Lines Matching full:description
3 # # description: Board_project_template frdmrw612
7 # # description: Board_project_template rdrw612bga
11 # # description: Middleware wireless ieee 802.15.4 for SerialDevice
14 # # description: Middleware wireless ieee 802.15.4 for NBU
17 # # description: Middleware wireless ieee 802.15.4 for interface
20 # # description: Middleware wireless ieee 802.15.4 for utils
23 # # description: Middleware wireless ieee 802.15.4 for interface
26 # # description: Middleware wireless ieee 802.15.4 for mac interface
29 # # description: Middleware wireless ieee 802.15.4 for smac
32 # # description: Middleware wireless ieee 802.15.4 for header file
35 # # description: Middleware wireless ieee 802.15.4 for lib file
38 # # description: Middleware wireless ieee 802.15.4 for split lib file
41 # # description: Middleware wireless ieee 802.15.4 source for PHY platform
44 # # description: Middleware wireless ieee 802.15.4 for mac split lib file
48 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_cmake
51 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_fsci
54 # # description: Middleware wireless HWParameter
57 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_common
60 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_rng_mbedtls
63 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_sec_lib_cryptolib_src
66 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_function_lib
69 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_module_info
72 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_nvm
75 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_nv_fsci
78 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_otaServerSupport
81 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_sbtsnoop_ethermind_port
84 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_sbtsnoop_nxp_ble_port
87 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_linkscripts_kw45
90 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_linkscripts_mcxw34xevk
93 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_linkscript_bootloader_kw45
96 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_linkscript_warmboot_kw45
99 # # description: Middleware wireless HDI
102 # # description: Middleware wireless IPC
105 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_PDM
108 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_PDUM
111 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_PDUM rw61x
114 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_markdown
117 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_SFC
120 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_FactoryDataProvider
123 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_filesytem
126 # # description: Middleware wireless fwk_lfs_mflash
129 # # description: Single wire output debug
132 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_settings
135 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_sec_lib
138 # # description: Middleware wireless framework board base
141 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_common
144 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_coex
147 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_internal_flash
150 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_rng
153 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_zb
156 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_board_lp
159 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_board_dcdc
162 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_board_platform
165 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_board_comp
168 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_board_extflash
171 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_lfs_config
174 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_fpga
177 # # description: Middleware wireless framework matter config
180 # # description: Middleware wireless framework init config
183 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_mbedtls_config
186 # # description: Middleware wireless framework platform ot coex
189 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_cmake
192 # # description: Middleware wireless framework board base
195 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_board_lp
198 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_board_dcdc
201 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_board_platform
204 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_board_comp
207 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_board_extflash
210 # # description: Middleware wireless framework matter config
213 # # description: Middleware wireless framework init config
216 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_rng
219 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_otaSupport
222 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_sbtsnoop
225 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_fwk_debug
228 # # description: Middleware wireless sensors
231 # # description: FreeRTOS heap for framework mem_manager
