Lines Matching full:right
36 * Right to contribute code, documentation, translations, artwork, etc.
37 * Right to report defects (bugs) and suggestions for enhancement.
38 * Right to participate in the process of reviewing contributions by others.
39 * Right to initiate and participate in discussions in any communication
41 * Right to approach any member of the community with matters they believe
43 * Right to participate in the feature development process.
86 * Right to set goals for the short and medium terms for the project being
121 * Right to set the overall architecture of the relevant subsystems or areas
123 * Right to make decisions in the relevant subsystems or areas of involvement,
170 * Right to dismiss stale and unrelated reviews or reviews not following
173 * Right to block pull requests from being merged until issues or changes
188 * Right to revert any triage in a static analysis tool (e.g: Coverity)
215 * Right to merge code changes to the zephyr tree following the project rules.
216 * Right to revert any changes that have broken the code base
217 * Right to close any stale changes after <N> months of no activity
253 * Right to manage and coordinate all code merges after the