Lines Matching +full:- +full:- +full:add +full:- +full:tracefile

5     - cron: '25 06,18 * * *'
8 group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event_name }}-${{ github.head_ref || github.ref }}
9 cancel-in-progress: true
13 if: github.repository_owner == 'zephyrproject-rtos'
14 runs-on:
15 group: zephyr-runner-v2-linux-x64-4xlarge
17 image:
18 options: '--entrypoint /bin/bash'
20 fail-fast: false
24 - platform: 'mps2/an385'
26 - platform: 'native_sim'
28 - platform: 'qemu_x86'
30 - platform: 'unit_testing'
33 CCACHE_DIR: /node-cache/ccache-zephyr
34 CCACHE_REMOTE_STORAGE: "redis://cache-*.keydb-cache.svc.cluster.local|shards=1,2,3"
36 # `--specs` is ignored because ccache is unable to resovle the toolchain specs file path.
37 CCACHE_IGNOREOPTIONS: '-specs=* --specs=*'
39 - name: Apply container owner mismatch workaround
45 git config --global --add ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}
47 - name: Print cloud service information
53 - name: Update PATH for west
57 - name: Clone cached Zephyr repository
58 continue-on-error: true
60 git clone --shared /repo-cache/zephyrproject/zephyr .
61 git remote set-url origin ${GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}
63 - name: checkout
66 fetch-depth: 0
68 - name: west setup
70 west init -l . || true
71 west update 1> west.update.log || west update 1> west.update-2.log
73 - name: Environment Setup
75 cmake --version
76 gcc --version
77 ls -la
79 … echo "ZEPHYR_SDK_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/toolchains/zephyr-sdk-$( cat SDK_VERSION )" >> $GITHUB_ENV
81 - name: Set up ccache
83 mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
84 ccache -M 10G
85 ccache -p
86 ccache -z -s -vv
88 - name: Update BabbleSim to manifest revision
90 export BSIM_VERSION=$( west list bsim -f {revision} )
93 git fetch -n origin ${BSIM_VERSION}
94 git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout ${BSIM_VERSION}
96 make everything -s -j 8
98 - name: Run Tests with Twister (Push)
99 continue-on-error: true
103 mkdir -p coverage/reports
105 ./scripts/twister -E ${{matrix.normalized}}-testplan.json
106 ls -la
108 -i --force-color -N -v --filter runnable -p ${{ matrix.platform }} --coverage \
109 -T tests --coverage-tool gcovr -xCONFIG_TEST_EXTRA_STACK_SIZE=4096 -e nano \
110 --timeout-multiplier 2
112 - name: Print ccache stats
115 ccache -s -vv
117 - name: Rename coverage files
120 mv twister-out/coverage.json coverage/reports/${{matrix.normalized}}.json
122 - name: Upload Coverage Results
124 uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
129 ${{ matrix.normalized }}-testplan.json
131 codecov-results:
134 runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
139 - name: checkout
142 fetch-depth: 0
144 - name: Download Artifacts
145 uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
149 - name: Move coverage files
151 ls -lRt ./coverage/reports
154 ls -la ./coverage/reports
156 - name: Generate list of coverage files
157 id: get-coverage-files
158 shell: cmake -P {0}
174 set(MERGELIST "--add-tracefile ${f}")
176 set(MERGELIST "${MERGELIST} -a ${f}")
182 - name: Merge coverage files
186 …gcovr ${{ steps.get-coverage-files.outputs.mergefiles }} --merge-mode-functions=separate --json m…
187 …gcovr ${{ steps.get-coverage-files.outputs.mergefiles }} --merge-mode-functions=separate --cobertu…
190 - name: Get current date
193 echo "run_date=$(date --iso-8601=minutes)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
194 echo "run_date_short=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
198 - name: Generate Coverage Report
203 -t native_sim-testplan.json \
204 -m MAINTAINERS.yml \
205 -c coverage/reports/merged.json \
206 -o coverage-report-${{ steps.run_date.outputs.run_date_short }} \
207 -f all
208 cp coverage-report-* coverage/reports/
210 - name: Upload Merged Coverage Results and Report
212 uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
218 coverage/reports/coverage-report-${{ steps.run_date.outputs.run_date_short }}.json
219 coverage/reports/coverage-report-${{ steps.run_date.outputs.run_date_short }}.xlsx
221 - name: Upload coverage to Codecov
223 uses: codecov/codecov-action@0565863a31f2c772f9f0395002a31e3f06189574 # v5.4.0