1 /**************************************************************************/
2 /*                                                                        */
3 /*       Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.        */
4 /*                                                                        */
5 /*       This software is licensed under the Microsoft Software License   */
6 /*       Terms for Microsoft Azure RTOS. Full text of the license can be  */
7 /*       found in the LICENSE file at https://aka.ms/AzureRTOS_EULA       */
8 /*       and in the root directory of this software.                      */
9 /*                                                                        */
10 /**************************************************************************/
13 /**************************************************************************/
14 /**************************************************************************/
15 /**                                                                       */
16 /** NetX Crypto Component                                                 */
17 /**                                                                       */
18 /**   RSA public-key encryption algorithm                                 */
19 /**                                                                       */
20 /**************************************************************************/
21 /**************************************************************************/
23 #include "nx_crypto_rsa.h"
24 #include "nx_crypto_huge_number.h"
26 /**************************************************************************/
27 /*                                                                        */
28 /*  FUNCTION                                               RELEASE        */
29 /*                                                                        */
30 /*    _nx_crypto_rsa_operation                            PORTABLE C      */
31 /*                                                           6.1          */
32 /*  AUTHOR                                                                */
33 /*                                                                        */
34 /*    Timothy Stapko, Microsoft Corporation                               */
35 /*                                                                        */
36 /*  DESCRIPTION                                                           */
37 /*                                                                        */
38 /*     This function performs an RSA encryption/decryption operation -    */
39 /*     for RSA the operation is the same but with different values        */
40 /*     for the exponent.                                                  */
41 /*                                                                        */
42 /*     The output is always the same length as the modulus.               */
43 /*                                                                        */
44 /*     If NULL is passed for the scratch buffer pointer, an internal      */
45 /*     scratch buffer is used.                                            */
46 /*                                                                        */
47 /*  INPUT                                                                 */
48 /*                                                                        */
49 /*    exponent                              RSA exponent                  */
50 /*    exponent_length                       Length of exponent in bytes   */
51 /*    modulus                               RSA modulus                   */
52 /*    modulus_length                        Length of modulus in bytes    */
53 /*    p                                     RSA prime p                   */
54 /*    p_length                              Length of p in bytes          */
55 /*    q                                     RSA prime q                   */
56 /*    q_length                              Length of q in bytes          */
57 /*    input                                 Input data                    */
58 /*    input_length                          Length of input in bytes      */
59 /*    output                                Output buffer                 */
60 /*    scratch_buf_ptr                       Pointer to scratch buffer     */
61 /*    scratch_buf_length                    Length of scratch buffer      */
62 /*                                                                        */
63 /*  OUTPUT                                                                */
64 /*                                                                        */
65 /*    status                                Completion status             */
66 /*                                                                        */
67 /*  CALLS                                                                 */
68 /*                                                                        */
