Lines Matching +full:fail +full:- +full:fast
10 * - Data structures and the address mapping for all peripherals
11 * - Peripheral's registers declarations and bits definition
12 * - Macros to access peripheral's registers hardware
17 * Copyright (c) 2020(-2021) STMicroelectronics.
22 * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
57 …/****** Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers **************************************************…
58 …NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, /*!< Non Maskable Interrupt …
59 …HardFault_IRQn = -13, /*!< Cortex-M0+ Hard Fault Interrupt …
60 …SVC_IRQn = -5, /*!< Cortex-M0+ SV Call Interrupt …
61 …PendSV_IRQn = -2, /*!< Cortex-M0+ Pend SV Interrupt …
62 …SysTick_IRQn = -1, /*!< Cortex-M0+ System Tick Interrupt …
103 /****** Cortex-M4 Processor Exceptions Numbers ***************************************************…
104 …NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, /*!< Non Maskable Interrupt …
105 …HardFault_IRQn = -13, /*!< Cortex-M4 Hard Fault Interrupt …
106 …MemoryManagement_IRQn = -12, /*!< Cortex-M4 Memory Management Interrupt …
107 …BusFault_IRQn = -11, /*!< Cortex-M4 Bus Fault Interrupt …
108 …UsageFault_IRQn = -10, /*!< Cortex-M4 Usage Fault Interrupt …
109 …SVCall_IRQn = -5, /*!< Cortex-M4 SV Call Interrupt …
110 …DebugMonitor_IRQn = -4, /*!< Cortex-M4 Debug Monitor Interrupt …
111 …PendSV_IRQn = -2, /*!< Cortex-M4 Pend SV Interrupt …
112 …SysTick_IRQn = -1, /*!< Cortex-M4 System Tick Interrupt …
188 * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M0+ Processor and Core Peripherals
197 #include "core_cm0plus.h" /* Cortex-M0+ processor and core peripherals */
201 * @brief Configuration of the Cortex-M4 Processor and Core Peripherals
210 #include "core_cm4.h" /* Cortex-M4 processor and core peripherals */
246 … uint32_t RESERVED3[4]; /*!< Reserved, 0x30 - 0x3C */
248 … uint32_t RESERVED4[23];/*!< Reserved, 0x44 - 0x9C */
251 … uint32_t RESERVED5[3]; /*!< Reserved, 0xA8 - 0xB0 */
324 …__IO uint32_t DHR12R1; /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit right-aligned data holding register, Address o…
325 …__IO uint32_t DHR12L1; /*!< DAC channel1 12-bit left aligned data holding register, Address o…
326 …__IO uint32_t DHR8R1; /*!< DAC channel1 8-bit right aligned data holding register, Address o…
330 …__IO uint32_t DHR12RD; /*!< Dual DAC 12-bit right-aligned data holding register, Address o…
331 …__IO uint32_t DHR12LD; /*!< DUAL DAC 12-bit left aligned data holding register, Address o…
332 …__IO uint32_t DHR8RD; /*!< DUAL DAC 8-bit right aligned data holding register, Address o…
353 …uint32_t RESERVED1[13]; /*!< Reserved, 0x08-0x38 …
414 …4]; /*!< Reserved, Address offset: 0x10 - 0x1C */
419 …4]; /*!< Reserved, Address offset: 0x30 - 0x3C */
420 …8]; /*!< Reserved, Address offset: 0x40 - 0x5C */
421 …8]; /*!< Reserved, Address offset: 0x60 - 0x7C */
424 …2]; /*!< Reserved, Address offset: 0x88 - 0x8C */
427 …10]; /*!< Reserved, Address offset: 0x98 - 0xBC */
430 …2]; /*!< Reserved, Address offset: 0xC8 - 0xCC */
456 …ED2[7]; /*!< Reserved, Address offset: 0x40-0x58 */
460 …ED3[6]; /*!< Reserved, Address offset: 0x68-0x7C */
473 …__IO uint32_t PUPDR; /*!< GPIO port pull-up/pull-down register, Address offset: 0x0C */
478 …__IO uint32_t AFR[2]; /*!< GPIO alternate function registers, Address offset: 0x20-0x24 */
487 …SERVED1[3]; /*!< Reserved1, Address offset: 0x04-0x0C */
489 …SERVED2[3]; /*!< Reserved2, Address offset: 0x14-0x1C */
491 …SERVED3[67]; /*!< Reserved3, Address offset: 0x24-0x12C */
512 …__IO uint32_t R[16]; /*!< HSEM 2-step write lock and read back registers, Address offset: 00h…
513 …_t Reserved1[16]; /*!< Reserved Address offset: 40h-7Ch */
514 …__IO uint32_t RLR[16]; /*!< HSEM 1-step read lock registers, Address offset: 80h…
515 …_t Reserved2[16]; /*!< Reserved Address offset: C0h-FCh */
524 …_t Reserved[8]; /*!< Reserved Address offset: 120h-13Ch*/
538 * @brief Inter-integrated Circuit Interface
556 * @brief Inter-Processor Communication
560 …__IO uint32_t C1CR; /*!< Inter-Processor Communication: C1 control register, …
561 …__IO uint32_t C1MR ; /*!< Inter-Processor Communication: C1 mask register, …
562 …__IO uint32_t C1SCR; /*!< Inter-Processor Communication: C1 status set clear register, …
563 …__IO uint32_t C1TOC2SR; /*!< Inter-Processor Communication: C1 to processor M4 status reg…
564 …__IO uint32_t C2CR; /*!< Inter-Processor Communication: C2 control register, …
