/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2024 Microsoft Corporation * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the MIT License which is available at * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT **************************************************************************/ #include "nx_api.h" #ifndef SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE #include "nxd_dhcp_client.h" #endif /* SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE */ #include "nxd_dns.h" #include "nxd_sntp_client.h" #include "nx_secure_tls_api.h" /* Defined, HTTP proxy is enabled. */ /* #define SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_ENABLE */ #ifdef SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_ENABLE #ifndef NX_ENABLE_HTTP_PROXY #error "SYMBOL NX_ENABLE_HTTP_PROXY must be defined. " #endif /* NX_ENABLE_HTTP_PROXY */ #endif /* SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_ENABLE */ #if defined(SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_ENABLE) #include "nx_http_proxy_client.h" #endif /* SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_ENABLE */ /* Include the sample. */ extern VOID sample_entry(NX_IP *ip_ptr, NX_PACKET_POOL *pool_ptr, VOID *dns_ptr, UINT (*unix_time_callback)(ULONG *unix_time)); /* Define the helper thread for running Azure SDK on ThreadX (THREADX IoT Platform). */ #ifndef SAMPLE_HELPER_STACK_SIZE #define SAMPLE_HELPER_STACK_SIZE (4096) #endif /* SAMPLE_HELPER_STACK_SIZE */ #ifndef SAMPLE_HELPER_THREAD_PRIORITY #define SAMPLE_HELPER_THREAD_PRIORITY (4) #endif /* SAMPLE_HELPER_THREAD_PRIORITY */ /* Define user configurable symbols. */ #ifndef SAMPLE_IP_STACK_SIZE #define SAMPLE_IP_STACK_SIZE (2048) #endif /* SAMPLE_IP_STACK_SIZE */ #ifndef SAMPLE_PACKET_COUNT #define SAMPLE_PACKET_COUNT (32) #endif /* SAMPLE_PACKET_COUNT */ #ifndef SAMPLE_PACKET_SIZE #define SAMPLE_PACKET_SIZE (1536) #endif /* SAMPLE_PACKET_SIZE */ #define SAMPLE_POOL_SIZE ((SAMPLE_PACKET_SIZE + sizeof(NX_PACKET)) * SAMPLE_PACKET_COUNT) #ifndef SAMPLE_ARP_CACHE_SIZE #define SAMPLE_ARP_CACHE_SIZE (512) #endif /* SAMPLE_ARP_CACHE_SIZE */ #ifndef SAMPLE_IP_THREAD_PRIORITY #define SAMPLE_IP_THREAD_PRIORITY (1) #endif /* SAMPLE_IP_THREAD_PRIORITY */ #if defined(SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE) && !defined(SAMPLE_NETWORK_CONFIGURE) #ifndef SAMPLE_IPV4_ADDRESS /*#define SAMPLE_IPV4_ADDRESS IP_ADDRESS(192, 168, 100, 33)*/ #error "SYMBOL SAMPLE_IPV4_ADDRESS must be defined. This symbol specifies the IP address of device. " #endif /* SAMPLE_IPV4_ADDRESS */ #ifndef SAMPLE_IPV4_MASK /*#define SAMPLE_IPV4_MASK 0xFFFFFF00UL*/ #error "SYMBOL SAMPLE_IPV4_MASK must be defined. This symbol specifies the IP address mask of device. " #endif /* SAMPLE_IPV4_MASK */ #ifndef SAMPLE_GATEWAY_ADDRESS /*#define SAMPLE_GATEWAY_ADDRESS IP_ADDRESS(192, 168, 100, 1)*/ #error "SYMBOL SAMPLE_GATEWAY_ADDRESS must be defined. This symbol specifies the gateway address for routing. " #endif /* SAMPLE_GATEWAY_ADDRESS */ #ifndef SAMPLE_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS /*#define SAMPLE_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS IP_ADDRESS(192, 168, 100, 1)*/ #error "SYMBOL SAMPLE_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS must be defined. This symbol specifies the dns server address for routing. " #endif /* SAMPLE_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS */ #else #define SAMPLE_IPV4_ADDRESS IP_ADDRESS(0, 0, 0, 0) #define SAMPLE_IPV4_MASK IP_ADDRESS(0, 0, 0, 0) #ifndef SAMPLE_DHCP_WAIT_OPTION #define SAMPLE_DHCP_WAIT_OPTION (20 * NX_IP_PERIODIC_RATE) #endif /* SAMPLE_DHCP_WAIT_OPTION */ #endif /* SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE */ #ifndef SAMPLE_SNTP_SYNC_MAX #define SAMPLE_SNTP_SYNC_MAX 30 #endif /* SAMPLE_SNTP_SYNC_MAX */ #ifndef SAMPLE_SNTP_UPDATE_MAX #define