Lines Matching +full:merge +full:- +full:pr

2 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
8 - cron: '0 */3 * * *'
11 - v*
22 # and each sphinx-build process may use more than 2GiB of RAM.
26 doc-file-check:
28 runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
30 github.repository_owner == 'zephyrproject-rtos'
32 file_check: ${{ steps.check-doc-files.outputs.any_modified }}
34 - name: checkout
38 fetch-depth: 0
39 - name: Check if Documentation related files changed
40 uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v45
41 id: check-doc-files
56 .github/workflows/doc-build.yml
57 scripts/pylib/pytest-twister-harness/src/twister_harness/device/
58 scripts/pylib/pytest-twister-harness/src/twister_harness/helpers/
60 doc-build-html:
62 needs: [doc-file-check]
64 github.repository_owner == 'zephyrproject-rtos' &&
65 ( needs.doc-file-check.outputs.file_check == 'true' || github.event_name != 'pull_request' )
66 runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
67 timeout-minutes: 90
69 group: doc-build-html-${{ github.ref }}
70 cancel-in-progress: true
73 - name: install-pkgs
75 sudo apt-get update
76 sudo apt-get install -y wget python3-pip git ninja-build graphviz lcov
77 …wget --no-verbose "${DOXYGEN_VERSION/…
78 sudo tar xf doxygen-${DOXYGEN_VERSION}.linux.bin.tar.gz -C /opt
79 echo "/opt/doxygen-${DOXYGEN_VERSION}/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
82 - name: checkout
86 fetch-depth: 0
88 - name: Rebase
90 continue-on-error: true
95 git config --global ""
96 git config --global "Github Actions"
97 rm -fr ".git/rebase-apply"
98 rm -fr ".git/rebase-merge"
100 git clean -f -d
101 git log --graph --oneline HEAD...${PR_HEAD}
103 - name: cache-pip
107 key: pip-${{ hashFiles('doc/requirements.txt') }}
109 - name: install-pip
111 pip install -r doc/requirements.txt
116 - name: west setup
118 west init -l .
120 - name: build-docs
130 DOC_TARGET="html-fast"
136 SPHINXOPTS="-j ${JOB_COUNT} -W --keep-going -T" \
137 SPHINXOPTS_EXTRA="-q -t publish" \
138 make -C doc ${DOC_TARGET}
141 …python3 -m coverxygen --xml-dir doc/_build/html/doxygen/xml/ --src-dir include/ --output doc-cove…
143 lcov --remove \*/deprecated >
144 genhtml --no-function-coverage --no-branch-coverage -o coverage-report
146 - name: compress-docs
148 tar --use-compress-program="xz -T0" -cf html-output.tar.xz --directory=doc/_build html
149 … tar --use-compress-program="xz -T0" -cf api-output.tar.xz --directory=doc/_build html/doxygen/html
150 tar --use-compress-program="xz -T0" -cf api-coverage.tar.xz coverage-report
152 - name: upload-build
153 uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
155 name: html-output
156 path: html-output.tar.xz
158 - name: upload-api-coverage
159 uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
161 name: api-coverage
162 path: api-coverage.tar.xz
164 - name: process-pr
169 DOC_URL="${REPO_NAME}/pr/${PR_NUM}/docs/"
170 API_DOC_URL="${REPO_NAME}/pr/${PR_NUM}/docs/doxygen/html/"
171 API_COVERAGE_URL="${REPO_NAME}/pr/${PR_NUM}/api-coverage/"
178 - name: upload-pr-number
179 uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
185 doc-build-pdf:
187 needs: [doc-file-check]
190 github.repository_owner == 'zephyrproject-rtos'
191 runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
193 timeout-minutes: 120
195 group: doc-build-pdf-${{ github.ref }}
196 cancel-in-progress: true
199 - name: Apply container owner mismatch workaround
201 git config --global --add ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}
203 - name: checkout
206 - name: install-pkgs
208 apt-get update
209 … apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-venv ninja-build doxygen graphviz librsvg2-bin imagemagick
211 - name: cache-pip
215 key: pip-${{ hashFiles('doc/requirements.txt') }}
217 - name: setup-venv
219 python3 -m venv .venv
223 - name: install-pip
225 pip install -r doc/requirements.txt
229 - name: west setup
231 west init -l .
233 - name: build-docs
235 continue-on-error: true
244 SPHINXOPTS="-q -j ${JOB_COUNT}" \
245 LATEXMKOPTS="-quiet -halt-on-error" \
246 make -C doc pdf
248 - name: upload-build
250 uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
252 name: pdf-output
253 if-no-files-found: ignore
258 doc-build-status-check:
262 - doc-build-pdf
263 - doc-file-check
264 - doc-build-html
265 uses: ./.github/workflows/ready-to-merge.yml