565 …__IO uint32_t C2MR ; /*!< Inter-Processor Communication: C2 mask register, …
566 …__IO uint32_t C2SCR; /*!< Inter-Processor Communication: C2 status set clear register, …
567 …__IO uint32_t C2TOC1SR; /*!< Inter-Processor Communication: C2 to processor M4 status regi…
616 …uint32_t Reserved1[253]; /*!< Reserved Address offset: 0x000C-0x03F…
617 …__IO uint32_t RAM[894]; /*!< PKA RAM, Address offset: 0x0400-0x11F…
633 …__IO uint32_t PUCRA; /*!< PWR Pull-Up Control Register of port A, Address offset:…
634 …__IO uint32_t PDCRA; /*!< PWR Pull-Down Control Register of port A, Address offset:…
635 …__IO uint32_t PUCRB; /*!< PWR Pull-Up Control Register of port B, Address offset:…
636 …__IO uint32_t PDCRB; /*!< PWR Pull-Down Control Register of port B, Address offset:…
637 …__IO uint32_t PUCRC; /*!< PWR Pull-Up Control Register of port C, Address offset:…
638 …__IO uint32_t PDCRC; /*!< PWR Pull-Down Control Register of port C, Address offset:…
639 …t RESERVED0[8]; /*!< Reserved, Address offset: 0x38-0x54 */
640 …__IO uint32_t PUCRH; /*!< PWR Pull-Up Control Register of port H, Address offset:…
641 …__IO uint32_t PDCRH; /*!< PWR Pull-Down Control Register of port H, Address offset:…
642 …t RESERVED1[8]; /*!< Reserved, Address offset: 0x60-0x7C */
695 … Address offset: 0x98-0x104 */
697 … Address offset: 0x10C-0x144 */
735 * @brief Real-Time Clock
753 …__IO uint32_t TSSSR; /*!< RTC time-stamp sub second register, Address offset: 0x…
791 …SCFG external interrupt configuration registers, Address offset: 0x08-0x14 */
796 …served, Address offset: 0x28-0xFC */
797 …__IO uint32_t IMR1; /*!< SYSCFG CPU1 (CORTEX M4) interrupt masks control-status regis…
798 …__IO uint32_t IMR2; /*!< SYSCFG CPU1 (CORTEX M4) interrupt masks control-status regis…
799 …__IO uint32_t C2IMR1; /*!< SYSCFG CPU2 (CORTEX M0) interrupt masks control-status regis…
800 …__IO uint32_t C2IMR2; /*!< SYSCFG CPU2 (CORTEX M0) interrupt masks control-status regis…
801 …served, Address offset: 0x110-0x204*/
821 …uint32_t RESERVED2[47];/*!< Reserved, Address offset: 0x54 -- 0xFC …
860 __IO uint32_t ARR; /*!< TIM auto-reload register, Address offset: 0x2C */
866 __IO uint32_t BDTR; /*!< TIM break and dead-time register, Address offset: 0x44 */
941 #define UID64_BASE (ENGI_BYTES_BASE + 0x00000180UL) /*!< 64-bit Unique device Identifi…
1769 … ADC_CALFACT_CALFACT_Msk /*!< ADC calibration factor in single-ended mode */
1926 #define DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR DAC_DHR12R1_DACC1DHR_Msk /*!<DAC channel1 12-…
1931 #define DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR DAC_DHR12L1_DACC1DHR_Msk /*!<DAC channel1 12-…
1936 #define DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR DAC_DHR8R1_DACC1DHR_Msk /*!<DAC channel1 8-b…
1941 #define DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR DAC_DHR12RD_DACC1DHR_Msk /*!<DAC channel1 12-…
1946 #define DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR DAC_DHR12LD_DACC1DHR_Msk /*!<DAC channel1 12-…
1951 #define DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR DAC_DHR8RD_DACC1DHR_Msk /*!<DAC channel1 8-b…
2242 #define USART_CR1_M0 USART_CR1_M0_Msk /*!< Word length - B…
2251 … USART_CR1_OVER8_Msk /*!< Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode */
2276 #define USART_CR1_M1 USART_CR1_M1_Msk /*!< Word length - B…
2296 #define USART_CR2_ADDM7 USART_CR2_ADDM7_Msk /*!< 7-bit or 4-bit …
2340 #define USART_CR2_ABREN USART_CR2_ABREN_Msk /*!< Auto Baud-Rate …
2343 … USART_CR2_ABRMODE_Msk /*!< ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode) */
2348 #define USART_CR2_RTOEN USART_CR2_RTOEN_Msk /*!< Receiver Time-O…
2362 #define USART_CR3_IRLP USART_CR3_IRLP_Msk /*!< IrDA Low-Power …
2365 #define USART_CR3_HDSEL USART_CR3_HDSEL_Msk /*!< Half-Duplex Sel…
2404 … USART_CR3_SCARCNT_Msk /*!< SCARCNT[2:0] bits (SmartCard Auto-Retry Count) */
2458 #define USART_RQR_ABRRQ ((uint16_t)0x0001) /*!< Auto-Baud Rate …
2509 #define USART_ISR_ABRE USART_ISR_ABRE_Msk /*!< Auto-Baud Rate …
2512 #define USART_ISR_ABRF USART_ISR_ABRF_Msk /*!< Auto-Baud Rate …
2629 … CRC_IDR_IDR_Msk /*!< General-purpose 8-bits data regist…
4247 #define FLASH_SR_MISERR FLASH_SR_MISERR_Msk /*!< Fast programmin…
4250 #define FLASH_SR_FASTERR FLASH_SR_FASTERR_Msk /*!< Fast programmin…
4291 #define FLASH_CR_FSTPG FLASH_CR_FSTPG_Msk /*!< Fast programmin…
4314 …CC FLASH_ECCR_ADDR_ECC_Msk /*!< double-word address ECC fail …