234 # # description: Framework FreeRTOS utilities
237 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_lpm
240 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_lpm_systicks
243 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_lpm_cli
246 # # description: Middleware wireless fsabstraction
249 # # description: Middleware wireless FileCache
252 # # description: Middleware wireless KeyStorage
255 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_NVS
258 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform
261 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_flash
264 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_extflash
267 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_sensors
270 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_ota
273 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_ics
276 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_mws
279 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_mws intercore
282 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_mws
285 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_ble
288 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_genfsk
291 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_ot
294 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_lowpower
297 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_lowpower_timer
300 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_platform_reset
303 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_sec_lib_mbedtls
306 # # description: Middleware wireless framework_sec_lib_sss
310 # # description: Wireless start up code
313 # # description: Middleware baremetal
316 # # description: Rte_device
319 # # description: Used to format convertion
322 # # description: Utilities which is needed for particular toolchain like the SBRK function require…
325 # # description: RTT template configuration
328 # # description: Driver conn_fwloader_ns
331 # # description: Driver nand_flash-common
334 # # description: Driver nor_flash-common
337 # # description: mflash common
340 # # description: Driver phy-common
343 # # description: Wi-Fi module Tx power limits
346 # # description: Wi-Fi and BT module configs
349 # # description: Devices_project_template RW612
352 # # description: Device RW612_cmsis
355 # # description: OCOTP Driver
358 # # description: IPED Driver
361 # # description: UTICK Driver
364 # # description: IO_MUX Driver
367 # # description: Clock Driver
370 # # description: Power driver
373 # # description: Reset Driver
376 # # description: Component serial_manager_uart
379 # # description: Utility debug_console_lite
382 # # description: ENET Driver
385 # # description: DMA Driver
388 # # description: DMIC DMA Driver
391 # # description: FLEXSPI DMA Driver
394 # # description: I2C Driver
397 # # description: I2S Driver
400 # # description: LCDIC DMA Driver
403 # # description: SPI Driver
406 # # description: USART Driver
409 # # description: flash config block
412 # # description: MEMORY Driver
415 # # description: Inputmux_connections Driver
418 # # description: ROMAPI Driver
421 # # description: Device RW612_system
424 # # description: Device RW612_startup
427 # # description: COMMON Driver
430 # # description: Utility assert
433 # # description: Utility assert_lite
436 # # description: Utility str
439 # # description: Utility debug_console
442 # # description: SEGGER Real Time Transfer(RTT)
445 # # description: I2S Bridge Driver
448 # # description: I2C CMSIS Driver
451 # # description: SPI CMSIS Driver
454 # # description: USART CMSIS Driver
457 # # description: Component cns_adc_sensor_adapter
460 # # description: Component flexcomm_i2s_dma_adapter
463 # # description: Component button
466 # # description: Driver codec
469 # # description: Component codec adapters for multi codec
472 # # description: Component wm8904 adapter for single codec
475 # # description: Component cs42888 adapter for single codec
478 # # description: Component codec_i2c
481 # # description: Driver conn_fwloader
484 # # description: Component lpc_crc_adapter
487 # # description: Component software_crc_adapter
490 # # description: Driver cs42888
493 # # description: Driver nand_flash-controller-flexspi
496 # # description: Driver nor_flash-controller-flexspi
499 # # description: Driver gt911
502 # # description: Driver ft6x06
505 # # description: Component lpc_gpio_adapter
508 # # description: Component flexcomm_i2c_adapter
511 # # description: Driver dbi_lpc_spi_dma
514 # # description: Driver dbi_lcdic_dma
517 # # description: Driver dbi
520 # # description: Driver dc-fb-dbi
523 # # description: Driver dc-fb-common
526 # # description: Driver video-common
529 # # description: Driver st7796s
532 # # description: Driver ili9341
535 # # description: Component flexspi_nor_flash_adapter_rw61x
538 # # description: Component led
541 # # description: Component lists
544 # # description: Component log
547 # # description: Component log backend debug console
550 # # description: Component log backend debug console lite