69 /*    _nx_crypto_huge_number_setup          Setup huge number             */
70 /*    _nx_crypto_huge_number_crt_power_modulus                            */
71 /*                                          Raise a huge number for CRT   */
72 /*    _nx_crypto_huge_number_mont_power_modulus                           */
73 /*                                          Raise a huge number for       */
74 /*                                            montgomery reduction        */
75 /*    _nx_crypto_huge_number_extract        Extract huge number           */
76 /*                                                                        */
77 /*  CALLED BY                                                             */
78 /*                                                                        */
79 /*    _nx_crypto_method_rsa_operation       Handle RSA operation          */
80 /*                                                                        */
81 /*  RELEASE HISTORY                                                       */
82 /*                                                                        */
83 /*    DATE              NAME                      DESCRIPTION             */
84 /*                                                                        */
85 /*  05-19-2020     Timothy Stapko           Initial Version 6.0           */
86 /*  09-30-2020     Timothy Stapko           Modified comment(s),          */
87 /*                                            resulting in version 6.1    */
88 /*  03-08-2023     Yanwu Cai                Modified comment(s), aligned  */
89 /*                                            buffer size of huge number, */
90 /*                                            resulting in version 6.2.1  */
91 /*                                                                        */
92 /**************************************************************************/
_nx_crypto_rsa_operation(const UCHAR * exponent,UINT exponent_length,const UCHAR * modulus,UINT modulus_length,const UCHAR * p,UINT p_length,UCHAR * q,UINT q_length,const UCHAR * input,UINT input_length,UCHAR * output,USHORT * scratch_buf_ptr,UINT scratch_buf_length)93 NX_CRYPTO_KEEP UINT  _nx_crypto_rsa_operation(const UCHAR *exponent, UINT exponent_length, const UCHAR *modulus, UINT modulus_length,
94                                               const UCHAR *p, UINT p_length, UCHAR *q, UINT q_length,
95                                               const UCHAR *input, UINT input_length, UCHAR *output,
96                                               USHORT *scratch_buf_ptr, UINT scratch_buf_length)
97 {
98 HN_UBASE             *scratch;
99 UINT                  mod_length;
100 NX_CRYPTO_HUGE_NUMBER modulus_hn, exponent_hn, input_hn, output_hn, p_hn, q_hn;
102     NX_CRYPTO_PARAMETER_NOT_USED(scratch_buf_length);
104     /* The RSA operation is reversible so both encryption and decryption can be done with the same operation. */
105     /* Local pointer for pointer arithmetic. */
106     scratch = (HN_UBASE *)scratch_buf_ptr;
108     /* Set up each of the buffers - point into the scratch buffer at increments of the DH buffer size. */
109     NX_CRYPTO_HUGE_NUMBER_INITIALIZE(&modulus_hn, scratch, modulus_length);
111     /* Input buffer(and scratch). */
112     NX_CRYPTO_HUGE_NUMBER_INITIALIZE(&input_hn, scratch, modulus_length);
114     /* Exponent  buffer (and scratch). */
115     NX_CRYPTO_HUGE_NUMBER_INITIALIZE(&exponent_hn, scratch, modulus_length);
117     /* Output buffer (and scratch). */
118     NX_CRYPTO_HUGE_NUMBER_INITIALIZE(&output_hn, scratch, modulus_length << 1);
120     /* Copy the exponent from the caller's buffer. */
121     _nx_crypto_huge_number_setup(&exponent_hn, exponent, exponent_length);
123     /* Copy the input from the caller's buffer. */
124     _nx_crypto_huge_number_setup(&input_hn, input, input_length);
126     /* Copy the modulus from the caller's buffer. */
127     _nx_crypto_huge_number_setup(&modulus_hn, modulus, modulus_length);
129     if (p && q)
130     {
132         NX_CRYPTO_HUGE_NUMBER_INITIALIZE(&p_hn, scratch, modulus_length >> 1);
134         NX_CRYPTO_HUGE_NUMBER_INITIALIZE(&q_hn, scratch, modulus_length >> 1);
136         /* Copy the prime p and q from the caller's buffer. */
137         _nx_crypto_huge_number_setup(&p_hn, p, p_length);
138         _nx_crypto_huge_number_setup(&q_hn, q, q_length);
140         /* Finally, generate shared secret from the remote public key, our generated private key, and the modulus, modulus.
141            The actual calculation is "shared_secret = (public_key**private_key) % modulus"
142            where the "**" denotes exponentiation. */
143         _nx_crypto_huge_number_crt_power_modulus(&input_hn, &exponent_hn, &p_hn, &q_hn,
144                                                  &modulus_hn, &output_hn,
145                                                  scratch);
146     }
147     else
148     {
150         /* Finally, generate shared secret from the remote public key, our generated private key, and the modulus, modulus.