4317 … FLASH_ECCR_SYSF_ECC_Msk /*!< System flash ECC fail …
4469 #define FLASH_C2SR_MISERR FLASH_C2SR_MISERR_Msk /*!< CPU2 Fast progra…
4472 #define FLASH_C2SR_FASTERR FLASH_C2SR_FASTERR_Msk /*!< CPU2 Fast progra…
4504 #define FLASH_C2CR_FSTPG FLASH_C2CR_FSTPG_Msk /*!< CPU2 Fast progra…
4549 #define FLASH_SRRVR_SNBRSA FLASH_SRRVR_SNBRSA_Msk /* Secure non-backu…
4552 #define FLASH_SRRVR_NBRSD FLASH_SRRVR_NBRSD_Msk /* Non-backup SRAM1…
5783 #define PKA_MONTGOMERY_PARAM_IN_MOD_NB_BITS ((0x404U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input modul…
5784 #define PKA_MONTGOMERY_PARAM_IN_MODULUS ((0xD5CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input modul…
5787 #define PKA_MONTGOMERY_PARAM_OUT_PARAMETER ((0x594U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output Mont…
5790 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_IN_EXP_NB_BITS ((0x400U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input expon…
5791 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_IN_OP_NB_BITS ((0x404U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5792 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_IN_MONTGOMERY_PARAM ((0x594U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input stora…
5793 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_IN_EXPONENT_BASE ((0xA44U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input base …
5794 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_IN_EXPONENT ((0xBD0U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input expon…
5795 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_IN_MODULUS ((0xD5CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input modul…
5798 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_OUT_MONTGOMERY_PARAM ((0x594U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output stor…
5799 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_OUT_SM_ALGO_ACC1 ((0x724U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output SM a…
5800 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_OUT_SM_ALGO_ACC2 ((0x8B4U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output SM a…
5801 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_OUT_EXPONENT_BASE ((0xA44U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output base…
5802 #define PKA_MODULAR_EXP_OUT_SM_ALGO_ACC3 ((0xE3CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output SM a…
5805 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_EXP_NB_BITS ((0x400U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input expon…
5806 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_OP_NB_BITS ((0x404U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5807 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_A_COEFF_SIGN ((0x408U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input sign …
5808 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_A_COEFF ((0x40CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input ECC c…
5809 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_MOD_GF ((0x460U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input modul…
5810 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_MONTGOMERY_PARAM ((0x4B4U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input stora…
5811 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_K ((0x508U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input 'k' o…
5812 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_INITIAL_POINT_X ((0x55CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input initi…
5813 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_IN_INITIAL_POINT_Y ((0x5B0U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input initi…
5816 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_OUT_RESULT_X ((0x55CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output resu…
5817 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_OUT_RESULT_Y ((0x5B0U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output resu…
5818 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_OUT_LAST_DOUBLE_X1 ((0xDE8U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output last…
5819 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_OUT_LAST_DOUBLE_Y1 ((0xE3CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output last…
5820 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_OUT_LAST_DOUBLE_Z1 ((0xE90U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output last…
