Lines Matching refs:url
127 @call :resolve slug url "%repo%" "%arch%" "%version%" "%threading%" "%exceptions%" "%revision%"
132 @call :unpack compiler_path "%url%" "%output_path%\mingw\%slug%"
154 @set "url= targetting Win32/Personal B…
158 @call :download "%url%" "%file_path%"
177 @set "url=%%~f"
178 @set "url=!url:%%20= !"
179 @for /l %%a in (1,1,32) do @if "!url:~-1!" == " " set url=!url:~0,-1! variable
180 @echo !arch!^|!version!^|!threading!^|!exceptions!^|!revision!^|!url!>> "%repository_path%"
219 @set "url=%%f"
221 @if "%url%" == "" (
227 @call :log 2 "Resolved url: %url%"
228 @endlocal & set "%slug_var%=%slug%" & set "%url_var%=%url%"
253 @set "url=%archive_path%"
254 @for /f %%a in ("!url: =-!") do @set "file_name=%%~na"
255 @for /f %%a in ("!url: =-!") do @set "file_ext=%%~xa"
260 @call :download "!url!" "!archive_path!"
322 @set "url="
323 @for /f %%a in ("%url: =-%") do @set "file_name=%%~na"
324 @for /f %%a in ("%url: =-%") do @set "file_ext=%%~xa"
329 @call :download "%url%" "%archive_path%" %checksum%
835 :: %1 - the url of the file to download
843 @set "url=%~1"
848 @if "%url%" == "" @exit /b 1
853 @call :log 2 "Downloading %url%"
858 @powershell Invoke-WebRequest "'%url%'" ^
863 @call :log 0 "Failed to download %url%"