Percepio Trace Recorder SDK v4.5.1 Copyright 2021 Percepio AB The SDK is intended to simplify Trace Recorder integration for third party software. API: traceResult xTraceSDKRegisterObject(uint32_t uiEventCode, void* pxObject, uint32_t uiData) Parameters: uiEventCode - The event code. pxObject - The pointer to the object. uiData - The object's initial data. Returns: TRACE_SUCCESS or TRACE_FAIL. traceResult xTraceSDKUnregisterObject(uint32_t uiEventCode, void* pxObject, uint32_t uiData) This function will unregister an object in the trace. Parameters: uiEventCode - The event code. pxObject - The pointer to the object. uiData - The object's end data. Returns: TRACE_SUCCESS or TRACE_FAIL. traceResult xTraceSDKSetObjectName(void* pxObject, const char* pszName) This function will set an object's name. Parameters: pxObject - The pointer to the object. pszName - The task name. Returns: TRACE_SUCCESS or TRACE_FAIL. traceResult xTraceSDKSetObjectData(void* pxObject, uint32_t uiData) This function will set an object's data. Parameters: pxObject - The pointer to the object. uiData - The object's data. Returns: TRACE_SUCCESS or TRACE_FAIL. traceResult xTraceSDKTaskSwitch(void* pxTCB, uint32_t uiPriority) This function will register a task switch and the task's priority. Parameters: pxTCB - The pointer to the TCB. uiPriority - The task priority. Returns: TRACE_SUCCESS or TRACE_FAIL. traceResult xTraceSDKTaskReady(void* pxTCB) This function will set a task to ready in the trace. Parameters: pxTCB - The pointer to the TCB. Returns: TRACE_SUCCESS or TRACE_FAIL. traceResult xTraceSDKEventBegin(uint32_t uiEventCode, uint32_t uiPayloadSize) This function will begin an event and allow for payload to be added via the xTraceSDKEventAdd****() functions. Parameters: uiEventCode - The event code. uiPayloadSize - The expected payload size in bytes. Returns: TRACE_SUCCESS or TRACE_FAIL. traceResult xTraceSDKEventEnd(void) This function ends an event. Returns: TRACE_SUCCESS or TRACE_FAIL. traceResult xTraceSDKEventAddData(void* pvData, uint32_t uiSize) This function will add data as payload. Parameters: pvData - The pointer to the data. uiSize - The data size. Returns: TRACE_SUCCESS or TRACE_FAIL. traceResult xTraceSDKEventAddObject(void* pxObject) This function will add an object as payload. Parameters: pxObject - The pointer to the object. Returns: TRACE_SUCCESS or TRACE_FAIL. traceResult xTraceSDKEventAdd32(uint32_t value) This function will add an uint32_t as payload. Parameters: value - The value. Returns: TRACE_SUCCESS or TRACE_FAIL. traceResult xTraceSDKEventAdd16(uint16_t value) This function will add an uint16_t as payload. Parameters: value - The value. Returns: TRACE_SUCCESS or TRACE_FAIL. traceResult xTraceSDKEventAdd8(uint8_t value) This function will add an uint8_t as payload. Parameters: value - The value. Returns: TRACE_SUCCESS or TRACE_FAIL.