5821 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_OUT_CHECK_POINT_X2 ((0xEE4U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output chec…
5822 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_OUT_CHECK_POINT_Y2 ((0xF38U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output chec…
5823 #define PKA_ECC_SCALAR_MUL_OUT_CHECK_POINT_Z2 ((0xF8CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output chec…
5826 #define PKA_POINT_CHECK_IN_MOD_NB_BITS ((0x404U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input modul…
5827 #define PKA_POINT_CHECK_IN_A_COEFF_SIGN ((0x408U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input sign …
5828 #define PKA_POINT_CHECK_IN_A_COEFF ((0x40CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input ECC c…
5829 #define PKA_POINT_CHECK_IN_B_COEFF ((0x7FCU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input ECC c…
5830 #define PKA_POINT_CHECK_IN_MOD_GF ((0x460U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input modul…
5831 #define PKA_POINT_CHECK_IN_INITIAL_POINT_X ((0x55CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input initi…
5832 #define PKA_POINT_CHECK_IN_INITIAL_POINT_Y ((0x5B0U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input initi…
5835 #define PKA_POINT_CHECK_OUT_ERROR ((0x400U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output erro…
5838 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_ORDER_NB_BITS ((0x400U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input order…
5839 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_MOD_NB_BITS ((0x404U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input modul…
5840 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_A_COEFF_SIGN ((0x408U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input sign …
5841 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_A_COEFF ((0x40CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input ECC c…
5842 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_MOD_GF ((0x460U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input modul…
5843 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_K ((0x508U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input k val…
5844 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_INITIAL_POINT_X ((0x55CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input initi…
5845 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_INITIAL_POINT_Y ((0x5B0U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input initi…
5846 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_HASH_E ((0xDE8U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input e, ha…
5847 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_PRIVATE_KEY_D ((0xE3CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input d, pr…
5848 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_IN_ORDER_N ((0xE94U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input n, or…
5851 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_OUT_ERROR ((0xEE8U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output erro…
5852 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_OUT_SIGNATURE_R ((0x700U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output sign…
5853 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_OUT_SIGNATURE_S ((0x754U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output sign…
5854 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_OUT_FINAL_POINT_X ((0x103CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output fin…
5855 #define PKA_ECDSA_SIGN_OUT_FINAL_POINT_Y ((0x1090U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output fin…
5858 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_ORDER_NB_BITS ((0x404U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input order…
5859 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_MOD_NB_BITS ((0x4B4U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input modul…
5860 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_A_COEFF_SIGN ((0x45CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input sign …
5861 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_A_COEFF ((0x460U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input ECC c…
5862 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_MOD_GF ((0x4B8U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input modul…
