/* This is a small demo of the high-performance ThreadX kernel. It includes examples of eight threads of different priorities, using a message queue, semaphore, mutex, event flags group, byte pool, and block pool. */ #include "tx_api.h" #define DEMO_STACK_SIZE 1024 #define DEMO_BYTE_POOL_SIZE 9120 #define DEMO_BLOCK_POOL_SIZE 100 #define DEMO_QUEUE_SIZE 100 /* Define the ThreadX object control blocks... */ TX_THREAD thread_0; TX_THREAD thread_1; TX_THREAD thread_2; TX_THREAD thread_3; TX_THREAD thread_4; TX_THREAD thread_5; TX_THREAD thread_6; TX_THREAD thread_7; TX_QUEUE queue_0; TX_SEMAPHORE semaphore_0; TX_MUTEX mutex_0; TX_EVENT_FLAGS_GROUP event_flags_0; TX_BYTE_POOL byte_pool_0; TX_BLOCK_POOL block_pool_0; /* Define the counters used in the demo application... */ ULONG thread_0_counter; ULONG thread_1_counter; ULONG thread_1_messages_sent; ULONG thread_2_counter; ULONG thread_2_messages_received; ULONG thread_3_counter; ULONG thread_4_counter; ULONG thread_5_counter; ULONG thread_6_counter; ULONG thread_7_counter; /* Define thread prototypes. */ void thread_0_entry(ULONG thread_input); void thread_1_entry(ULONG thread_input); void thread_2_entry(ULONG thread_input); void thread_3_and_4_entry(ULONG thread_input); void thread_5_entry(ULONG thread_input); void thread_6_and_7_entry(ULONG thread_input); /* Define main entry point. */ int main() { /* Enter the ThreadX kernel. */ tx_kernel_enter(); return(0); } /* Define what the initial system looks like. */ void tx_application_define(void *first_unused_memory) { CHAR *pointer = TX_NULL; /* Create a byte memory pool from which to allocate the thread stacks. */ tx_byte_pool_create(&byte_pool_0, "byte pool 0", first_unused_memory, DEMO_BYTE_POOL_SIZE); /* Put system definition stuff in here, e.g. thread creates and other assorted create information. */ /* Allocate the stack for thread 0. */ tx_byte_allocate(&byte_pool_0, (VOID **) &pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, TX_NO_WAIT); /* Create the main thread. */ tx_thread_create(&thread_0, "thread 0", thread_0_entry, 0, pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, 1, 1, TX_NO_TIME_SLICE, TX_AUTO_START); /* Allocate the stack for thread 1. */ tx_byte_allocate(&byte_pool_0, (VOID **) &pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, TX_NO_WAIT); /* Create threads 1 and 2. These threads pass information through a ThreadX message queue. It is also interesting to note that these threads have a time slice. */ tx_thread_create(&thread_1, "thread 1", thread_1_entry, 1, pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, 16, 16, 4, TX_AUTO_START); /* Allocate the stack for thread 2. */ tx_byte_allocate(&byte_pool_0, (VOID **) &pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, TX_NO_WAIT); tx_thread_create(&thread_2, "thread 2", thread_2_entry, 2, pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, 16, 16, 4, TX_AUTO_START); /* Allocate the stack for thread 3. */ tx_byte_allocate(&byte_pool_0, (VOID **) &pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, TX_NO_WAIT); /* Create threads 3 and 4. These threads compete for a ThreadX counting semaphore. An interesting thing here is that both threads share the same instruction area. */ tx_thread_create(&thread_3, "thread 3", thread_3_and_4_entry, 3, pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, 8, 8, TX_NO_TIME_SLICE, TX_AUTO_START); /* Allocate the stack for thread 4. */ tx_byte_allocate(&byte_pool_0, (VOID **) &pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, TX_NO_WAIT); tx_thread_create(&thread_4, "thread 4", thread_3_and_4_entry, 4, pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, 8, 8, TX_NO_TIME_SLICE, TX_AUTO_START); /* Allocate the stack for thread 5. */ tx_byte_allocate(&byte_pool_0, (VOID **) &pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, TX_NO_WAIT); /* Create thread 5. This thread simply pends on an event flag which will be set by thread_0. */ tx_thread_create(&thread_5, "thread 5", thread_5_entry, 5, pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, 4, 4, TX_NO_TIME_SLICE, TX_AUTO_START); /* Allocate the stack for thread 6. */ tx_byte_allocate(&byte_pool_0, (VOID **) &pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, TX_NO_WAIT); /* Create threads 6 and 7. These threads compete for a ThreadX mutex. */ tx_thread_create(&thread_6, "thread 6", thread_6_and_7_entry, 6, pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, 8, 8, TX_NO_TIME_SLICE, TX_AUTO_START); /* Allocate the stack for thread 7. */ tx_byte_allocate(&byte_pool_0, (VOID **) &pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, TX_NO_WAIT); tx_thread_create(&thread_7, "thread 7", thread_6_and_7_entry, 7, pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, 