Lines Matching refs:buffers

17 - **Ring buffers**: Ring buffers provide a FIFO buffer that can accept entries of arbitrary lengths.
28buffers are a more memory efficient alternative to FreeRTOS queues in situations where the size of…
30buffers** will guarantee that an item is stored in contiguous memory and will not attempt to split…
32buffers** will allow an item to be split in two parts when wrapping around the end of the buffer i…
34buffers** do not store data as separate items. All data is stored as a sequence of bytes, and any …
37 …No-Split buffers and Allow-Split buffers will always store items at 32-bit aligned addresses. Ther…
40buffers will **require an additional 8 bytes for a header**. Item sizes will also be rounded up to…
194 …llustrate the differences between No-Split and Allow-Split buffers as compared to byte buffers wit…
197 :caption: Sending items to No-Split or Allow-Split ring buffers
200 For No-Split and Allow-Split buffers, a header of 8 bytes precedes every data item. Furthermore, th…
205 :caption: Sending items to byte buffers
208 Byte buffers treat data as a sequence of bytes and does not incur any overhead (no headers). As a r…
215 Items in No-Split buffers are acquired (by ``SendAcquire``) in strict FIFO order and must be sent t…
220 :caption: SendAcquire/SendComplete items in No-Split ring buffers
223 After that, we fill (use) the buffers, and send them to the ring buffer by ``SendComplete`` in the …
227 Allow-Split buffers and byte buffers do not allow using ``SendAcquire`` or ``SendComplete`` since a…
233 The following diagrams illustrate the differences between No-Split, Allow-Split, and byte buffers w…
236 :caption: Wrap around in No-Split buffers
239 No-Split buffers will **only store an item in continuous free space and will not split an item unde…
244 :caption: Wrap around in Allow-Split buffers
247 Allow-Split buffers will attempt to **split the item into two parts** when the free space at the ta…
252 …Allow-Split buffers treat both parts of the split item as two separate items, therefore call :cpp:…
255 :caption: Wrap around in byte buffers
258buffers will **store as much data as possible into the free space at the tail of buffer**. The rem…
265 …llustrate the differences between No-Split and Allow-Split buffers as compared to byte buffers in …
268 :caption: Retrieving/Returning items in No-Split and Allow-Split ring buffers
271 Items in No-Split buffers and Allow-Split buffers are **retrieved in strict FIFO order** and **must…
276 :caption: Retrieving/Returning data in byte buffers
279 Byte buffers **do not allow multiple retrievals before returning** (every retrieval must be followe…
286 Ring buffers can be added to FreeRTOS queue sets using :cpp:func:`xRingbufferAddToQueueSetRead` suc…
288 The following example demonstrates queue set usage with ring buffers.
327 The :cpp:func:`xRingbufferCreateStatic` can be used to create ring buffers with specific memory req…
330 …ufferSize``. Note that ``xBufferSize`` must be 32-bit aligned for No-Split and Allow-Split buffers.
369 Ideally, ring buffers can be used with multiple tasks in an SMP fashion where the **highest priorit…