Lines Matching +full:check +full:- +full:networking +full:- +full:files

6       - ".github/workflows/bsim-tests.yaml"
7 - ".github/workflows/bsim-tests-publish.yaml"
8 - "west.yml"
9 - "subsys/bluetooth/**"
10 - "tests/bsim/**"
11 - "boards/nordic/nrf5*/*dt*"
12 - "dts/*/nordic/**"
13 - "tests/bluetooth/common/testlib/**"
14 - "samples/bluetooth/**"
15 - "boards/native/**"
16 - "soc/native/**"
17 - "arch/posix/**"
18 - "include/zephyr/arch/posix/**"
19 - "scripts/native_simulator/**"
20 - "samples/net/sockets/echo_*/**"
21 - "modules/hal_nordic/**"
22 - "modules/mbedtls/**"
23 - "modules/openthread/**"
24 - "subsys/net/l2/openthread/**"
25 - "include/zephyr/net/openthread.h"
26 - "drivers/ieee802154/**"
27 - "include/zephyr/net/ieee802154*"
28 - "drivers/serial/*nrfx*"
29 - "tests/drivers/uart/**"
32 group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event_name }}-${{ github.head_ref || github.ref }}
33 cancel-in-progress: true
36 bsim-test:
37 if: github.repository_owner == 'zephyrproject-rtos'
38 runs-on:
39 group: zephyr-runner-v2-linux-x64-4xlarge
41 image:
42 options: '--entrypoint /bin/bash'
49 - name: Apply container owner mismatch workaround
55 git config --global --add ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}
57 - name: Print cloud service information
63 - name: Clone cached Zephyr repository
64 continue-on-error: true
66 git clone --shared /repo-cache/zephyrproject/zephyr .
67 git remote set-url origin ${GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}
69 - name: Checkout
72 fetch-depth: 0
74 - name: Environment Setup
78 git config --global ""
79 git config --global "Zephyr Bot"
80 rm -fr ".git/rebase-apply"
81 rm -fr ".git/rebase-merge"
83 git clean -f -d
84 git log --pretty=oneline | head -n 10
85 west init -l . || true
86 west config -- +ci
87 west config --global update.narrow true
88--path-cache /repo-cache/zephyrproject 2>&1 1> west.update.log || west update --path-cache /repo-c…
89 west forall -c 'git reset --hard HEAD'
91 … echo "ZEPHYR_SDK_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/toolchains/zephyr-sdk-$( cat SDK_VERSION )" >> $GITHUB_ENV
93 - name: Check common triggering files
94 uses: tj-actions/changed-files@2f7c5bfce28377bc069a65ba478de0a74aa0ca32 # v46.0.1
95 id: check-common-files
97 files: |
98 .github/workflows/bsim-tests.yaml
99 .github/workflows/bsim-tests-publish.yaml
112 - name: Check if Bluethooth files changed
113 uses: tj-actions/changed-files@2f7c5bfce28377bc069a65ba478de0a74aa0ca32 # v46.0.1
114 id: check-bluetooth-files
116 files: |
121 - name: Check if Networking files changed
122 uses: tj-actions/changed-files@2f7c5bfce28377bc069a65ba478de0a74aa0ca32 # v46.0.1
123 id: check-networking-files
125 files: |
134 - name: Check if UART files changed
135 uses: tj-actions/changed-files@2f7c5bfce28377bc069a65ba478de0a74aa0ca32 # v46.0.1
136 id: check-uart-files
138 files: |
143 - name: Update BabbleSim to manifest revision
145 steps.check-bluetooth-files.outputs.any_modified == 'true'
146 || steps.check-networking-files.outputs.any_modified == 'true'
147 || steps.check-uart-files.outputs.any_modified == 'true'
148 || steps.check-common-files.outputs.any_modified == 'true'
150 export BSIM_VERSION=$( west list bsim -f {revision} )
153 git fetch -n origin ${BSIM_VERSION}
154 git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout ${BSIM_VERSION}
156 make everything -s -j 8
158 - name: Run Bluetooth Tests with BSIM
159 …if: steps.check-bluetooth-files.outputs.any_modified == 'true' || steps.check-common-files.outputs…
163 - name: Run Networking Tests with BSIM
164 …if: steps.check-networking-files.outputs.any_modified == 'true' || steps.check-common-files.output…
168 - name: Run UART Tests with BSIM
169 …if: steps.check-uart-files.outputs.any_modified == 'true' || steps.check-common-files.outputs.any_…
173 - name: Merge Test Results
176 … junitparser merge --glob "./bsim_*/*bsim_results.*.xml" "./twister-out/twister.xml" junit.xml
179 - name: Upload Unit Test Results in HTML
181 uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
184 if-no-files-found: ignore
188 - name: Publish Unit Test Results
189 … uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@170bf24d20d201b842d7a52403b73ed297e6645b # v2.18.0
192 files: "junit.xml"
195 - name: Upload Event Details
197 uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4