SAMPLE_SNTP_UPDATE_MAX 10 #endif /* SAMPLE_SNTP_UPDATE_MAX */ #ifndef SAMPLE_SNTP_UPDATE_INTERVAL #define SAMPLE_SNTP_UPDATE_INTERVAL (NX_IP_PERIODIC_RATE / 2) #endif /* SAMPLE_SNTP_UPDATE_INTERVAL */ /* Default time. GMT: Friday, Jan 1, 2022 12:00:00 AM. Epoch timestamp: 1640995200. */ #ifndef SAMPLE_SYSTEM_TIME #define SAMPLE_SYSTEM_TIME 1640995200 #endif /* SAMPLE_SYSTEM_TIME */ /* Seconds between Unix Epoch (1/1/1970) and NTP Epoch (1/1/1999) */ #define SAMPLE_UNIX_TO_NTP_EPOCH_SECOND 0x83AA7E80 #if defined(SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_ENABLE) #ifndef SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_SERVER #define SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_SERVER IP_ADDRESS(192, 168, 100, 6) #endif /* SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_SERVER */ #ifndef SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_SERVER_PORT #define SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_SERVER_PORT 8888 #endif /* SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_SERVER_PORT */ #ifndef SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_USER_NAME #define SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_USER_NAME "" #endif /* SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_USER_NAME */ #ifndef SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD #define SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD "" #endif /* SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD */ #endif /* SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_ENABLE */ static TX_THREAD sample_helper_thread; static NX_PACKET_POOL pool_0; static NX_IP ip_0; static NX_DNS dns_0; #ifndef SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE static NX_DHCP dhcp_0; #endif /* SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE */ static NX_SNTP_CLIENT sntp_client; /* System clock time for UTC. */ static ULONG unix_time_base; /* Define the stack/cache for ThreadX. */ static ULONG sample_ip_stack[SAMPLE_IP_STACK_SIZE / sizeof(ULONG)]; #ifndef SAMPLE_POOL_STACK_USER static ULONG sample_pool_stack[SAMPLE_POOL_SIZE / sizeof(ULONG)]; static ULONG sample_pool_stack_size = sizeof(sample_pool_stack); #else extern ULONG sample_pool_stack[]; extern ULONG sample_pool_stack_size; #endif #ifndef SAMPLE_NETWORK_CONFIGURE static ULONG sample_arp_cache_area[SAMPLE_ARP_CACHE_SIZE / sizeof(ULONG)]; #endif static ULONG sample_helper_thread_stack[SAMPLE_HELPER_STACK_SIZE / sizeof(ULONG)]; static const CHAR *sntp_servers[] = { "0.pool.ntp.org", "1.pool.ntp.org", "2.pool.ntp.org", "3.pool.ntp.org", }; static UINT sntp_server_index; /* Define the prototypes for sample thread. */ static void sample_helper_thread_entry(ULONG parameter); #ifndef SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE static UINT dhcp_wait(); #endif /* SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE */ static UINT dns_create(ULONG dns_server_address); static UINT sntp_time_sync(); static UINT unix_time_get(ULONG *unix_time); #ifndef SAMPLE_NETWORK_DRIVER #define SAMPLE_NETWORK_DRIVER _nx_ram_network_driver #endif /* SAMPLE_NETWORK_DRIVER */ /* Include the platform IP driver. */ void SAMPLE_NETWORK_DRIVER(struct NX_IP_DRIVER_STRUCT *driver_req); #ifdef SAMPLE_BOARD_SETUP void SAMPLE_BOARD_SETUP(); #endif /* SAMPLE_BOARD_SETUP */ #ifdef SAMPLE_NETWORK_CONFIGURE void SAMPLE_NETWORK_CONFIGURE(NX_IP *ip_ptr, ULONG *dns_address); #endif /* Define main entry point. */ int main(void) { #ifdef SAMPLE_BOARD_SETUP SAMPLE_BOARD_SETUP(); #endif /* SAMPLE_BOARD_SETUP */ /* Enter the ThreadX kernel. */ tx_kernel_enter(); } /* Define what the initial system looks like. */ void tx_application_define(void *first_unused_memory) { UINT status; NX_PARAMETER_NOT_USED(first_unused_memory); /* Initialize the NetX system. */ nx_system_initialize(); /* Create a packet pool. */ status = nx_packet_pool_create(&pool_0, "NetX Main Packet Pool", SAMPLE_PACKET_SIZE, (UCHAR *)sample_pool_stack , sample_pool_stack_size); /* Check for pool creation error. */ if (status) { printf("nx_packet_pool_create fail: %u\r\n", status); return; } /* Create an IP instance. */ status = nx_ip_create(&ip_0, "NetX IP Instance 0", SAMPLE_IPV4_ADDRESS, SAMPLE_IPV4_MASK, &pool_0, SAMPLE_NETWORK_DRIVER, (UCHAR*)sample_ip_stack, sizeof(sample_ip_stack), SAMPLE_IP_THREAD_PRIORITY); /* Check for IP create errors. */ if (status) { printf("nx_ip_create fail: %u\r\n", status); return; } #ifndef SAMPLE_NETWORK_CONFIGURE /* Enable ARP and supply ARP cache memory for IP Instance 0. */ status = nx_arp_enable(&ip_0, (VOID *)sample_arp_cache_area, sizeof(sample_arp_cache_area)); /* Check for ARP enable errors. */ if (status) { printf("nx_arp_enable fail: %u\r\n", status); return; } /* Enable ICMP traffic. */ status = nx_icmp_enable(&ip_0); /* Check for ICMP enable errors. */ if (status) { printf("nx_icmp_enable fail: %u\r\n", status); return; } #endif /* Enable TCP traffic. */ status = nx_tcp_enable(&ip_0); /* Check for TCP enable errors. */ if (status) { printf("nx_tcp_enable fail: %u\r\n", status); return; } /* Enable UDP traffic. */ status = nx_udp_enable(&ip_0); /* Check for UDP enable errors. */ if (status) { printf("nx_udp_enable fail: %u\r\n", status); return; } /* Initialize TLS. */ nx_secure_tls_initialize(); /* Create sample helper thread. */ status = tx_thread_create(&sample_helper_thread, "Demo Thread", sample_helper_thread_entry, 0, sample_helper_thread_stack, SAMPLE_HELPER_STACK_SIZE, SAMPLE_HELPER_THREAD_PRIORITY, SAMPLE_HELPER_THREAD_PRIORITY, TX_NO_TIME_SLICE, TX_AUTO_START); /* Check status. */ if (status) { printf("Demo helper thread creation fail: %u\r\n", status); return; } } /* Define sample helper thread entry. */ void sample_helper_thread_entry(ULONG parameter) { UINT status; ULONG ip_address = 0; ULONG network_mask = 0; ULONG gateway_address = 0; UINT unix_time; ULONG dns_server_address[3]; #ifndef SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE UINT dns_server_address_size = sizeof(dns_server_address); #endif #if defined(SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_ENABLE) NXD_ADDRESS proxy_server_address; #endif /* SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_ENABLE */ NX_PARAMETER_NOT_USED(parameter); #if defined(SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_ENABLE) /* Enabled HTTP proxy. */ proxy_server_address.nxd_ip_version = NX_IP_VERSION_V4; proxy_server_address.nxd_ip_address.v4 = SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_SERVER; status = nx_http_proxy_client_enable(&ip_0, &proxy_server_address, SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_SERVER_PORT, SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_USER_NAME, sizeof(SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_USER_NAME) - 1, SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD, sizeof(SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD) - 1); if (status) { printf("Failed to enable HTTP proxy!\r\n"); return; } #endif /* SAMPLE_HTTP_PROXY_ENABLE */ #ifndef SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE if (dhcp_wait()) { printf("Failed to get the IP address!\r\n"); return; } #elif defined(SAMPLE_NETWORK_CONFIGURE) SAMPLE_NETWORK_CONFIGURE(&ip_0, &dns_server_address[0]); #else nx_ip_gateway_address_set(&ip_0, SAMPLE_GATEWAY_ADDRESS); #endif /* SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE */ /* Get IP address and gateway address. */ nx_ip_address_get(&ip_0, &ip_address, &network_mask); nx_ip_gateway_address_get(&ip_0, &gateway_address); /* Output IP address and gateway address. */ printf("IP address: %lu.%lu.%lu.%lu\r\n", (ip_address >> 24), (ip_address >> 16 & 0xFF), (ip_address >> 8 & 0xFF), (ip_address & 0xFF)); printf("Mask: %lu.