Lines Matching full:echo
145 @for %%a in (%*) do @echo.%%~a
146 @echo.
147 [/?][/v[v...]^|/q][MinGW^|MSVC]
148 @echo.
149 @echo. [MinGW^|(MSVC)]
150 @echo. Builds the library with one of the compilers
151 @echo. /s Builds shared libraries
152 @echo. /d Builds a debug variant of the project
153 @echo. /v Sets the output to be more verbose
154 @echo. /v[v...] Extra verbosity, /vv, /vvv, etc
155 @echo. /q Quiets the output
156 @echo. /? Shows this usage message
157 @echo.
311 @echo "The invocation command was: '%cmdcmdline%'" >> %log_path%
491 echo Logging was used to early in the script, log_folder isn't set yet
495 echo Logging was used to early in the script, log_path isn't set yet
499 @if not exist "%log_path%" echo. 1>nul 2>"%log_path%"
500 @echo.%msg% >> "%log_path%"
509 echo Logging was used to early in the script, logging_level isn't set yet
512 @if %logging_level% geq %level% echo.%msg% 1>&2