5863 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_INITIAL_POINT_X ((0x5E8U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input initi…
5864 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_INITIAL_POINT_Y ((0x63CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input initi…
5865 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_PUBLIC_KEY_POINT_X ((0xF40U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input publi…
5866 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_PUBLIC_KEY_POINT_Y ((0xF94U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input publi…
5867 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_SIGNATURE_R ((0x1098U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input r, p…
5868 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_SIGNATURE_S ((0xA44U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input s, pa…
5869 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_HASH_E ((0xFE8U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input e, ha…
5870 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_IN_ORDER_N ((0xD5CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input n, or…
5873 #define PKA_ECDSA_VERIF_OUT_RESULT ((0x5B0U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output resu…
5876 #define PKA_RSA_CRT_EXP_IN_MOD_NB_BITS ((0x404U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5877 #define PKA_RSA_CRT_EXP_IN_DP_CRT ((0x65CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input Dp CR…
5878 #define PKA_RSA_CRT_EXP_IN_DQ_CRT ((0xBD0U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input Dq CR…
5879 #define PKA_RSA_CRT_EXP_IN_QINV_CRT ((0x7ECU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input qInv …
5880 #define PKA_RSA_CRT_EXP_IN_PRIME_P ((0x97CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input Prime…
5881 #define PKA_RSA_CRT_EXP_IN_PRIME_Q ((0xD5CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input Prime…
5882 #define PKA_RSA_CRT_EXP_IN_EXPONENT_BASE ((0xEECU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input base …
5885 #define PKA_RSA_CRT_EXP_OUT_RESULT ((0x724U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output resu…
5888 #define PKA_MODULAR_REDUC_IN_OP_LENGTH ((0x400U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5889 #define PKA_MODULAR_REDUC_IN_OPERAND ((0x8B4U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5890 #define PKA_MODULAR_REDUC_IN_MOD_LENGTH ((0x404U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input modul…
5891 #define PKA_MODULAR_REDUC_IN_MODULUS ((0xA44U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input modul…
5894 #define PKA_MODULAR_REDUC_OUT_RESULT ((0xBD0U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output resu…
5897 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ADD_NB_BITS ((0x404U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5898 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ADD_IN_OP1 ((0x8B4U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5899 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ADD_IN_OP2 ((0xA44U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5902 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ADD_OUT_RESULT ((0xBD0U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output resu…
5905 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_SUB_NB_BITS ((0x404U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5906 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_SUB_IN_OP1 ((0x8B4U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5907 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_SUB_IN_OP2 ((0xA44U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5910 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_SUB_OUT_RESULT ((0xBD0U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output resu…
5913 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_MUL_NB_BITS ((0x404U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5914 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_MUL_IN_OP1 ((0x8B4U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5915 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_MUL_IN_OP2 ((0xA44U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5918 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_MUL_OUT_RESULT ((0xBD0U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output resu…