151            The actual calculation is "shared_secret = (public_key**private_key) % modulus"
152            where the "**" denotes exponentiation. */
153         _nx_crypto_huge_number_mont_power_modulus(&input_hn, &exponent_hn, &modulus_hn,
154                                                   &output_hn, scratch);
155     }
157     /* Copy the shared secret into the return buffer. */
158     _nx_crypto_huge_number_extract(&output_hn, output, modulus_length, &mod_length);
160     return(NX_CRYPTO_SUCCESS);
161 }
163 /**************************************************************************/
164 /*                                                                        */
165 /*  FUNCTION                                               RELEASE        */
166 /*                                                                        */
167 /*    _nx_crypto_method_rsa_init                           PORTABLE C     */
168 /*                                                           6.3.0        */
169 /*  AUTHOR                                                                */
170 /*                                                                        */
171 /*    Timothy Stapko, Microsoft Corporation                               */
172 /*                                                                        */
173 /*  DESCRIPTION                                                           */
174 /*                                                                        */
175 /*    This function initializes the modulus for RSA context.              */
176 /*                                                                        */
177 /*  INPUT                                                                 */
178 /*                                                                        */
179 /*    method                                Pointer to RSA crypto method  */
180 /*    key                                   Pointer to modulus            */
181 /*    key_size_in_bits                      Length of modulus in bits     */
182 /*    handle                                Handle of method              */
183 /*    crypto_metadata                       Pointer to RSA context        */
184 /*    crypto_metadata_size                  Size of RSA context           */
185 /*                                                                        */
186 /*  OUTPUT                                                                */
187 /*                                                                        */
188 /*    status                                Completion status             */
189 /*                                                                        */
190 /*  CALLS                                                                 */
191 /*                                                                        */
192 /*    None                                                                */
193 /*                                                                        */
194 /*  CALLED BY                                                             */
195 /*                                                                        */
196 /*    Application Code                                                    */
197 /*                                                                        */
198 /*  RELEASE HISTORY                                                       */
199 /*                                                                        */
200 /*    DATE              NAME                      DESCRIPTION             */
201 /*                                                                        */
202 /*  05-19-2020     Timothy Stapko           Initial Version 6.0           */
203 /*  09-30-2020     Timothy Stapko           Modified comment(s),          */
204 /*                                            resulting in version 6.1    */
205 /*  10-31-2023     Yanwu Cai                Modified comment(s),          */
206 /*                                            resulting in version 6.3.0  */
207 /*                                                                        */
208 /**************************************************************************/
_nx_crypto_method_rsa_init(struct NX_CRYPTO_METHOD_STRUCT * method,UCHAR * key,NX_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE key_size_in_bits,VOID ** handle,VOID * crypto_metadata,ULONG crypto_metadata_size)209 NX_CRYPTO_KEEP UINT  _nx_crypto_method_rsa_init(struct NX_CRYPTO_METHOD_STRUCT *method,
210                                                 UCHAR *key, NX_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE key_size_in_bits,
211                                                 VOID **handle,
212                                                 VOID *crypto_metadata,
213                                                 ULONG crypto_metadata_size)
214 {
215 NX_CRYPTO_RSA *ctx;
221     if ((method == NX_CRYPTO_NULL) || (key == NX_CRYPTO_NULL) || (crypto_metadata == NX_CRYPTO_NULL))
222     {
223         return(NX_CRYPTO_PTR_ERROR);
224     }
226     /* Verify the metadata address is 4-byte aligned. */
227     if((((ULONG)crypto_metadata) & 0x3) != 0)
228     {
229         return(NX_CRYPTO_PTR_ERROR);
230     }
232     if(crypto_metadata_size < sizeof(NX_CRYPTO_RSA))
233     {
234         return(NX_CRYPTO_PTR_ERROR);
235     }
237     ctx = (NX_CRYPTO_RSA *)crypto_metadata;
239     ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_modulus = key;
240     ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_modulus_length = key_size_in_bits >> 3;
241     ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_prime_p = NX_CRYPTO_NULL;
242     ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_prime_p_length = 0;
243     ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_prime_q = NX_CRYPTO_NULL;
244     ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_prime_q_length = 0;
246     /* Call _nx_crypto_crypto_rsa_set_prime() to set p and q for private key.
