Lines Matching full:this
11 This approach has two main advantages compared to directly drawing to the display:
16 Note that this concept is different from "traditional" double buffering where there are two display…
56 …e a draw descriptor from an object's styles (e.g. `lv_draw_rect_dsc_t`). This gives us the parame…
60 …e buffer as it is (255 by default) and set the rest to 0 to indicate that this side should be remo…
104 A good use case for this is the [Button matrix](/widgets/core/btnmatrix) widget. By default, its bu…
117 Sent before starting to draw an object. This is a good place to add masks manually. E.g. add a line…
121 The actual drawing of an object happens in this event. E.g. a rectangle for a button is drawn here.…
149 This allows changing the parts on a very low level with masks, extra drawing, or changing the param…
183 Start the drawing of a part. This is a good place to modify the draw descriptors (e.g. `rect_dsc`),…
187 Finish the drawing of a part. This is a good place to draw extra content on the part or remove mask…
193 This event is used to check whether an object fully covers an area or not.
205 - It does not have normal blending mode. In this case LVGL needs to know the colors under the objec…
210 Before sending this event LVGL checks if at least the widget's coordinates fully cover the area or …
218 Let's say you create an event which writes the current value of a slider above its knob. In this ca…