5921 #define PKA_COMPARISON_NB_BITS ((0x404U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5922 #define PKA_COMPARISON_IN_OP1 ((0x8B4U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5923 #define PKA_COMPARISON_IN_OP2 ((0xA44U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5926 #define PKA_COMPARISON_OUT_RESULT ((0xBD0U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output resu…
5929 #define PKA_MODULAR_ADD_NB_BITS ((0x404U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5930 #define PKA_MODULAR_ADD_IN_OP1 ((0x8B4U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5931 #define PKA_MODULAR_ADD_IN_OP2 ((0xA44U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5932 #define PKA_MODULAR_ADD_IN_OP3_MOD ((0xD5CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5935 #define PKA_MODULAR_ADD_OUT_RESULT ((0xBD0U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output resu…
5938 #define PKA_MODULAR_INV_NB_BITS ((0x404U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5939 #define PKA_MODULAR_INV_IN_OP1 ((0x8B4U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5940 #define PKA_MODULAR_INV_IN_OP2_MOD ((0xA44U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5943 #define PKA_MODULAR_INV_OUT_RESULT ((0xBD0U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output resu…
5946 #define PKA_MODULAR_SUB_NB_BITS ((0x404U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5947 #define PKA_MODULAR_SUB_IN_OP1 ((0x8B4U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5948 #define PKA_MODULAR_SUB_IN_OP2 ((0xA44U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5949 #define PKA_MODULAR_SUB_IN_OP3_MOD ((0xD5CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5952 #define PKA_MODULAR_SUB_OUT_RESULT ((0xBD0U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output resu…
5955 #define PKA_MONTGOMERY_MUL_NB_BITS ((0x404U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5956 #define PKA_MONTGOMERY_MUL_IN_OP1 ((0x8B4U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5957 #define PKA_MONTGOMERY_MUL_IN_OP2 ((0xA44U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5958 #define PKA_MONTGOMERY_MUL_IN_OP3_MOD ((0xD5CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input modul…
5961 #define PKA_MONTGOMERY_MUL_OUT_RESULT ((0xBD0U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output resu…
5964 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ALL_OPS_NB_BITS ((0x404U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5965 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ALL_OPS_IN_OP1 ((0x8B4U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5966 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ALL_OPS_IN_OP2 ((0xA44U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5967 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ALL_OPS_IN_OP3 ((0xD5CU - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Input opera…
5970 #define PKA_ARITHMETIC_ALL_OPS_OUT_RESULT ((0xBD0U - PKA_RAM_OFFSET)>>2) /*!< Output resu…
6010 #define PWR_CR1_LPR PWR_CR1_LPR_Msk /*!< Regulator Low-P…
6031 … PWR_CR3_EWUP_Msk /*!< Enable all external Wake-Up lines */
6056 … PWR_CR3_APC_Msk /*!< Apply pull-up and pull-down configurat…
6060 … PWR_CR3_EWRFBUSY_Msk /*!< Enable Radio busy IRQ and wake-up for CPU1 */
6063 … PWR_CR3_EWRFIRQ_Msk /*!< Enable Radio IRQ[2:0] and wake-up for CPU1 */
6071 #define PWR_CR3_EIWUL PWR_CR3_EIWUL_Msk /*!< Internal Wake-U…
6076 #define PWR_CR4_WP1 PWR_CR4_WP1_Msk /*!< Wake-Up Pin 1 […
6079 #define PWR_CR4_WP2 PWR_CR4_WP2_Msk /*!< Wake-Up Pin 2 […
6082 #define PWR_CR4_WP3 PWR_CR4_WP3_Msk /*!< Wake-Up Pin 3 […
6093 #define PWR_CR4_WRFBUSYP PWR_CR4_WRFBUSYP_Msk /*!< Wake-up radio b…
6163 #define PWR_SR2_REGLPS PWR_SR2_REGLPS_Msk /*!< Low-power regul…
6166 #define PWR_SR2_REGLPF PWR_SR2_REGLPF_Msk /*!< Low-power regul…
6182 #define PWR_SCR_CWUF PWR_SCR_CWUF_Msk /*!< Clear Wake-up F…
6185 #define PWR_SCR_CWUF1 PWR_SCR_CWUF1_Msk /*!< Clear Wake-up P…
6188 #define PWR_SCR_CWUF2 PWR_SCR_CWUF2_Msk /*!< Clear Wake-up P…
6191 #define PWR_SCR_CWUF3 PWR_SCR_CWUF3_Msk /*!< Clear Wake-up P…
6217 #define PWR_PUCRA_PA0 PWR_PUCRA_PA0_Msk /*!< Pin PA0 Pull-Up…
6220 #define PWR_PUCRA_PA1 PWR_PUCRA_PA1_Msk /*!< Pin PA1 Pull-Up…
6223 #define PWR_PUCRA_PA2 PWR_PUCRA_PA2_Msk /*!< Pin PA2 Pull-Up…
6226 #define PWR_PUCRA_PA3 PWR_PUCRA_PA3_Msk /*!< Pin PA3 Pull-Up…
6229 #define PWR_PUCRA_PA4 PWR_PUCRA_PA4_Msk /*!< Pin PA4 Pull-Up…
6232 #define PWR_PUCRA_PA5 PWR_PUCRA_PA5_Msk /*!< Pin PA5 Pull-Up…
