Lines Matching +full:nucleo +full:- +full:144

6 The STM32 Nucleo-144 boards offer combinations of performance and power that
8 out new concepts. For compatible boards, the SMPS (Switched-Mode Power Supply)
11 The Arduino-compatible ST Zio connector expands functionality of the Nucleo
15 The STM32 Nucleo-144 board does not require any separate probe as it integrates
16 the ST-LINK/V2-1 debugger/programmer.
18 The STM32 Nucleo-144 board comes with the STM32 comprehensive free software
23 - STM32 microcontroller in LQFP144 package
24 - Ethernet compliant with IEEE-802.3-2002 (depending on STM32 support)
25 - USB OTG or full-speed device (depending on STM32 support)
26 - 3 user LEDs
27 - 2 user and reset push-buttons
28 - 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator
29 - Board connectors:
31 - USB with Micro-AB
32 - SWD
33 - Ethernet RJ45 (depending on STM32 support)
34 - ST Zio connector including Arduino* Uno V3
35 - ST morpho
37 - Flexible power-supply options: ST-LINK USB VBUS or external sources.
38 - On-board ST-LINK/V2-1 debugger/programmer with USB re-enumeration
39 - capability: mass storage, virtual COM port and debug port.
40 - Comprehensive free software libraries and examples available with the
42 - Arm* Mbed Enabled* compliant (only for some Nucleo part numbers)
44 More information about the board can be found at the `Nucleo H743ZI website`_.
49 Nucleo H743ZI provides the following hardware components:
51 - STM32H743ZI in LQFP144 package
52 - ARM 32-bit Cortex-M7 CPU with FPU
53 - Chrom-ART Accelerator
54 - Hardware JPEG Codec
55 - 480 MHz max CPU frequency
56 - VDD from 1.62 V to 3.6 V
57 - 2 MB Flash
58 - 1 MB SRAM
59 - High-resolution timer (2.1 ns)
60 - 32-bit timers(2)
61 - 16-bit timers(12)
62 - SPI(6)
63 - I2C(4)
64 - I2S (3)
65 - USART(4)
66 - UART(4)
67 - USB OTG Full Speed and High Speed(1)
68 - USB OTG Full Speed(1)
69 - CAN FD(2)
70 - SAI(2)
71 - SPDIF_Rx(4)
72 - HDMI_CEC(1)
73 - Dual Mode Quad SPI(1)
74 - Camera Interface
75 - GPIO (up to 114) with external interrupt capability
76 - 16-bit ADC(3) with 36 channels / 3.6 MSPS
77 - 12-bit DAC with 2 channels(2)
78 - True Random Number Generator (RNG)
79 - 16-channel DMA
80 - LCD-TFT Controller with XGA resolution
85 .. zephyr:board-supported-hw::
87 For more details please refer to `STM32 Nucleo-144 board User Manual`_.
90 ----------------------------------
92 The Nucleo H743ZI board features a ST Zio connector (extended Arduino Uno V3)
95 - UART_3 TX/RX : PD8/PD9 (ST-Link Virtual Port Com)
96 - USER_PB : PC13
97 - LD1 : PB0
98 - LD2 : PE1
99 - LD3 : PB14
100 - I2C : PB8, PB9
101 - ADC1_INP15 : PA3
102 - DAC1_OUT1 : PA4
103 - ETH : PA1, PA2, PA7, PB13, PC1, PC4, PC5, PG11, PG13
104 - SPI1 NSS/SCK/MISO/MOSI : PD14/PA5/PA6/PB5 (Arduino SPI)
105 - CAN/CANFD : PD0, PD1
108 ------------
110 Nucleo H743ZI System Clock could be driven by an internal or external
112 driven by the PLL clock at 96MHz, driven by an 8MHz high-speed external clock.
115 -----------
117 Nucleo H743ZI board has 4 UARTs and 4 USARTs. The Zephyr console output is
121 -----------
127 ----------
134 Nucleo H743ZI board includes an ST-LINK/V2-1 embedded debug tool interface.
144 so its :ref:`installation <stm32cubeprog-flash-host-tools>` is required.
147 the ``--runner`` (or ``-r``) option:
149 .. code-block:: console
151 $ west flash --runner openocd
152 $ west flash --runner jlink
153 $ west flash --runner pyocd
155 Flashing an application to Nucleo H743ZI
156 ----------------------------------------
158 Here is an example for the :zephyr:code-sample:`hello_world` application.
160 Run a serial host program to connect with your Nucleo board.
162 .. code-block:: console
164 $ minicom -b 115200 -D /dev/ttyACM0
168 .. zephyr-app-commands::
169 :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world
175 .. code-block:: console
183 :zephyr:code-sample:`hello_world` application.
185 .. zephyr-app-commands::
186 :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world
188 :maybe-skip-config:
194 .. _STM32 Nucleo-144 board User Manual:
198 …n/products/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32-32-bit-arm-cortex-mcus/stm32-high-performance-mc…