553 # # description: Component log backend ring buffer
556 # # description: Component mem_manager
559 # # description: Component mem_manager_light
562 # # description: Component mem_manager_freertos
565 # # description: Component messaging
568 # # description: mflash file
571 # # description: dummy file for overwriting mflash when dowloading
574 # # description: mflash rdrw612bga
577 # # description: mflash frdmrw612
580 # # description: Component nvm_adapter
583 # # description: Component panic
586 # # description: Driver phy-device-ksz8081
589 # # description: Component power manager core level
592 # # description: Component power manager device level
595 # # description: Component pwm_ctimer_adapter
598 # # description: Component reset_adapter
601 # # description: Component trng_adapter
604 # # description: Component software_rng_adapter
607 # # description: Component wireless_imu_adapter
610 # # description: Component sdu_adapter
613 # # description: Component lpcrtc
616 # # description: Component serial_manager
619 # # description: Component serial_manager_spi
622 # # description: Component serial_manager_usb_cdc
625 # # description: Component serial_manager_virtual
628 # # description: Component serial_manager_swo
631 # # description: Utility shell
634 # # description: Driver silicon_id rw610
637 # # description: Driver silicon_id
640 # # description: Component flexcomm_spi_adapter
643 # # description: Component ctimer time stamp adapter
646 # # description: Component ostimer time stamp adapter
649 # # description: Component ctimer_adapter
652 # # description: Component mrt_adapter
655 # # description: Component ostimer_adapter
658 # # description: Component timer_manager
661 # # description: Component usart_adapter
664 # # description: Component usart_dma_adapter
667 # # description: Driver wm8904
670 # # description: ACOMP Driver
673 # # description: ADC Driver
676 # # description: DAC Driver
679 # # description: FLEXSPI Driver
682 # # description: GDMA Driver
685 # # description: IMU Driver
688 # # description: SMARTCARD USIM Driver
691 # # description: SMARTCARD PHY USIM, use only one SMARTCARD PHY in the project
694 # # description: CACHE Driver
697 # # description: cdog Driver
700 # # description: CRC Driver
703 # # description: CTimer Driver
706 # # description: DMIC Driver
709 # # description: FLEXCOMM Driver
712 # # description: FMEAS Driver
715 # # description: I2C Driver
718 # # description: FLEXCOMM I2C FreeRTOS Driver
721 # # description: I2S Driver
724 # # description: INPUTMUX Driver
727 # # description: itrc Driver
730 # # description: LCDIC Driver
733 # # description: GPIO Driver
736 # # description: MRT Driver
739 # # description: OSTimer Driver
742 # # description: PINT Driver
745 # # description: POWERQUAD Driver
748 # # description: CMSIS DSP functions based on POWERQUAD
751 # # description: RTC Driver
754 # # description: SCT Driver
757 # # description: SPI Driver
760 # # description: FLEXCOMM SPI FreeRTOS Driver
763 # # description: TRNG Driver
766 # # description: FLEXCOMM USART FreeRTOS Driver
769 # # description: USART Driver
772 # # description: SDU (SDIO slave) Driver
775 # # description: WWDT Driver
778 # # description: flash config block
782 # # description: CMSIS-CORE for Cortex-M, ARMv8-M, ARMv8.1-M
785 # # description: Access to #include Driver_USART.h file for custom implementation
788 # # description: Access to #include Driver_CAN.h file for custom implementation
791 # # description: Access to #include Driver_ETH.h file for custom implementation
794 # # description: Access to #include Driver_ETH_MAC.h file for custom implementation
797 # # description: Access to #include Driver_ETH_PHY.h file for custom implementation
800 # # description: Access to #include Driver_Flash.h file for custom implementation
803 # # description: Access to #include Driver_I2C.h file for custom implementation
806 # # description: Access to #include Driver_MCI.h file for custom implementation
809 # # description: Access to #include Driver_NAND.h file for custom implementation
812 # # description: Access to #include Driver_SAI.h file for custom implementation
815 # # description: Access to #include Driver_SPI.h file for custom implementation
818 # # description: Access to #include Driver_USBD.h file for custom implementation
821 # # description: Access to #include Driver_USBH.h file for custom implementation
824 # # description: Access to #include Driver_WiFi.h file
827 # # description: Device interrupt controller interface
830 # # description: CMSIS-RTOS API for Cortex-M, SC000, and SC300
833 # # description: CMSIS-RTOS2 RTX5 for Cortex-M, SC000, C300 and Armv8-M (Library)
836 # # description: CMSIS-RTOS2 RTX5 for Armv8-M Non-Secure Domain (Library)
840 # # description: CMSIS-DSP Library Header
843 # # description: CMSIS-DSP Library
846 # # description: CMSIS-NN Library
850 # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user.
853 # # description: NXP Wi-Fi Interface Abstraction Layer
856 # # description: Middlware Coex
859 # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user.
