Lines Matching refs:esp_timer
16 ``esp_timer`` set of APIs provides one-shot and periodic timers, microsecond time resolution, and 6…
18 Internally, ``esp_timer`` uses a 64-bit hardware timer, where the implemention depends on :ref:`CON…
35 ``ESP_TIMER_TASK``. Timer callbacks are dispatched from a high-priority ``esp_timer`` task. Because…
37 …er tasks with priority higher than ``esp_timer`` are running, callback dispatching will be delayed…
41 …me. Therefore there is a lower limit to the timeout value of one-shot ``esp_timer``. If :cpp:func:…
43 Periodic ``esp_timer`` also imposes a 50us restriction on the minimal timer period. Periodic softwa…
45 Using ``esp_timer`` APIs
48 …unction associated with it. This callback function is called from the ``esp_timer`` task each time…
69 esp_timer during the light sleep
72 During light sleep, the esp_timer counter stops and no callback functions are called.
74 between the counters and calls a function that advances the esp_timer counter.
90 esp_timer is designed to achieve a high-resolution low latency timer and the ability to handle dela…
101 …esp_timer`` also provides a convenience function to obtain the time passed since start-up, with mi…
111 The following example illustrates usage of ``esp_timer`` APIs: :example:`system/esp_timer`.
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