Lines Matching full:with
16 - fix(table):fix issue with abnormal string output of 'lv_table_set_cell_value_fmt' [`4804`](https:…
31 - fix(draw): fix scaling rectangle parts with opa [`7a8fcbf`](…
138 - fix(btnmatrix): fix array out of bounds addressing with groups and no buttons [`edd5ad2`](https:/…
140 - fix(draw): typo with LV_COLOR_DEPTH 8 [`45b13c3`](…
141 - fix(disp): fix memory leak lv_scr_load_anim with auto_del and time=0 [`1caafc5`](https://github.c…
180 - fix: color mixing with LV_COLOR_SWAP == 1 [`4101`](
199 - fix(gif): synchronize with master [`4003`](
261 - feat(table): scroll to the selected cell with key navigation [`39d03a8`](…
275 - fix(draw): fix text color with sub pixel rendering and BGR order [`e050f5c`](…
277 - fix(gridnav): fix stucking in pressed state with encoder [`ad56dfa`](…
294 - fix(sdl): clear streaming/target texture with FillRect [`3682`](…
295 - fix(sdl): transformation with alpha (#3576) [`3678`](
301 - fix(draw): allow drawing outline with LV_DRAW_COMPLEX == 0 too [`ece3495`](…
304 - fix(draw): fix border drawing with thick borders [`d5b2a9b`](…
305 - fix(refr): fix true double double buffering logic with transparent screens [`8b605cc`](https://gi…
316 - ci: protect test.c with #if LV_BUILD_TEST [`be485d7`](…
338 - example(freetype): replace the arial font with lato to avoid licensing issues [`8544cc3`](https:/…
355 - **Color font support** You can use emojis and images in texts with this great new features. See m…
380 - feat(gpu): Update lv_gpu_arm2d with new features [`3340`](
399 - feat(menu): make menu widget more compatible with encoder [`3061`](…
415 - feat(indev): send LV_EVENT_PRESS_LOST on release with wait_until_release [`cc18518`](https://gith…
429 - fix(draw): conflict with external ALIGN define [`3336`](
430 - fix(arc): fix bug with LV_ARC_MODE_REVERSE (#3417) [`3418`](…
436 - fix(bmp): fix with LV_COLOR_16_SWAP [`3412`](
467 - fix(fs): track multiple directory handles with win32 backends [`3243`](…
496 - fix(indev): fix warning about formatting uint32_t with %d [`3193`](…
515 - fix(fsdrv): replacing sprintf with lv_snprintf for safety [`3079`](…
526 - fix(disp): make lv_scr_load work better with lv_scr_load_anim and auto_del = true [`52287fd`](htt…
530 - fix(scroll): send LV_EVENT_SCROLL_BEGIN/END with no animation too [`777fe1e`](…
538 - fix(refr): consider masks with LV_OBJ_FLAG_OVERFLOW_VISIBLE [`a7f9dfa`](…
540 - fix(style): fix heap use after free with transition styles [`d9ae58b`](…
567 - fix(gpu): fix warning with NXP GPU [`6be43b8`](…
586 - example(slider): make lv_example_slider_3 work with dark theme too [`4a766c5`](…
595 - docs(pc-simulator): add MDK with FastModel [`3318`](
621 - ci(docs) replace use of sed with proper configuration variables [`1816fa5`](…
625 - ci update docs builder to work with Python 3.10 [`a3d66c9`](…
703 - feat(slider): consider ext_click_area on the knob with LV_OBJ_FLAG_ADV_HITTEST [`9d3fb41`](https:…
720 - fix(draw): rendering issues for vertical gradient with and without dithering [`3034`](https://git…
752 - fix(list) guard image creation with LV_USE_IMG [`2881`](…
758 - fix(refr): swap buffers only on the last area with direct mode [`2867`](…
769 - fix(qrcode): replace memcpy() with lv_memcpy() and delete useless macros [`2827`](https://github.…
793 - fix(align) fix LV_SIZE_CONTENT size calculation with not LEFT or TOP alignment [`9c67642`](https:…
804 - fix(build) fix sdl build with make [`43729d1`](…
855 - docs(gesture): clarify gesture triggering with scrolling [`e3b43ee`](…
974 - feat(obj) place the scrollbar to the left with RTL base dir. [`906448e`](…
982 - feat(rt-thread): support LVGL projects with GCC/Keil(AC5)/Keil(AC6)/IAR [`32d33fe`](https://githu…
998 - perf(refresh) optimize where to wait for lv_disp_flush_ready with 2 buffers [`d0172f1`](https://g…
1028 - fix: mark unused variable with LV_UNUSED(xxx) instead of (void)xxx [`2734`](…
1045 - fix(kconfig) sync Kconfig with the latest lv_conf_template.h [`2662`](…
1051 - fix(log): replace printf with fwrite to save the stack size [`2655`](…
1065 - fix(btnmatrix): make ORed values work correctly with lv_btnmatrix_has_btn_ctrl [`2571`](https://g…
1077 - fix(color) Bad cast in lv_color_mix() caused UB with 16bpp or less [`2509`](…
1088 - fix(chart) fixed cursor positioning with large Y rescaling without LV_USE_LARGE_COORD [`2399`](ht…
1110 - fix (draw) fix arc bg image drawing with full arcs [`c3b6c6d`](…
1135 - fix(color) overflow with 16-bit color depth [`fe6d8d7`](…
1140 - fix(align) avoid circular references with LV_SIZE_CONTENT [`038b781`](…
1141 - fix(draw) with additive blending with 32-bit color depth [`786db2a`](…
1154 - fix(scroll) fix scroll_area_into_view with objects larger than the parent [`5240fdd`](https://git…
1175 - fix(refr) set disp_drv->draw_buf->flushing_last correctly with sw rotation [`c514bdd`](http…
1177 - fix(chart) invalidation with LV_CHART_UPDATE_MODE_SHIFT [`d61617c`](…
1184 - fix(draw) shadow drawing with large shadow width [`f810265`](…