247      * Chinese Remainder Theorem will be used when p and q are set. */
249     return(NX_CRYPTO_SUCCESS);
250 }
253 /**************************************************************************/
254 /*                                                                        */
255 /*  FUNCTION                                               RELEASE        */
256 /*                                                                        */
257 /*    _nx_crypto_method_rsa_cleanup                       PORTABLE C      */
258 /*                                                           6.1          */
259 /*  AUTHOR                                                                */
260 /*                                                                        */
261 /*    Timothy Stapko, Microsoft Corporation                               */
262 /*                                                                        */
263 /*  DESCRIPTION                                                           */
264 /*                                                                        */
265 /*    This function cleans up the crypto metadata.                        */
266 /*                                                                        */
267 /*  INPUT                                                                 */
268 /*                                                                        */
269 /*    crypto_metadata                       Crypto metadata               */
270 /*                                                                        */
271 /*  OUTPUT                                                                */
272 /*                                                                        */
273 /*    status                                Completion status             */
274 /*                                                                        */
275 /*  CALLS                                                                 */
276 /*                                                                        */
277 /*    NX_CRYPTO_MEMSET                      Set the memory                */
278 /*                                                                        */
279 /*  CALLED BY                                                             */
280 /*                                                                        */
281 /*    Application Code                                                    */
282 /*                                                                        */
283 /*  RELEASE HISTORY                                                       */
284 /*                                                                        */
285 /*    DATE              NAME                      DESCRIPTION             */
286 /*                                                                        */
287 /*  05-19-2020     Timothy Stapko           Initial Version 6.0           */
288 /*  09-30-2020     Timothy Stapko           Modified comment(s),          */
289 /*                                            resulting in version 6.1    */
290 /*                                                                        */
291 /**************************************************************************/
_nx_crypto_method_rsa_cleanup(VOID * crypto_metadata)292 NX_CRYPTO_KEEP UINT  _nx_crypto_method_rsa_cleanup(VOID *crypto_metadata)
293 {
298     if (!crypto_metadata)
299         return (NX_CRYPTO_SUCCESS);
301     /* Clean up the crypto metadata.  */
302     NX_CRYPTO_MEMSET(crypto_metadata, 0, sizeof(NX_CRYPTO_RSA));
303 #else
304     NX_CRYPTO_PARAMETER_NOT_USED(crypto_metadata);
305 #endif/* NX_SECURE_KEY_CLEAR  */
307     return(NX_CRYPTO_SUCCESS);
308 }
311 /**************************************************************************/
312 /*                                                                        */
313 /*  FUNCTION                                               RELEASE        */
314 /*                                                                        */
315 /*    _nx_crypto_method_rsa_operation                      PORTABLE C     */
316 /*                                                           6.3.0        */
317 /*  AUTHOR                                                                */
318 /*                                                                        */
319 /*    Timothy Stapko, Microsoft Corporation                               */
320 /*                                                                        */
321 /*  DESCRIPTION                                                           */
322 /*                                                                        */
323 /*    This function is the RSA operation function for crypto method.      */
324 /*                                                                        */
325 /*  INPUT                                                                 */
326 /*                                                                        */
327 /*    op                                    Operation                     */
328 /*    handle                                Handle to method              */
329 /*    method                                Pointer to RSA crypto method  */
330 /*    key                                   Exponent of RSA operation     */
331 /*    key_size_in_bits                      Size of exponent in bits      */
332 /*    input                                 Input stream                  */
333 /*    input_length_in_byte                  Length of input in byte       */
334 /*    iv_ptr                                Initial Vector (not used)     */
335 /*    output                                Output stream                 */
336 /*    output_length_in_byte                 Length of output in byte      */
337 /*    crypto_metadata                       Pointer to RSA context        */
338 /*    crypto_metadata_size                  Size of RSA context           */
339 /*    packet_ptr                            Pointer to packet (not used)  */
340 /*    nx_crypto_hw_process_callback         Pointer to callback function  */
341 /*                                            (not used)                  */
342 /*                                                                        */