862 # # description: NXP WLAN OSA
865 # # description: NXP WLAN OSA
868 # # description: NXP WLAN common files
871 # # description: NXP WLAN OSA
874 # # description: NXP WLAN OSA
877 # # description: NXP Wi-Fi driver
880 # # description: NXP Wi-Fi functionality enables customers to quickly develop applications of inte…
883 # # description: NXP Wi-Fi IMU driver
886 # # description: Middlware Wi-Fi CLI
889 # # description: Middlware Wi-Fi WMCRYPTO
892 # # description: Middlware Wi-Fi WMTIME
895 # # description: Middlware Wi-Fi WPS
898 # # description: Middlware Wi-Fi NCP_SUPP_WMCRYPTO
901 # # description: Middlware Wi-Fi Location Service
904 # # description: Edgefast Wi-Fi NXP is a blocking layer for Wi-Fi NXP
908 # # description: FreeRTOS NXP extension
911 # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user. Provides also memory allocator …
914 # # description: FreeRTOS kernel
917 # # description: FreeRTOS cm33 non trustzone port
920 # # description: FreeRTOS cm33 secure port
923 # # description: FreeRTOS heap 1
926 # # description: FreeRTOS heap 2
929 # # description: FreeRTOS heap 3
932 # # description: FreeRTOS heap 4
935 # # description: FreeRTOS heap 5
938 # # description: new V2 FreeRTOS MPU wrappers introduced in V10.6.0
941 # # description: old FreeRTOS MPU wrappers used before V10.6.0
944 # # description: FreeRTOS cm33 TrustZone secure port
947 # # description: FreeRTOS Secure Context
951 # # description: littlefs
955 # # description: lwIP Template
958 # # description: Empty ethernet interface
961 # # description: lwIP - A Lightweight TCP/IP Stack
964 # # description: Kinetis ethernet interface
967 # # description: EtherCAT EOE ethernet interface
970 # # description: USB network layer
973 # # description: lwIP HTTP Daemon Implementation Support Files
976 # # description: lwIP HTTP Daemon
979 # # description: lwIP HTTP Server Implementation
982 # # description: lwIP HTTPS Server Implementation
985 # # description: lwIP mDNS Implementation
988 # # description: lwIP IPERF Implementation
991 # # description: lwIP MQTT Client
994 # # description: lwIP SNTP
997 # # description: lwIP Ping Sender contrib
1000 # # description: lwIP TCP Echo contrib
1003 # # description: lwIP TCP Echo Raw API contrib
1006 # # description: lwIP UDP Echo contrib
1009 # # description: lwIP UDP Echo Raw API contrib
1013 # # description: maestro_framework template
1016 # # description: MCU Maestro Audio Framework Doc
1019 # # description: MCU Maestro Audio Framework Codecs
1022 # # description: MCU Maestro Audio Framework Streamer Core
1025 # # description: MCU Maestro Audio Framework Opus
1028 # # description: MCU Maestro Audio Framework Opusfile
1031 # # description: MCU Maestro Audio Framework Ogg
1034 # # description: MCU Maestro Audio Framework ASRC
1038 # # description: mcuboot
1041 # # description: TinyCrypt fork in MCUBoot repository
1044 # # description: Encrypted XIP abstraction for MCUBoot
1047 # # description: MCUBoot's subset of MbedTLS for ASN.1 parsing
1050 # # description: mcuboot
1054 # # description: mbedTLS Template
1057 # # description: els_pkc config
1060 # # description: mbedTLS test suite
1063 # # description: mbedTLS 3rdparty code
1066 # # description: mbedTLS port library for ELS and PKC
1069 # # description: mbedTLS port library for ELS
1072 # # description: mbedTLS library
1076 # # description: Middleware sdmmc common
1079 # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user.
1082 # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user.
1085 # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user.
1088 # # description: SDMMC host controller cache dependency
1092 # # description: USB device phydcd config header
1095 # # description: USB device hsdcd config header
1098 # # description: USB device ehci config header
1101 # # description: Middleware usb common_header
1104 # # description: Middleware usb device common_header
1107 # # description: Middleware usb device ehci
1110 # # description: Middleware usb device stack external
1113 # # description: Middleware usb device audio external
1116 # # description: Middleware usb device cdc external
1119 # # description: Middleware usb device cdc rndis external
1122 # # description: Middleware usb device hid external
1125 # # description: Middleware usb device dfu external
1128 # # description: Middleware usb device msd external
1131 # # description: Middleware usb device phdc external
1134 # # description: Middleware usb device video external
1137 # # description: Middleware usb device ccid external
1140 # # description: Middleware usb device printer external
1143 # # description: Middleware usb device controller driver
1146 # # description: Middleware usb host ehci
1149 # # description: Middleware usb host audio
1152 # # description: Middleware usb host cdc
1155 # # description: Middleware usb host cdc_ecm
1158 # # description: Middleware usb host cdc_rndis
1161 # # description: Middleware usb host hid
1164 # # description: Middleware usb host msd
1167 # # description: Middleware usb host video
1170 # # description: Middleware usb host phdc
1173 # # description: Middleware usb host printer
1176 # # description: Middleware usb host common_header
1179 # # description: USB host ehci config header
1182 # # description: Middleware usb host stack
1186 # # description: OS Abstraction Layer for PSA crypto driver
1189 # # description: Oracle of PSA crypto driver for els_pkc
1192 # # description: Common files of PSA crypto driver for els_pkc
1195 # # description: Transparent part of PSA crypto driver for els_pkc
1198 # # description: Opaque part of PSA crypto driver for els_pkc
