Lines Matching +full:continue +full:- +full:on +full:- +full:error

3 on:
6 - edited
7 - opened
8 - reopened
9 - synchronize
13 runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
14 name: Run compliance checks on patch series (PR)
16 - name: Update PATH for west
20 - name: Checkout the code
24 fetch-depth: 0
26 - name: Rebase onto the target branch
30 git config --global ""
31 git config --global "Your Name"
32 git remote -v
34 [[ "$(git rev-list --merges --count origin/${BASE_REF}..)" == "0" ]] || \
35 (echo "::error ::Merge commits not allowed, rebase instead";false)
36 rm -fr ".git/rebase-apply"
37 rm -fr ".git/rebase-merge"
39 git clean -f -d
41 git log --pretty=oneline | head -n 10
43 - name: Set up Python
44 uses: actions/setup-python@v5
46 python-version: 3.11
48 - name: cache-pip
52 key: ${{ runner.os }}-pip-${{ hashFiles('.github/workflows/compliance.yml') }}
54 - name: Install python dependencies
56 pip install -r scripts/requirements-compliance.txt
59 - name: west setup
61 west init -l . || true
62 west config -- +ci,-optional
63 …west update -o=--depth=1 -n 2>&1 1> west.update.log || west update -o=--depth=1 -n 2>&1 1> west.up…
65 - name: Check for PR description
67 continue-on-error: true
73 - name: Run Compliance Tests
74 continue-on-error: true
81 ls -la
82 git log --pretty=oneline | head -n 10
85 ./scripts/ci/ --annotate -e KconfigBasic -e ClangFormat \
86 -c origin/${BASE_REF}..
88 - name: upload-results
89 uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
90 continue-on-error: true
95 - name: check-warns
97 if [[ ! -s "compliance.xml" ]]; then
102 files=($(./scripts/ci/ -l))
106 if [[ -s $f ]]; then
115 echo "::error file=${f}::$results"
122 echo "Compliance error, check for error messages in the \"Run Compliance Tests\" step"