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3 You can automatically change the value of a variable between a start and an end value using animati…
21 lv_anim_t a;
22 lv_anim_init(&a);
28 lv_anim_set_exec_cb(&a, (lv_anim_exec_xcb_t) lv_obj_set_x);
31 lv_anim_set_var(&a, obj);
34 lv_anim_set_time(&a, duration);
37 lv_anim_set_values(&a, start, end);
43 lv_anim_set_delay(&a, delay);
46 lv_anim_set_path(&a, lv_anim_path_ease_in);
48 /*Set a callback to indicate when the animation is ready (idle).*/
49 lv_anim_set_ready_cb(&a, ready_cb);
51 /*Set a callback to indicate when the animation is deleted (idle).*/
52 lv_anim_set_deleted_cb(&a, deleted_cb);
54 /*Set a callback to indicate when the animation is started (after delay).*/
55 lv_anim_set_start_cb(&a, start_cb);
58 lv_anim_set_playback_time(&a, time);
61 lv_anim_set_playback_delay(&a, delay);
64 lv_anim_set_repeat_count(&a, cnt);
67 lv_anim_set_repeat_delay(&a, delay);
70 lv_anim_set_early_apply(&a, true/false);
74 lv_anim_start(&a); /*Start the animation*/
79 …animation can exist with a given variable and function pair and `lv_anim_start()` will remove any …
84 A *path* is a function which calculates the next value to set based on the current state of the ani…
92 - `lv_anim_path_bounce` bounce back a little from the end value (like hitting a wall)
98 …on calculates the required time in milliseconds to reach the end value from a start value with the…
106 A timeline is a collection of multiple animations which makes it easy to create complex composite a…
112 …to the animation timeline by calling `lv_anim_timeline_add(at, start_time, &a)`. `start_time` is t…