1201 # # description: Common files of PSA crypto driver for ele_s200
1204 # # description: Transparent part of PSA crypto driver for ele_s200
1207 # # description: OS Abstraction Layer for PSA crypto driver on FreeRTOS
1210 # # description: OS Abstraction Layer for PSA crypto driver on bare metal
1214 # # description: Component els_pkc.core
1217 # # description: Component els_header_only
1220 # # description: Component els_pkc.pre_processor
1223 # # description: Component els_pkc.data_integrity
1226 # # description: Component els_pkc.secure_counter
1229 # # description: Component els_pkc toolchain
1232 # # description: Component els_pkc.doc.rw61x
1235 # # description: Component els_pkc static_lib rw61x
1238 # # description: Component els pkc common
1241 # # description: Component els_pkc.aead
1244 # # description: Component els_pkc.aead_modes
1247 # # description: Component aes
1250 # # description: Component buffer
1253 # # description: Component els_pkc.cipher
1256 # # description: Component els_pkc.cipher
1259 # # description: Component crc
1262 # # description: Component els_pkc.ecc_deterministic
1265 # # description: Component els_pkc.ecc
1268 # # description: Component els_pkc els_common
1271 # # description: Component els_pkc standalone_gdet
1274 # # description: Component els
1277 # # description: Component glikey
1280 # # description: Component els_pkc.hash
1283 # # description: Component els_pkc.hashmodes
1286 # # description: Component els_pkc.hmac
1289 # # description: Component els_pkc.key_derivation
1292 # # description: Component els_pkc.key
1295 # # description: Component els_pkc.mac
1298 # # description: Component els_pkc.mac_modes
1301 # # description: Component els_pkc.math
1304 # # description: Component els_pkc.memory
1307 # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca
1310 # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_aeadmodes
1313 # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_ciphermodes
1316 # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_macmodes
1319 # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_pkc
1322 # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_randommodes
1325 # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_safo
1328 # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_sm2
1331 # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_sm3
1334 # # description: Component els_pkc.oscca_sm4
1337 # # description: Component els_pkc.padding
1340 # # description: Component pkc
1343 # # description: Component prng
1346 # # description: Component els_pkc_psa_driver
1349 # # description: Component els_pkc.random
1352 # # description: Component els_pkc.random_modes_hmacdrbg
1355 # # description: Component els_pkc.random_modes
1358 # # description: Component els_pkc.random_modes_ctr
1361 # # description: Component els_pkc.rsa_oaep
1364 # # description: Component els_pkc.rsa
1367 # # description: Component els_pkc.session
1370 # # description: Component els_pkc.signature
1373 # # description: Component els_pkc.trng
1376 # # description: Component els_pkc.trng.type_els
1379 # # description: Component els_pkc.trng.type_rng4
1382 # # description: Component els_pkc.flow_protection
1385 # # description: Component els_pkc.param_integrity
1388 # # description: Component els_pkc of Crypto Lib
1391 # # description: Component els_pkc for RW61x header inf files
1394 # # description: Component els_pkc for RW61x interface files
1397 # # description: Component els_pkc for standalone clib-interface of Gdet sensor
1400 # # description: Component els_pkc for RW61x platform
1403 # # description: Component els_pkc_test
1406 # # description: Component els_pkc_test
1409 # # description: Component els_pkc_test
1412 # # description: Component els_pkc_test
1415 # # description: Component els_pkc_test
1418 # # description: Component els_pkc_test
1421 # # description: Component els_pkc_test
1424 # # description: Component els_pkc_test
1427 # # description: Component els_pkc_test
1430 # # description: Component els_pkc_test
1433 # # description: Component els_pkc_test
1436 # # description: Component els_pkc_test
1439 # # description: Component els_pkc_test
1442 # # description: Component els_pkc psa_driver examples
1446 # # description: Component osa_zephyr
1449 # # description: Component common_task
1452 # # description: Component osa_bm
1455 # # description: Component osa_free_rtos
1458 # # description: Component osa
1461 # # description: Component osa interface
1465 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth configuration template for LE audio
1468 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.cap
1471 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.aics
1474 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.vocs
1477 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.csis
1480 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.ccid
1483 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.baps
1486 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.has
1489 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.tbs
1492 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.tmap
1495 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.gmap
1498 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.pbp
1501 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth PAL configuration template
1504 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth ind_reset
1507 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth liblc3codec
1510 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth asrc_sw
1513 # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user.