8, 8, TX_NO_TIME_SLICE, TX_AUTO_START); /* Allocate the message queue. */ tx_byte_allocate(&byte_pool_0, (VOID **) &pointer, DEMO_QUEUE_SIZE*sizeof(ULONG), TX_NO_WAIT); /* Create the message queue shared by threads 1 and 2. */ tx_queue_create(&queue_0, "queue 0", TX_1_ULONG, pointer, DEMO_QUEUE_SIZE*sizeof(ULONG)); /* Create the semaphore used by threads 3 and 4. */ tx_semaphore_create(&semaphore_0, "semaphore 0", 1); /* Create the event flags group used by threads 1 and 5. */ tx_event_flags_create(&event_flags_0, "event flags 0"); /* Create the mutex used by thread 6 and 7 without priority inheritance. */ tx_mutex_create(&mutex_0, "mutex 0", TX_NO_INHERIT); /* Allocate the memory for a small block pool. */ tx_byte_allocate(&byte_pool_0, (VOID **) &pointer, DEMO_BLOCK_POOL_SIZE, TX_NO_WAIT); /* Create a block memory pool to allocate a message buffer from. */ tx_block_pool_create(&block_pool_0, "block pool 0", sizeof(ULONG), pointer, DEMO_BLOCK_POOL_SIZE); /* Allocate a block and release the block memory. */ tx_block_allocate(&block_pool_0, (VOID **) &pointer, TX_NO_WAIT); /* Release the block back to the pool. */ tx_block_release(pointer); } /* Define the test threads. */ void thread_0_entry(ULONG thread_input) { UINT status; /* This thread simply sits in while-forever-sleep loop. */ while(1) { /* Increment the thread counter. */ thread_0_counter++; /* Sleep for 10 ticks. */ tx_thread_sleep(10); /* Set event flag 0 to wakeup thread 5. */ status = tx_event_flags_set(&event_flags_0, 0x1, TX_OR); /* Check status. */ if (status != TX_SUCCESS) break; } } void thread_1_entry(ULONG thread_input) { UINT status; /* This thread simply sends messages to a queue shared by thread 2. */ while(1) { /* Increment the thread counter. */ thread_1_counter++; /* Send message to queue 0. */ status = tx_queue_send(&queue_0, &thread_1_messages_sent, TX_WAIT_FOREVER); /* Check completion status. */ if (status != TX_SUCCESS) break; /* Increment the message sent. */ thread_1_messages_sent++; } } void thread_2_entry(ULONG thread_input) { ULONG received_message; UINT status; /* This thread retrieves messages placed on the queue by thread 1. */ while(1) { /* Increment the thread counter. */ thread_2_counter++; /* Retrieve a message from the queue. */ status = tx_queue_receive(&queue_0, &received_message, TX_WAIT_FOREVER); /* Check completion status and make sure the message is what we expected. */ if ((status != TX_SUCCESS) || (received_message != thread_2_messages_received)) break; /* Otherwise, all is okay. Increment the received message count. */ thread_2_messages_received++; } } void thread_3_and_4_entry(ULONG thread_input) { UINT status; /* This function is executed from thread 3 and thread 4. As the loop below shows, these function compete for ownership of semaphore_0. */ while(1) { /* Increment the thread counter. */ if (thread_input == 3) thread_3_counter++; else thread_4_counter++; /* Get the semaphore with suspension. */ status = tx_semaphore_get(&semaphore_0, TX_WAIT_FOREVER); /* Check status. */ if (status != TX_SUCCESS) break; /* Sleep for 2 ticks to hold the semaphore. */ tx_thread_sleep(2); /* Release the semaphore. */ status = tx_semaphore_put(&semaphore_0); /* Check status. */ if (status != TX_SUCCESS) break; } } void thread_5_entry(ULONG thread_input) { UINT status; ULONG actual_flags; /* This thread simply waits for an event in a forever loop. */ while(1) { /* Increment the thread counter. */ thread_5_counter++; /* Wait for event flag 0. */ status = tx_event_flags_get(&event_flags_0, 0x1, TX_OR_CLEAR, &actual_flags, TX_WAIT_FOREVER); /* Check status. */ if ((status != TX_SUCCESS) || (actual_flags != 0x1)) break; } } void thread_6_and_7_entry(ULONG thread_input) { UINT status; /* This function is executed from thread 6 and thread 7. As the loop below shows, these function compete for ownership of mutex_0. */ while(1) { /* Increment the thread counter. */ if (thread_input == 6) thread_6_counter++; else thread_7_counter++; /* Get the mutex with suspension. */ status = tx_mutex_get(&mutex_0, TX_WAIT_FOREVER); /* Check status. */ if (status != TX_SUCCESS) break; /* Get the mutex again with suspension. This shows that an owning thread may retrieve the mutex it owns multiple times. */ status = tx_mutex_get(&mutex_0, TX_WAIT_FOREVER); /* Check status. */ if (status != TX_SUCCESS) break; /* Sleep for 2 ticks to hold the mutex. */ tx_thread_sleep(2); /* Release the mutex. */ status = tx_mutex_put(&mutex_0); /* Check status. */ if (status != TX_SUCCESS) break; /* Release the mutex again. This will actually release ownership since it was obtained twice. */ status = tx_mutex_put(&mutex_0); /* Check status. */ if (status != TX_SUCCESS) break; } }