; ; This INF file is for linking a USB device that has a specific VID/PID to Windows serial device driver (usbser.sys). ; Where to modify the VID/PID values and various strings is commented below. ; For just getting a device to work, you should only need to modify the VID/PID values. ; ; ; Modify these strings to change the names displayed for the device. ; [Strings] DriverPackageDisplayName="Microsoft Azure RTOS Drivers" ManufacturerName="Microsoft Azure RTOS" ServiceName="USB RS-232 Emulation Driver" DeviceName="Microsoft Azure RTOS CDC-ACM Device" [DefaultInstall] CopyINF=cdc_acm_microsoft.inf [Version] Class=Ports ClassGuid={4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Signature="$Windows NT$" Provider=%ManufacturerName% DriverVer=04/01/2014, DriverPackageDisplayName=%DriverPackageDisplayName% [Manufacturer] %ManufacturerName%=DeviceList, NTamd64 [DestinationDirs] FakeModemCopyFileSection=12 DefaultDestDir=12 ; ; Change the VID/PID in the following strings 'USB\VID_xxxx&PID_yyyyy&MI_00' to match your USB device. ; For example, if the VID is '8484' and the PID is '0000', the string should be: USB\VID_8484&PID_0000&MI_00 ; [DeviceList] %DeviceName%=DriverInstall, USB\VID_xxxx&PID_yyyy&MI_00 [DeviceList.NTamd64] %DeviceName%=DriverInstall, USB\VID_xxxx&PID_yyyy&MI_00 [DriverInstall] include=mdmcpq.inf,usb.inf CopyFiles = FakeModemCopyFileSection AddReg=DriverAddReg [DriverAddReg] HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern HKR,,NTMPDriver,,usbser.sys HKR,,EnumPropPages32,,"MsPorts.dll,SerialPortPropPageProvider" [DriverInstall.Services] include=mdmcpq.inf AddService=usbser, 0x00000002, DriverService [DriverService] DisplayName=%ServiceName% ServiceType=1 StartType=3 ErrorControl=1 ServiceBinary=%12%\usbser.sys LoadOrderGroup=Base