%lu.%lu.%lu\r\n", (network_mask >> 24), (network_mask >> 16 & 0xFF), (network_mask >> 8 & 0xFF), (network_mask & 0xFF)); printf("Gateway: %lu.%lu.%lu.%lu\r\n", (gateway_address >> 24), (gateway_address >> 16 & 0xFF), (gateway_address >> 8 & 0xFF), (gateway_address & 0xFF)); #ifndef SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE /* Retrieve DNS server address. */ nx_dhcp_interface_user_option_retrieve(&dhcp_0, 0, NX_DHCP_OPTION_DNS_SVR, (UCHAR *)(dns_server_address), &dns_server_address_size); #elif !defined(SAMPLE_NETWORK_CONFIGURE) dns_server_address[0] = SAMPLE_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS; #endif /* SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE */ /* Create DNS. */ status = dns_create(dns_server_address[0]); /* Check for DNS create errors. */ if (status) { printf("dns_create fail: %u\r\n", status); return; } /* Sync up time by SNTP at start up. */ status = sntp_time_sync(); /* Check status. */ if (status) { printf("SNTP Time Sync failed.\r\n"); printf("Set Time to default value: SAMPLE_SYSTEM_TIME."); unix_time_base = SAMPLE_SYSTEM_TIME; } else { printf("SNTP Time Sync successfully.\r\n"); } unix_time_get((ULONG *)&unix_time); srand(unix_time); /* Start sample. */ sample_entry(&ip_0, &pool_0, (VOID *)&dns_0, unix_time_get); } #ifndef SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE static UINT dhcp_wait() { UINT status; ULONG actual_status; printf("DHCP In Progress...\r\n"); /* Create the DHCP instance. */ status = nx_dhcp_create(&dhcp_0, &ip_0, "DHCP Client"); /* Check status. */ if (status) { return(status); } /* Request NTP server. */ status = nx_dhcp_user_option_request(&dhcp_0, NX_DHCP_OPTION_NTP_SVR); /* Check status. */ if (status) { nx_dhcp_delete(&dhcp_0); return(status); } /* Start the DHCP Client. */ status = nx_dhcp_start(&dhcp_0); /* Check status. */ if (status) { nx_dhcp_delete(&dhcp_0); return(status); } /* Wait util address is solved. */ status = nx_ip_status_check(&ip_0, NX_IP_ADDRESS_RESOLVED, &actual_status, SAMPLE_DHCP_WAIT_OPTION); /* Check status. */ if (status) { nx_dhcp_delete(&dhcp_0); return(status); } return(NX_SUCCESS); } #endif /* SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE */ static UINT dns_create(ULONG dns_server_address) { UINT status; /* Create a DNS instance for the Client. Note this function will create the DNS Client packet pool for creating DNS message packets intended for querying its DNS server. */ status = nx_dns_create(&dns_0, &ip_0, (UCHAR *)"DNS Client"); if (status) { return(status); } /* Is the DNS client configured for the host application to create the packet pool? */ #ifdef NX_DNS_CLIENT_USER_CREATE_PACKET_POOL /* Yes, use the packet pool created above which has appropriate payload size for DNS messages. */ status = nx_dns_packet_pool_set(&dns_0, ip_0.nx_ip_default_packet_pool); if (status) { nx_dns_delete(&dns_0); return(status); } #endif /* NX_DNS_CLIENT_USER_CREATE_PACKET_POOL */ /* Add an IPv4 server address to the Client list. */ status = nx_dns_server_add(&dns_0, dns_server_address); if (status) { nx_dns_delete(&dns_0); return(status); } /* Output DNS Server address. */ printf("DNS Server address: %lu.%lu.%lu.%lu\r\n", (dns_server_address >> 24), (dns_server_address >> 16 & 0xFF), (dns_server_address >> 8 & 0xFF), (dns_server_address & 0xFF)); return(NX_SUCCESS); } /* Sync up the local time. */ static UINT sntp_time_sync_internal(ULONG sntp_server_address) { UINT status; UINT server_status; UINT i; /* Create the SNTP Client to run in broadcast mode.. */ status = nx_sntp_client_create(&sntp_client, &ip_0, 0, &pool_0, NX_NULL, NX_NULL, NX_NULL /* no random_number_generator callback */); /* Check status. */ if (status) { return(status); } /* Use the IPv4 service to initialize the Client and set the IPv4 SNTP server. */ status = nx_sntp_client_initialize_unicast(&sntp_client, sntp_server_address); /* Check