1516 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth Abstraction Layer
1519 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth HCI
1522 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth HCI based on framework platform
1525 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth bt_ble host stack
1528 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth bt_ble host stack
1531 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth rw610 controller
1534 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth configuration for bt_ble Host stack
1537 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth extension for bt_ble Host stack
1540 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth bt_ble Host stack(including BR and BLE)
1543 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth bt_ble Host stack(including BLE only)
1546 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth bt_ble Host stack(including BR only)
1549 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.vcs
1552 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.micp
1555 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.mcs
1558 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.mcc
1561 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.mpl
1564 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth le_audio.bass
1567 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile hrs
1570 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile bas
1573 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile dis
1576 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile hts
1579 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile ias
1582 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile hps
1585 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile pxr
1588 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile ipsp
1591 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile ots
1594 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile wu
1597 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile fmp
1600 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth profile tip
1603 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth PAL crypto support for bt_ble Host stack
1606 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth PAL platform for bt_ble Host stack
1609 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth host_msd_fatfs for bt_ble Host stack
1612 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth db_gen for bt_ble Host stack
1615 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth porting.atomic
1618 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth porting.list
1621 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth porting.netbuf
1624 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth porting.toolchain
1627 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth porting.work_queue
1630 # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user.
1633 # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user.
1636 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth porting
1639 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth shell
1642 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth shell
1645 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth shell_ble
1648 # # description: btble libraries for bt_ble Host stack
1651 # # description: BR libraries for bt_ble Host stack
1654 # # description: BLE libraries for bt_ble Host stack
1657 # # description: btble libraries for bt_ble Host stack
1660 # # description: BR libraries for bt_ble Host stack
1663 # # description: BLE libraries for bt_ble Host stack
1666 # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user.
1669 # # description: Template configuration file to be edited by user.
1673 # # description: middleware wireless zigbee cmake infrastructure
1676 # # description: middleware wireless zigbee markdown documentation
1679 # # description: middleware wireless zigbee all libs
1682 # # description: Middleware wireless zigbee for core lib files
1685 # # description: Middleware wireless zigbee for core lib files R23
1688 # # description: Middleware wireless zigbee for core ZED lib files
1691 # # description: Middleware wireless zigbee for core ZED lib files
1694 # # description: Middleware wireless zigbee
1697 # # description: Middleware wireless zigbee examples
1700 # # description: Middleware wireless zigbee platform common
1703 # # description: Middleware wireless zigbee platform
1706 # # description: Middleware wireless zigbee platform RW612
1709 # # description: middleware wireless zigbee all RW612 libs
1712 # # description: Middleware wireless zigbee platform
1715 # # description: Middleware wireless zigbee platform
1718 # # description: Middleware wireless zigbee platform ota
1721 # # description: Middleware wireless zigbee platform ota
1724 # # description: Middleware wireless zigbee examples collaterals
1727 # # description: Middleware wireless zigbee serial link
1730 # # description: Middleware wireless zigbee ZCL OTA Server
1733 # # description: Middleware wireless zigbee ZCL OTA Client
1737 # # description: Wpa supplicant rtos
1741 # # description: FatFs
1744 # # description: FatFs_RAM
1747 # # description: FatFs template RAM
1750 # # description: FatFs template USB
1753 # # description: FatFs_USB
1757 # # description: Voice seeker library for Cortex M33 without DSP
1760 # # description: Voice seeker memory utilities for Cortex M33 without DSP
1764 # # description: Voice intelligent technology library for Cortex M7