Lines Matching refs:Boards
3 96Boards Neonkey
9 96Boards Neonkey board is based on the STMicroelectronics STM32F411CE
14 :alt: 96Boards Neonkey
16 96Boards Neonkey
18 This board acts as a sensor hub platform for all 96Boards compliant
24 96Boards Neonkey provides the following hardware components:
75 More details about the board can be found at `96Boards website`_.
100 96Boards Neonkey can be driven by an internal oscillator as well as the main
107 On 96Boards Neonkey Zephyr console output is assigned to USART1.
113 96Boards Neonkey board has up to 3 I2Cs. The default I2C mapping for Zephyr is:
125 96Boards Neonkey board has one SPI. The default SPI mapping for Zephyr is:
148 96Boards Neonkey can be flashed by two methods, one using the ROM
211 After flashing 96Boards Neonkey, it can be debugged using the same