343 /*  OUTPUT                                                                */
344 /*                                                                        */
345 /*    status                                Completion status             */
346 /*                                                                        */
347 /*  CALLS                                                                 */
348 /*                                                                        */
349 /*    _nx_crypto_rsa_operation              Perform RSA operation         */
350 /*                                                                        */
351 /*  CALLED BY                                                             */
352 /*                                                                        */
353 /*    Application Code                                                    */
354 /*                                                                        */
355 /*  RELEASE HISTORY                                                       */
356 /*                                                                        */
357 /*    DATE              NAME                      DESCRIPTION             */
358 /*                                                                        */
359 /*  05-19-2020     Timothy Stapko           Initial Version 6.0           */
360 /*  09-30-2020     Timothy Stapko           Modified comment(s),          */
361 /*                                            resulting in version 6.1    */
362 /*  10-31-2023     Yanwu Cai                Modified comment(s),          */
363 /*                                            resulting in version 6.3.0  */
364 /*                                                                        */
365 /**************************************************************************/
_nx_crypto_method_rsa_operation(UINT op,VOID * handle,struct NX_CRYPTO_METHOD_STRUCT * method,UCHAR * key,NX_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE key_size_in_bits,UCHAR * input,ULONG input_length_in_byte,UCHAR * iv_ptr,UCHAR * output,ULONG output_length_in_byte,VOID * crypto_metadata,ULONG crypto_metadata_size,VOID * packet_ptr,VOID (* nx_crypto_hw_process_callback)(VOID * packet_ptr,UINT status))366 NX_CRYPTO_KEEP UINT  _nx_crypto_method_rsa_operation(UINT op,      /* Encrypt, Decrypt, Authenticate */
367                                                      VOID *handle, /* Crypto handler */
368                                                      struct NX_CRYPTO_METHOD_STRUCT *method,
369                                                      UCHAR *key,
370                                                      NX_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE key_size_in_bits,
371                                                      UCHAR *input,
372                                                      ULONG input_length_in_byte,
373                                                      UCHAR *iv_ptr,
374                                                      UCHAR *output,
375                                                      ULONG output_length_in_byte,
376                                                      VOID *crypto_metadata,
377                                                      ULONG crypto_metadata_size,
378                                                      VOID *packet_ptr,
379                                                      VOID (*nx_crypto_hw_process_callback)(VOID *packet_ptr, UINT status))
380 {
381 NX_CRYPTO_RSA *ctx;
382 UINT           return_value = NX_CRYPTO_SUCCESS;
387     NX_CRYPTO_PARAMETER_NOT_USED(packet_ptr);
388     NX_CRYPTO_PARAMETER_NOT_USED(nx_crypto_hw_process_callback);
392     /* Verify the metadata address is 4-byte aligned. */
393     if((method == NX_CRYPTO_NULL) || (crypto_metadata == NX_CRYPTO_NULL) || ((((ULONG)crypto_metadata) & 0x3) != 0))
394     {
395         return(NX_CRYPTO_PTR_ERROR);
396     }
398     if(crypto_metadata_size < sizeof(NX_CRYPTO_RSA))
399     {
400         return(NX_CRYPTO_PTR_ERROR);
401     }
403     ctx = (NX_CRYPTO_RSA *)crypto_metadata;
406     if (op == NX_CRYPTO_SET_PRIME_P)
407     {
408         ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_prime_p = input;
409         ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_prime_p_length = input_length_in_byte;
410     }
411     else if (op == NX_CRYPTO_SET_PRIME_Q)
412     {
413         ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_prime_q = input;
414         ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_prime_q_length = input_length_in_byte;
415     }
416     else
417     {
419         if (key == NX_CRYPTO_NULL)
420         {
421             return(NX_CRYPTO_PTR_ERROR);
422         }
424         if(output_length_in_byte < (key_size_in_bits >> 3))
425             return(NX_CRYPTO_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE);
427         if (input_length_in_byte > (ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_modulus_length))
428         {
429             return(NX_CRYPTO_PTR_ERROR);
430         }
432         return_value = _nx_crypto_rsa_operation(key,
433                                                 key_size_in_bits >> 3,
434                                                 ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_modulus,
435                                                 ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_modulus_length,
436                                                 ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_prime_p,
437                                                 ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_prime_p_length,
438                                                 ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_prime_q,
439                                                 ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_prime_q_length,
440                                                 input, input_length_in_byte,
441                                                 output,
442                                                 ctx -> nx_crypto_rsa_scratch_buffer,
443                                                 NX_CRYPTO_RSA_SCRATCH_BUFFER_SIZE);
444     }
446     return(return_value);
447 }