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3 All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
80 - Changed certification `OnTxPeriodicityChanged` callback implementation in order to directly apply…
82 - Changed SX1272 and SX1276 FSK FIFO threshold from 15 to 31 in order to give more time for the MCU…
96 - Fixed an issue when receiving downlinks in class C window during a class A procedure
101 - Fixed ping-slot frequency to take in account the `AS923_FREQ_OFFSET_HZ` parameter
102 - Fixed fragmentation loop variable type in order to allow more than 255 fragments
233 - Changed radio `IsChannelFree API` in order to provide reception bandwidth
244 - Fixed missing `{` after `extern "C"` in `cmac.h` file
287 - Updated `Radio.TimeOnAir` API in order to be independent of the current hardware settings
300 …n for repeater support. LoRa-Alliance will provide details on these tables usage in future versions
306 - Fixed SX126x driver missing call to `RadioStandby` in LoRa modem case inside `RadioSetRxConfig` A…
314 - Fixed issue where the stack could get stuck in MCPS busy state after MLME Device Time Request
359 - Functions in ISR context have been moved to main context
427 - Added a workaround to reset the radio in case a `TxTimeout` occurs
434 - Changed FSK modem handling to use the provided `symbolTimeout` (1 symbol equals 1 byte) when in `…
466 - Updated the MAC layer in order to be LoRaWAN version 1.0.1 compliant (Mainly US915 bug fixes)
479 - Fixed US band in order to pass the LoRaWAN certification
516 - Issue(#81): Bug fix in function `LoRaMacMlmeRequest` case `MLME_JOIN`. Function will return `LORA…
517 case the MAC is in status `MAC_TX_DELAYED`
518 - Issue(#83): Bug fix in parameter validation
521 - Issue(#88): Bug fix in function `PrepareFrame` where repeated MAC commands were not handled corre…
538 - Introduce a new status `MAC_RX_ABORT`. Reset `MAC_TX_RUNNING` only in `OnMacStateCheckTimerEvent`
547 - Update channel mask handling for US915 hybrid mode to support any block in the channel mask
549 - Replace definition `LORAMAC_DEFAULT_DATARATE` by `ChannelsDefaultDatarate` in `LoRaMacChannelAdd`
559 - Issue(#63) correct the maximum payload length in RX mode
562 - Issue(#72): Fix of possible array overrun in `LoRaMacChannelRemove`
578 - Add a new function `PrepareRxDoneAbort` to prepare a break-out of `OnRadioRxDone` in case of an e…
582 - Application state machine. Relocate setting sleep state and update the duty cycle in compliance t…
584 - Rename attribute `nbRetries` to `NbTrials` in structure `McpsReqConfirmed_t`. (Issue #37)
585 - Updated implementation of `SetNextChannel`. Added enabling default channels in case of join reque…
586 - Relocate the activation of `LoRaMacFlags.Bits.McpsInd` in `OnRadioRxDone`
587 - Reset status of `NodeAckRequested` if we received an ACK or in case of timeout
599 - Fixed `TimerIrqHandler`. Now, it is possible to insert timers in callback
601 - Fixed default channels activation in case all others are disabled. (Issue #39)
602 - Fixed default channel setting in case none is enabled
604 - Start the MacStateCheckTimer in OnRxDone and related error cases with a short interval to handle …
620 - Reverse the EUIs arrays in the MAC layer
650 …tion of the applicative payload length according to the data rate. Does not yet take in account the
655 - Changed all applications in order to have preprocessing definitions on top of the files and added…
704 - Increased FSK SyncWord timeout value in order to listen for longer time if a down link is availab…
705 - Increased the UART USB FIFO buffer size in order to handle bigger chunks of data
717 - Fixed a firmware freeze when one of the following situations arrived in `OnRxDone` callback: bad …
734 - Added a function to get the time in us
757 …This channel is in a sub-band allowing 1% duty-cycle. Therefore this whole sub-band (868 MHz - 868…
771 …ged the TimeOnAir radio function to return a uint32_t value instead of a double. The value is in us
796 - Added an invalid bandwidth to the Bandwidths table in order to avoid an error
798 - Added another timer in order increment the tick counter without blocking the normal timer count
815 - Fixed Radio drivers I&Q signals inversion to be possible in Rx and in Tx
818 - Fixed in `SetRxConfig` function the FSK modem preamble register name
837 - Fixed `NbRepTimeoutTimer` initial value. `RxWindow2Delay` already contains `RxWindow1Delay` in it
856 - Updated LoRaMac applications in order to handle LoRaMac returned functions calls status
913 - Added a function to the timer driver that checks if a timer is already in the list or not
933 - Redefined `rand()` and `srand()` standard C functions. These functions are redefined in order to …
962 - LoRaMac channels definition has been moved to `LoRaMac-board.h` file located in each specific boa…
1013 …radio driver the possibility to choose the preamble length and rxSingle symbol timeout in reception
1016 …- Split the `LoRaMacSendOnChannel` function in `LoRaMacPrepareFrame` and `LoRaMacSendFrameOnChanne…
1026 - Changed copyright Unicode character to (C) in all source files
1040 - Fixed the antenna switch management in the SX1272 driver
1088 - Still some issues with RTC/Timer. Will be solved in a future version
1120 - There is an issue when launching an asynchronous Timer. Will be solved in a future version
1144 - The Radio wakeup time is taken in account for all timings
1145 …- When opening the second reception window the microcontroller sometimes doesn't enter in low powe…