status. */ if (status) { nx_sntp_client_delete(&sntp_client); return(status); } /* Set local time to 0 */ status = nx_sntp_client_set_local_time(&sntp_client, 0, 0); /* Check status. */ if (status) { nx_sntp_client_delete(&sntp_client); return(status); } /* Run Unicast client */ status = nx_sntp_client_run_unicast(&sntp_client); /* Check status. */ if (status) { nx_sntp_client_stop(&sntp_client); nx_sntp_client_delete(&sntp_client); return(status); } /* Wait till updates are received */ for (i = 0; i < SAMPLE_SNTP_UPDATE_MAX; i++) { /* First verify we have a valid SNTP service running. */ status = nx_sntp_client_receiving_updates(&sntp_client, &server_status); /* Check status. */ if ((status == NX_SUCCESS) && (server_status == NX_TRUE)) { /* Server status is good. Now get the Client local time. */ ULONG sntp_seconds, sntp_fraction; ULONG system_time_in_second; /* Get the local time. */ status = nx_sntp_client_get_local_time(&sntp_client, &sntp_seconds, &sntp_fraction, NX_NULL); /* Check status. */ if (status != NX_SUCCESS) { continue; } /* Get the system time in second. */ system_time_in_second = tx_time_get() / TX_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SECOND; /* Convert to Unix epoch and minus the current system time. */ unix_time_base = (sntp_seconds - (system_time_in_second + SAMPLE_UNIX_TO_NTP_EPOCH_SECOND)); /* Time sync successfully. */ /* Stop and delete SNTP. */ nx_sntp_client_stop(&sntp_client); nx_sntp_client_delete(&sntp_client); return(NX_SUCCESS); } /* Sleep. */ tx_thread_sleep(SAMPLE_SNTP_UPDATE_INTERVAL); } /* Time sync failed. */ /* Stop and delete SNTP. */ nx_sntp_client_stop(&sntp_client); nx_sntp_client_delete(&sntp_client); /* Return success. */ return(NX_NOT_SUCCESSFUL); } static UINT sntp_time_sync() { UINT status; ULONG gateway_address; ULONG sntp_server_address[3]; #ifndef SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE UINT sntp_server_address_size = sizeof(sntp_server_address); #endif #ifndef SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE /* Retrieve NTP server address. */ status = nx_dhcp_interface_user_option_retrieve(&dhcp_0, 0, NX_DHCP_OPTION_NTP_SVR, (UCHAR *)(sntp_server_address), &sntp_server_address_size); /* Check status. */ if (status == NX_SUCCESS) { for (UINT i = 0; (i * 4) < sntp_server_address_size; i++) { printf("SNTP Time Sync...%lu.%lu.%lu.%lu (DHCP)\r\n", (sntp_server_address[i] >> 24), (sntp_server_address[i] >> 16 & 0xFF), (sntp_server_address[i] >> 8 & 0xFF), (sntp_server_address[i] & 0xFF)); /* Start SNTP to sync the local time. */ status = sntp_time_sync_internal(sntp_server_address[i]); /* Check status. */ if(status == NX_SUCCESS) { return(NX_SUCCESS); } } } #endif /* SAMPLE_DHCP_DISABLE */ /* Sync time by NTP server array. */ for (UINT i = 0; i < SAMPLE_SNTP_SYNC_MAX; i++) { printf("SNTP Time Sync...%s\r\n", sntp_servers[sntp_server_index]); /* Make sure the network is still valid. */ while (nx_ip_gateway_address_get(&ip_0, &gateway_address)) { tx_thread_sleep(NX_IP_PERIODIC_RATE); } /* Look up SNTP Server address. */ status = nx_dns_host_by_name_get(&dns_0, (UCHAR *)sntp_servers[sntp_server_index], &sntp_server_address[0], 5 * NX_IP_PERIODIC_RATE); /* Check status. */ if (status == NX_SUCCESS) { /* Start SNTP to sync the local time. */ status = sntp_time_sync_internal(sntp_server_address[0]); /* Check status. */ if(status == NX_SUCCESS) { return(NX_SUCCESS); } } /* Switch SNTP server every time. */ sntp_server_index = (sntp_server_index + 1) % (sizeof(sntp_servers) / sizeof(sntp_servers[0])); } return(NX_NOT_SUCCESSFUL); } static UINT unix_time_get(ULONG *unix_time) { /* Return number of seconds since Unix Epoch (1/1/1970 00:00:00). */ *unix_time = unix_time_base + (tx_time_get() / TX_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SECOND); return(NX_SUCCESS); }