1188 - fix(color) fox color premult precision with 16-bit color depth [`f334226`](…
1191 - fix(dropdown) fix list position with RTL base direction [`79edb37`](…
1192 - fix(obj) fix lv_obj_align_to with RTL base direction [`531afcc`](…
1199 - fix(blend) fix green channel with additive blending [`78158f0`](…
1209 - fix(tabview) fix with left and right tabs [`17c5744`](…
1212 - fix(label) update lv_label_get_letter_pos to work with LV_BASE_DIR_AUTO too [`580e05a`](https://g…
1213 - fix(label) fix in lv_label_get_letter_pos with when pos==line_start [`58f3f56`](…
1214 - fix(gif) replace printf statement with LVGL logging [`56f62b8`](…
1219 - fix(label) fix lv_label_get_letter_on with BIDI enabled [`192419e`](…
1230 - fix(chart) don't draw series lines with < 1 points [`655f42b`](…
1240 - fix(textarea) allow using cursor with not full bg_opa [`c9d3965`](…
1249 - fix(draw) fix shadow drawing with radius=0 [`4250e3c`](…
1258 - fix(draw) fix rectangle drawing with clip_corner enabled [`01237da`](…
1296 - feat(example) add text with gradient example [`462fbcb`](…
1306 - fix(examples) fix MicroPython examples and run the examples with CI [`2339`](…
1307 - fix(examples) align with renamed Micropython APIs [`2338`](
1312 - feat(example) add text with gradient example [`462fbcb`](…
1395 - docs(btnmatrix) fix typo with set_all/clear_all parameters [`51a82a1`](…
1442 - chore: replace (void)xxx with LV_UNUSED(xxx) [`2779`](
1464 - Fix two examples in the docs with new v8 api [`2486`](
1531 - fix (draw) fix arc bg image drawing with full arcs
1553 - fix(color) overflow with 16-bit color depth
1556 - fix(chart) invalidation with LV_CHART_UPDATE_MODE_SHIFT
1589 - fix(tabview) fix with left and right tabs <a href="">…
1600 - fix(draw) with additive blending with 32-bit color depth <a href="…
1603 - perf(refresh) optimize where to wait for lv_disp_flush_ready with 2 buffers <a href="https://gith…
1618 v8 is a major change and therefore it's not backward compatible with v7.
1677 … will follow [Release branches with GitLab flow](…
1696 - Add better screen orientation management with software rotation support
1706 - fix(draw) overlap outline with background to prevent aliasing artifacts
1746 - fix(textarea) buffer overflow in password mode with UTF-8 characters
1748 - fix(linemeter) draw critical lines with correct color
1752 - fix(gauge) fix redraw with image needle
1757 - fix(lv_scr_load_anim) fix when multiple screens are loaded at the same time with delay
1771 - fix(arabic) support processing again already processed texts with _lv_txt_ap_proc
1776 - fix(arc) make arc work with encoder
1777 - fix(slider) adjusting the left knob too with encoder
1787 - fix(btnmatrix): fix setting the same map with modified pointers
1791 - fix(imgbtn) guess the closest available state with valid src
1816 - Fix dropdown selection with RTL basedirection
1817 - Fix rectangle border drawing with large width
1826 - Fix transitions with style caching
1828 - Fix imgbtn image switching with empty style
1837 - Fix selection of options with non-ASCII letters in dropdown list
1854 - Fix drawing images with 1 px height or width
1858 The main new features of v7.4 are run-time font loading, style caching and arc knob with value sett…
1863 - Add style caching to reduce access time of properties with default value
1866 - send gestures event if the object was dragged. User can check dragging with `lv_indev_is_dragging…
1873 - Fix deleting tabview with LEFT/RIGHT tab position
1883 - Fix text decor (underline strikethrough) with older versions of font converter
1889 - Limit extra button click area of button matrix's buttons. With large paddings it was counter-intu…
1917 - Add screen transitions with `lv_scr_load_anim()`
1918 … wallpaper and opacity. Shown when the screen is transparent. Can be used with `lv_disp_set_bg_opa…
1927 …tting range of secondary y-axis (based on `lv_chart_set_range` but extended with an axis parameter)
1929 - Add `theme->apply_cb` to replace `theme->apply_xcb` to make it compatible with the MicroPython bi…
1936 - Use 14px font by default to for better compatibility with smaller displays
1940 - Improve mono theme when used with keyboard or encoder
1972 - Fix crash when a text area is cleared with the backspace of a keyboard
1974 - Add log in true double buffering mode with `set_px_cb`
1975 - `lv_dropdown`: fix missing `LV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED` event when used with encoder
1993 - Prefix some internal API functions with `_` to reduce the API of LVGL
1997 - Fix lv_roller in infinite mode when used with encoder
1999 - Add `LV_COLOR_MIX_ROUND_OFS` to adjust color mixing to make it compatible with the GPU
2001 - Remove memcpy from `lv_ll` (caused issues with some optimization settings)
2033 The old style system is replaced with a new more flexible and lightweighted one.
2051 …be integrated into LVGL. In `lv_conf.h` any supported GPUs can be enabled with a single configurat…
2078 - `chart`: only has `LINE` and `COLUMN` types because with new styles all the others can be describ…