Lines Matching full:can
46 As it's described in the [Using styles](#using-styles) section, coordinates can also be set via sty…
102 The following alignment options can be used:
128 Besides the alignments options above, the following can be used to align an object outside the refe…
148 Note that, unlike with `lv_obj_align()`, `lv_obj_align_to()` can not realign the object if its coor…
153 The width and the height of an object can be set easily as well:
170 The above functions set the size of an object's bounding box but the size of the content area can b…
176 The size of the bounding box and the content area can be retrieved with the following functions:
191 - The values can be partially overwritten by other styles. For example `style_btn` makes the object…
192 - The object can have different position or size depending on state. E.g. 100 px wide in `LV_STATE_…
193 - Style transitions can be used to make the coordinate changes smooth.
207 …nate setting features have a "simple" version and the more complex features can be used via styles.
234 …ons are not at y=100, `style_pressed` won't work as expected. Translations can be used to solve th…
256 Percentage values can be used in translations as well. The percentage is relative to the size of th…
258 …ied after the layouts are calculated. Therefore, even laid out objects' position can be translated.
264 Similarly to position, an object's size can be changed relative to the current size as well.
292 Percentage values can be used as well which are relative to the size of the parent's content area.
305 Layouts can update the position and size of an object's children. They can be used to automatically…
320 There are some flags that can be used on objects to affect how they behave with layouts:
322 - `LV_OBJ_FLAG_IGNORE_LAYOUT` The object is simply ignored by the layouts. Its coordinates can be s…
325 These flags can be added/removed with `lv_obj_add/clear_flag(obj, FLAG);`
329 LVGL can be freely extended by a custom layout like this:
345 Custom style properties can be added which can be retrieved and used in the update callback. For ex…