Lines Matching refs:in
18 - Written in C for maximal compatibility (C++ compatible)
36 Set by <em>LV_MEM_SIZE</em> in <em>lv_conf.h</em>. </li>
38 <li> One frame buffer in the MCU or in an external display controller</li>
45 <a href="">callbacks</a>.</li>
51 This means you can use it even in commercial projects.
53 It's not mandatory, but we highly appreciate it if you write a few words about your project in the …
55 … behind it. It's created by a group of volunteers who made it available for you in their free time.
95 The changes are recorded in [](/CHANGELOG).
114 You can ask questions in the forum: [](
149 - Enable asserts in `lv_conf.h` (`LV_USE_ASSERT_...`)
155 Be sure you are calling `lv_tick_inc(x)` in an interrupt and `lv_timer_handler()` in your main `whi…
157 Learn more in the [Tick](/porting/tick) and [Timer handler](/porting/timer-handler) sections.
163 Probably there a bug in your display driver. Try the following code without using LVGL. You should …
189 …r format is not compatible with your display's color format. Check `LV_COLOR_DEPTH` in *lv_conf.h*.
191 …(or another byte-oriented interface) you probably need to set `LV_COLOR_16_SWAP 1` in *lv_conf.h*.
197 - Use two display buffers and flush the buffer with DMA (or similar peripheral) in the background
200 - Keep the display buffer in internal RAM (not in external SRAM) because LVGL uses it a lot and it …
203 …ll the unused features (such as animations, file system, GPU etc.) and object types in *lv_conf.h*.
209 - Reduce `LV_MEM_SIZE` in *lv_conf.h*. This memory is used when you create objects like buttons, la…