Lines Matching +full:do +full:- +full:not +full:- +full:merge

51   (
54 ……
56 Contributors are not allowed to assign reviewers to their own pull requests. An
70 Contributor change requests or approval on pull requests are not counted with
111 be addressed by the original submitter. In cases where the changes requested do
112 not follow the :ref:`expectations <reviewer-expectations>` and the guidelines
117 approvals needed to merge a PR. Other criteria for merging may apply.
151 required approvals needed to merge a PR. Other criteria for merging may apply.
177 the latter is not possible.
180 * Right to dismiss stale and unrelated reviews or reviews not following
181 :ref:`expectations <reviewer-expectations>` from reviewers and seek reviews
185 * Responsibility to re-assign a pull request if they are the original submitter
199 that does not follow the project expectations.
201 * Responsibility to alert TSC if any issues are not adequately addressed by the
210 .. _release-engineering-team:
225 * Right to merge code changes to the zephyr tree following the project rules.
230 * Responsibility to merge all contributions regardless of their
232 maintainers and follow the merge criteria of a change.
247 time-zones).
264 …stone (M3, see `program management overview <>`_.)
283 … .. .. **Admin** **Merge Rights** Member Owner Collaborator
284---------------- ------------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------- ----------- --------…
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288---------------- ------------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------- ----------- --------…
309 * Un-maintained areas should be indicated clearly in the MAINTAINERS file
314 * Parent-area maintainer should be acting as default substitute/fallback
315 assignee for un-maintained sub-areas
316 * Area maintainer gets precedence over parent-area maintainer
318 * Pull requests may be re-assigned if this is needed or more appropriate
320 * Re-assigned by original assignee
331 * Path, collaborator and name changes do not require a review by the TSC.
332 * Addition of new areas without a maintainer do not require review by the TSC.
334 * Architectures, core components, sub-systems, samples, tests
339 * May have a maintainer, shall have a higher-level platform maintainer
342 * Shall have a driver-area (and API) maintainer
345 * In the above case, platform-specific PRs may be
346 re-assigned to respective collaborator/contributor of driver
360 Merge Criteria
373 approvals, the merge criteria is extended with the guidelines below:
378 Common and shared code is defined as anything that does not fall under
382 to implementation of an API supporting vendor specific hardware and not the
386 not possible, however, merges shall be completed by a person from a different
389 * Release engineers shall not merge code changes originating and reviewed
390 only by their own organisation. To be able to merge such changes, at least