event was sent. I.e. the object whose…
154 - `lv_event_get_target(e)` get the object that originally triggered the event (different from `lv_e…
161 If `lv_obj_add_flag(obj, LV_OBJ_FLAG_EVENT_BUBBLE)` is enabled all events will be sent to an object…
163 The *target* parameter of the event is always the current target object, not the original object. T…