Lines Matching +full:2 +full:f
34 %.test: %.test.o $(foreach f,$(subst /,.,$(SRC:.c=.o)),%.$f)
146 def build(self, f, **_): argument
150 f.write('#define %s %s\n' % (k, v))
152 f.write('void test_case%d(%s) {' % (self.caseno, ','.join(
157 f.write(PROLOGUE)
158 f.write('\n')
159 f.write(4*' '+'// test case %d\n' % self.caseno)
160 f.write(4*' '+'#line %d "%s"\n' % (self.code_lineno, self.suite.path))
163 f.write(self.code)
166 f.write(EPILOGUE)
167 f.write('}\n')
171 f.write('#undef %s\n' % k)
179 len(self.filter) >= 2 and
214 with open(disk, 'w') as f:
215 f.truncate(0)
233 ncmd.extend(['-ex', 'up 2'])
272 with open( as f:
273 lineno = int(
274 line = (next(it.islice(f, lineno-1, None))
359 with open(path) as f:
361 config = toml.load(f)
367 for i, line in enumerate(f):
371 code_linenos.append(i+2)
482 with open(case.in_) as f:
483 for line in f:
496 tf.write(4*' '+'int perm = (argc > 2) ? atoi(argv[2]) : 0;\n')
577 k, v, *_ = define.split('=', 2) + ['']
595 filter = [int(f) for f in filter]
627 cmd = (['make', '-f', 'Makefile'] +
628 list(it.chain.from_iterable(['-f', m] for m in makefiles)) +
654 with open( as f:
655 lineno = int(
656 line = next(it.islice(f, lineno-1, None)).strip('\n')