6235 #define PWR_PUCRA_PA6 PWR_PUCRA_PA6_Msk /*!< Pin PA6 Pull-Up…
6238 #define PWR_PUCRA_PA7 PWR_PUCRA_PA7_Msk /*!< Pin PA7 Pull-Up…
6241 #define PWR_PUCRA_PA8 PWR_PUCRA_PA8_Msk /*!< Pin PA8 Pull-Up…
6244 #define PWR_PUCRA_PA9 PWR_PUCRA_PA9_Msk /*!< Pin PA9 Pull-Up…
6247 #define PWR_PUCRA_PA10 PWR_PUCRA_PA10_Msk /*!< Pin PA10 Pull-U…
6250 #define PWR_PUCRA_PA11 PWR_PUCRA_PA11_Msk /*!< Pin PA11 Pull-U…
6253 #define PWR_PUCRA_PA12 PWR_PUCRA_PA12_Msk /*!< Pin PA12 Pull-U…
6256 #define PWR_PUCRA_PA13 PWR_PUCRA_PA13_Msk /*!< Pin PA13 Pull-U…
6259 #define PWR_PUCRA_PA14 PWR_PUCRA_PA14_Msk /*!< Pin PA14 Pull-U…
6262 #define PWR_PUCRA_PA15 PWR_PUCRA_PA15_Msk /*!< Pin PA15 Pull-U…
6267 #define PWR_PDCRA_PA0 PWR_PDCRA_PA0_Msk /*!< Pin PA0 Pull-Do…
6270 #define PWR_PDCRA_PA1 PWR_PDCRA_PA1_Msk /*!< Pin PA1 Pull-Do…
6273 #define PWR_PDCRA_PA2 PWR_PDCRA_PA2_Msk /*!< Pin PA2 Pull-Do…
6276 #define PWR_PDCRA_PA3 PWR_PDCRA_PA3_Msk /*!< Pin PA3 Pull-Do…
6279 #define PWR_PDCRA_PA4 PWR_PDCRA_PA4_Msk /*!< Pin PA4 Pull-Do…
6282 #define PWR_PDCRA_PA5 PWR_PDCRA_PA5_Msk /*!< Pin PA5 Pull-Do…
6285 #define PWR_PDCRA_PA6 PWR_PDCRA_PA6_Msk /*!< Pin PA6 Pull-Do…
6288 #define PWR_PDCRA_PA7 PWR_PDCRA_PA7_Msk /*!< Pin PA7 Pull-Do…
6291 #define PWR_PDCRA_PA8 PWR_PDCRA_PA8_Msk /*!< Pin PA8 Pull-Do…
6294 #define PWR_PDCRA_PA9 PWR_PDCRA_PA9_Msk /*!< Pin PA9 Pull-Do…
6297 #define PWR_PDCRA_PA10 PWR_PDCRA_PA10_Msk /*!< Pin PA10 Pull-D…
6300 #define PWR_PDCRA_PA11 PWR_PDCRA_PA11_Msk /*!< Pin PA11 Pull-D…
6303 #define PWR_PDCRA_PA12 PWR_PDCRA_PA12_Msk /*!< Pin PA12 Pull-D…
6306 #define PWR_PDCRA_PA13 PWR_PDCRA_PA13_Msk /*!< Pin PA13 Pull-D…
6309 #define PWR_PDCRA_PA14 PWR_PDCRA_PA14_Msk /*!< Pin PA14 Pull-D…
6312 #define PWR_PDCRA_PA15 PWR_PDCRA_PA15_Msk /*!< Pin PA15 Pull-D…
6317 #define PWR_PUCRB_PB0 PWR_PUCRB_PB0_Msk /*!< Pin PB0 Pull-Up…
6320 #define PWR_PUCRB_PB1 PWR_PUCRB_PB1_Msk /*!< Pin PB1 Pull-Up…
6323 #define PWR_PUCRB_PB2 PWR_PUCRB_PB2_Msk /*!< Pin PB2 Pull-Up…
6326 #define PWR_PUCRB_PB3 PWR_PUCRB_PB3_Msk /*!< Pin PB3 Pull-Up…
6329 #define PWR_PUCRB_PB4 PWR_PUCRB_PB4_Msk /*!< Pin PB4 Pull-Up…
6332 #define PWR_PUCRB_PB5 PWR_PUCRB_PB5_Msk /*!< Pin PB5 Pull-Up…
6335 #define PWR_PUCRB_PB6 PWR_PUCRB_PB6_Msk /*!< Pin PB6 Pull-Up…
6338 #define PWR_PUCRB_PB7 PWR_PUCRB_PB7_Msk /*!< Pin PB7 Pull-Up…
6341 #define PWR_PUCRB_PB8 PWR_PUCRB_PB8_Msk /*!< Pin PB8 Pull-Up…
6344 #define PWR_PUCRB_PB9 PWR_PUCRB_PB9_Msk /*!< Pin PB9 Pull-Up…
6347 #define PWR_PUCRB_PB10 PWR_PUCRB_PB10_Msk /*!< Pin PB10 Pull-U…
6350 #define PWR_PUCRB_PB11 PWR_PUCRB_PB11_Msk /*!< Pin PB11 Pull-U…
6353 #define PWR_PUCRB_PB12 PWR_PUCRB_PB12_Msk /*!< Pin PB12 Pull-U…
6356 #define PWR_PUCRB_PB13 PWR_PUCRB_PB13_Msk /*!< Pin PB13 Pull-U…
6359 #define PWR_PUCRB_PB14 PWR_PUCRB_PB14_Msk /*!< Pin PB14 Pull-U…
6362 #define PWR_PUCRB_PB15 PWR_PUCRB_PB15_Msk /*!< Pin PB15 Pull-U…
6367 #define PWR_PDCRB_PB0 PWR_PDCRB_PB0_Msk /*!< Pin PB0 Pull-Do…
6370 #define PWR_PDCRB_PB1 PWR_PDCRB_PB1_Msk /*!< Pin PB1 Pull-Do…
6373 #define PWR_PDCRB_PB2 PWR_PDCRB_PB2_Msk /*!< Pin PB2 Pull-Do…
6376 #define PWR_PDCRB_PB3 PWR_PDCRB_PB3_Msk /*!< Pin PB3 Pull-Do…
6379 #define PWR_PDCRB_PB4 PWR_PDCRB_PB4_Msk /*!< Pin PB4 Pull-Do…
6382 #define PWR_PDCRB_PB5 PWR_PDCRB_PB5_Msk /*!< Pin PB5 Pull-Do…
6385 #define PWR_PDCRB_PB6 PWR_PDCRB_PB6_Msk /*!< Pin PB6 Pull-Do…
6388 #define PWR_PDCRB_PB7 PWR_PDCRB_PB7_Msk /*!< Pin PB7 Pull-Do…
6391 #define PWR_PDCRB_PB8 PWR_PDCRB_PB8_Msk /*!< Pin PB8 Pull-Do…
6394 #define PWR_PDCRB_PB9 PWR_PDCRB_PB9_Msk /*!< Pin PB9 Pull-Do…
6397 #define PWR_PDCRB_PB10 PWR_PDCRB_PB10_Msk /*!< Pin PB10 Pull-D…
6400 #define PWR_PDCRB_PB11 PWR_PDCRB_PB11_Msk /*!< Pin PB11 Pull-D…
6403 #define PWR_PDCRB_PB12 PWR_PDCRB_PB12_Msk /*!< Pin PB12 Pull-D…
6406 #define PWR_PDCRB_PB13 PWR_PDCRB_PB13_Msk /*!< Pin PB13 Pull-D…
6409 #define PWR_PDCRB_PB14 PWR_PDCRB_PB14_Msk /*!< Pin PB14 Pull-D…
6412 #define PWR_PDCRB_PB15 PWR_PDCRB_PB15_Msk /*!< Pin PB15 Pull-D…
6417 #define PWR_PUCRC_PC0 PWR_PUCRC_PC0_Msk /*!< Pin PC0 Pull-Up…
6420 #define PWR_PUCRC_PC1 PWR_PUCRC_PC1_Msk /*!< Pin PC1 Pull-Up…
6423 #define PWR_PUCRC_PC2 PWR_PUCRC_PC2_Msk /*!< Pin PC2 Pull-Up…
6426 #define PWR_PUCRC_PC3 PWR_PUCRC_PC3_Msk /*!< Pin PC3 Pull-Up…
6429 #define PWR_PUCRC_PC4 PWR_PUCRC_PC4_Msk /*!< Pin PC4 Pull-Up…
6432 #define PWR_PUCRC_PC5 PWR_PUCRC_PC5_Msk /*!< Pin PC5 Pull-Up…
6435 #define PWR_PUCRC_PC6 PWR_PUCRC_PC6_Msk /*!< Pin PC6 Pull-Up…
6438 #define PWR_PUCRC_PC13 PWR_PUCRC_PC13_Msk /*!< Pin PC13 Pull-U…
