Lines Matching refs:dropdown

23 - fix(dropdown): avoid partial match in lv_dropdown_get_option_index [`4598`](…
24 - fix(dropdown): reset char_i = 0, avoid access overflow [`4589`](…
59 - fix(docs): dropdown: fix function name in description of static options [`4535`](https://github.c…
62 - fix(dropdown): position to the selected item in lv_dropdown_set_selected [`f174589`](https://gith…
75 - ci(dropdown): fix test [`5fc488a`](…
413 - feat(dropdown): add lv_dropdown_get_option_index [`9997fb0`](…
558 - fix(dropdown): fix scrolling when options are CENTER aligned [`e651383`](…
698 - feat(dropdown): keep the list on open/close for simpler styling [`9d3134b`](…
744 - fix(dropdown): in lv_dropdown_get_selected_str handle if there are no options [`2925`](https://gi…
821 - fix(dropdown) be sure the list is the top object on the screen [`cb7fc2b`](…
867 - test(dropdown) fix to pass again [`918b3de`](…
1119 - fix(dropdown) forget the selected option on encoder longpress [`e66b935`](…
1145 - fix(dropdown) handle LV_KEY_ENTER [`8a50edd`](…
1163 - fix(dropdown) use LV_EVENT_READY/CANCEL on list open/close [`4dd1d56`](…
1185 - fix(dropdown) add missing invalidations [`33b5d4a`](…
1186 - fix(dropdown) adjust the handling of keys sent to the dropdown [`e41c507`](…
1191 - fix(dropdown) fix list position with RTL base direction [`79edb37`](…
1196 - fix(dropdown) send LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED to allow styling of the list [`dae7039`](https://github…
1413 - test add build test again, add dropdown test, integrate gcov and gvocr [`e35b1d0`](https://github…
1414 - test(dropdown) add tess for keypad and encoder [`4143b80`](…
1432 - test(dropdown) remove dummy test case [`9fb98da`](…
1727 - fix(dropdown) fix selecting options after the last one
1745 - fix(dropdown) arabic process the option in lv_dropdown_add_option
1773 - fix(dropdown) support Arabic letter connections
1816 - Fix dropdown selection with RTL basedirection
1823 - Fix BIDI support in dropdown list
1837 - Fix selection of options with non-ASCII letters in dropdown list
2062 - ddlist -> dropdown
2073 - `dropdown`: Completely reworked. Now creates a separate list when opened and can be dropped to do…