Lines Matching refs:stack
1174 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth bt_ble host stack
1183 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth configuration for bt_ble Host stack
1186 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth extension for bt_ble Host stack
1189 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth bt_ble Host stack(including BR and BLE)
1192 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth bt_ble Host stack(including BLE only)
1195 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth bt_ble Host stack(including BR only)
1228 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth PAL platform for bt_ble Host stack
1231 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth host_msd_fatfs for bt_ble Host stack
1234 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth db_gen for bt_ble Host stack
1264 # # description: btble libraries for bt_ble Host stack
1267 # # description: BR libraries for bt_ble Host stack
1270 # # description: BLE libraries for bt_ble Host stack
1273 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth bt_ble Host stack(including BR and BLE)
1276 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth bt_ble Host stack(including BLE only)
1279 # # description: edgefast_bluetooth bt_ble Host stack(including BR only)
1282 # # description: btble libraries for bt_ble Host stack
1285 # # description: BR libraries for bt_ble Host stack
1288 # # description: BLE libraries for bt_ble Host stack
1392 # # description: A network protocol stack based on azure RTOS
1395 # # description: A network protocol stack based on azure RTOS
1440 # # description: A network protocol stack based on azure RTOS
1443 # # description: A network protocol stack based on azure RTOS
1565 # # description: Middleware usb device stack external
1634 # # description: Middleware usb host stack