6441 #define PWR_PUCRC_PC14 PWR_PUCRC_PC14_Msk /*!< Pin PC14 Pull-U…
6444 #define PWR_PUCRC_PC15 PWR_PUCRC_PC15_Msk /*!< Pin PC15 Pull-U…
6449 #define PWR_PDCRC_PC0 PWR_PDCRC_PC0_Msk /*!< Pin PC0 Pull-Do…
6452 #define PWR_PDCRC_PC1 PWR_PDCRC_PC1_Msk /*!< Pin PC1 Pull-Do…
6455 #define PWR_PDCRC_PC2 PWR_PDCRC_PC2_Msk /*!< Pin PC2 Pull-Do…
6458 #define PWR_PDCRC_PC3 PWR_PDCRC_PC3_Msk /*!< Pin PC3 Pull-Do…
6461 #define PWR_PDCRC_PC4 PWR_PDCRC_PC4_Msk /*!< Pin PC4 Pull-Do…
6464 #define PWR_PDCRC_PC5 PWR_PDCRC_PC5_Msk /*!< Pin PC5 Pull-Do…
6467 #define PWR_PDCRC_PC6 PWR_PDCRC_PC6_Msk /*!< Pin PC6 Pull-Do…
6470 #define PWR_PDCRC_PC13 PWR_PDCRC_PC13_Msk /*!< Pin PC13 Pull-D…
6473 #define PWR_PDCRC_PC14 PWR_PDCRC_PC14_Msk /*!< Pin PC14 Pull-D…
6476 #define PWR_PDCRC_PC15 PWR_PDCRC_PC15_Msk /*!< Pin PC15 Pull-D…
6481 #define PWR_PUCRH_PH3 PWR_PUCRH_PH3_Msk /*!< Pin PH3 Pull-Up…
6486 #define PWR_PDCRH_PH3 PWR_PDCRH_PH3_Msk /*!< Pin PH3 Pull-Do…
6507 … PWR_C2CR3_EWUP_Msk /*!< Enable all external Wake-Up lines for CPU2 */
6524 … PWR_C2CR3_APC_Msk /*!< Apply pull-up and pull-down configurat…
6528 … PWR_C2CR3_EWRFBUSY_Msk /*!< Enable Radio busy IRQ and wake-up for CPU2 */
6531 … PWR_C2CR3_EWRFIRQ_Msk /*!< Enable Radio IRQ[2:0] and wake-up for CPU2 */
6535 #define PWR_C2CR3_EIWUL PWR_C2CR3_EIWUL_Msk /*!< Internal Wake-U…
6580 #define PWR_SUBGHZSPICR_NSS PWR_SUBGHZSPICR_NSS_Msk /*!< Sub-GHz radio…
7752 /* Real-Time Clock (RTC) */
7906 …PALRM_PU RTC_CR_TAMPALRM_PU_Msk /*!<TAMPALARM output pull-up config */
8890 …6_FMP SYSCFG_CFGR1_I2C_PB6_FMP_Msk /*!< Fast-mode Plus (Fm+) dri…
8893 …7_FMP SYSCFG_CFGR1_I2C_PB7_FMP_Msk /*!< Fast-mode Plus (Fm+) dri…
8896 …8_FMP SYSCFG_CFGR1_I2C_PB8_FMP_Msk /*!< Fast-mode Plus (Fm+) dri…
8899 …9_FMP SYSCFG_CFGR1_I2C_PB9_FMP_Msk /*!< Fast-mode Plus (Fm+) dri…
8902 … SYSCFG_CFGR1_I2C1_FMP_Msk /*!< I2C1 Fast-mode Plus (Fm+) dri…
8905 … SYSCFG_CFGR1_I2C2_FMP_Msk /*!< I2C2 Fast-mode Plus (Fm+) dri…
8908 … SYSCFG_CFGR1_I2C3_FMP_Msk /*!< I2C3 Fast-mode Plus (Fm+) dri…
9203 …r SYSCFG_IMR1 register (Interrupt masks control and status register on CPU1 - part 1) ************…
9244 …r SYSCFG_IMR2 register (Interrupt masks control and status register on CPU1 - part 2) ************…
9252 …SYSCFG_C2IMR1 register (Interrupt masks control and status register on CPU2 - part 1) ************…
9335 …SYSCFG_C2IMR2 register (Interrupt masks control and status register on CPU2 - part 2) ************…
9395 /* Inter-integrated Circuit Interface (I2C) */
9469 #define I2C_CR2_ADD10 I2C_CR2_ADD10_Msk /*!< 10-bit addressi…
9472 #define I2C_CR2_HEAD10R I2C_CR2_HEAD10R_Msk /*!< 10-bit address …
9501 …AR1_OA1MODE I2C_OAR1_OA1MODE_Msk /*!< Own address 1 10-bit mode */
9663 #define I2C_RXDR_RXDATA I2C_RXDR_RXDATA_Msk /*!< 8-bit receive d…
9668 #define I2C_TXDR_TXDATA I2C_TXDR_TXDATA_Msk /*!< 8-bit transmit …
9671 /* Inter-Processor Communication Controller (IPCC) */
10068 #define WWDG_CR_T WWDG_CR_T_Msk /*!<T[6:0] bits (7-B…
10084 #define WWDG_CFR_W WWDG_CFR_W_Msk /*!<W[6:0] bits (7-b…
10249 … TIM_CR1_CMS_Msk /*!<CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selectio…
10255 #define TIM_CR1_ARPE TIM_CR1_ARPE_Msk /*!<Auto-reload prel…
10507 …R1_OC1FE TIM_CCMR1_OC1FE_Msk /*!<Output Compare 1 Fast enable */
10532 …R1_OC2FE TIM_CCMR1_OC2FE_Msk /*!<Output Compare 2 Fast enable */
10549 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
10587 …R2_OC3FE TIM_CCMR2_OC3FE_Msk /*!<Output Compare 3 Fast enable */
10612 …R2_OC4FE TIM_CCMR2_OC4FE_Msk /*!<Output Compare 4 Fast enable */
10629 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
10661 …R3_OC5FE TIM_CCMR3_OC5FE_Msk /*!<Output Compare 5 Fast enable */
10680 …R3_OC6FE TIM_CCMR3_OC6FE_Msk /*!<Output Compare 6 Fast enable */
10772 #define TIM_ARR_ARR TIM_ARR_ARR_Msk /*!<Actual auto-relo…
10821 … TIM_BDTR_DTG_Msk /*!<DTG[0:7] bits (Dead-Time Generator set-up) */
10839 #define TIM_BDTR_OSSI TIM_BDTR_OSSI_Msk /*!<Off-State Select…
10842 #define TIM_BDTR_OSSR TIM_BDTR_OSSR_Msk /*!<Off-State Select…
10873 …BDTR_BKDSRM TIM_BDTR_BKDSRM_Msk /*!<Break disarming/re-arming */
10876 …DTR_BK2DSRM TIM_BDTR_BK2DSRM_Msk /*!<Break2 disarming/re-arming */
11319 /****************** TIM Instances : supporting combined 3-phase PWM mode ******/
11401 /******************** UART Instances : Half-Duplex mode **********************/
11410 /******************** UART Instances : Wake-up from Stop mode **********************/