/* This is a demo of the high-performance GUIX graphics framework. */ #include <stdio.h> #include "gx_api.h" #include "all_widgets_24xrgb_rotated_ccw_resources.h" #include "all_widgets_24xrgb_rotated_ccw_specifications.h" extern GX_WINDOW *pShapesScreen; GX_RESOURCE_ID line_color = GX_COLOR_ID_GRAY; GX_RESOURCE_ID fill_color = GX_COLOR_ID_PURPLE; INT xcenter = 213; INT ycenter = 230; INT radius = 160; GX_BOOL anti_aliased = GX_TRUE; GX_BOOL round_end = GX_TRUE; GX_BOOL solid_fill = GX_TRUE; GX_BOOL pixelmap_fill = GX_FALSE; INT brush_width = 2; INT start_angle = 60; INT end_angle = 90; INT angle_off = 0; INT ellipse_b = 100; GX_UBYTE brush_alpha = 255; INT fill_pixelmap_index = 0; INT alpha = 0; INT compress = 0; GX_RESOURCE_ID pixelmap_id[4] = { GX_PIXELMAP_ID__24XRGB, GX_PIXELMAP_ID__24XRGB_A, GX_PIXELMAP_ID__24XRGB_C, GX_PIXELMAP_ID__24XRGB_C_A}; #define CIRCLE 0 #define ARC 1 #define PIE 2 #define POLYGON 3 #define ELLIPSE 4 #define RECTANGLE 5 #define ARC_TIMER 5 #define PIE_TIMER 6 #define ARC_TICKS 2 #define PIE_TICKS 10 INT draw_shape = CIRCLE; INT pre_shape; VOID update_prompt_value(GX_PROMPT *pp, INT value) { static GX_CHAR str[10]; if (pp) { gx_utility_ltoa(value, str, 10); gx_prompt_text_set(pp, str); } } UINT shapesscreen_event_handler(GX_WINDOW *window, GX_EVENT *myevent) { UINT status = 0; GX_PROMPT *prompt; GX_WINDOW *pGraphicsWin = &(((SHAPES_SCREEN_CONTROL_BLOCK *)pShapesScreen)->shapes_screen_graphics_window); switch (myevent->gx_event_type) { case GX_EVENT_SHOW: gx_window_event_process(window, myevent); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_BRUSH_ALPHA_SLIDER, GX_EVENT_SLIDER_VALUE): brush_alpha = (GX_UBYTE )myevent->gx_event_payload.gx_event_longdata; prompt = &(((SHAPES_SCREEN_CONTROL_BLOCK *)pShapesScreen) ->shapes_screen_prompt_12); update_prompt_value(prompt, brush_alpha); gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_RADIUS_SLIDER, GX_EVENT_SLIDER_VALUE): radius = myevent->gx_event_payload.gx_event_longdata; prompt = &(((SHAPES_SCREEN_CONTROL_BLOCK *)pShapesScreen)->shapes_screen_prompt_6); update_prompt_value(prompt, radius); gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_BRUSH_WIDTH, GX_EVENT_SLIDER_VALUE): brush_width = myevent->gx_event_payload.gx_event_longdata; prompt = &(((SHAPES_SCREEN_CONTROL_BLOCK *)pShapesScreen)->shapes_screen_prompt_7); update_prompt_value(prompt, brush_width); gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_ANTI_ALIASED, GX_EVENT_TOGGLE_ON): anti_aliased = GX_TRUE; gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_ANTI_ALIASED, GX_EVENT_TOGGLE_OFF): anti_aliased = GX_FALSE; gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_ROUND_END, GX_EVENT_TOGGLE_ON): round_end = GX_TRUE; gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_ROUND_END, GX_EVENT_TOGGLE_OFF): round_end = GX_FALSE; gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_SOLID_FILL, GX_EVENT_TOGGLE_ON): solid_fill = GX_TRUE; gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_SOLID_FILL, GX_EVENT_TOGGLE_OFF): solid_fill = GX_FALSE; gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_PIXELMAP_FILL, GX_EVENT_TOGGLE_ON): pixelmap_fill = GX_TRUE; gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_PIXELMAP_FILL, GX_EVENT_TOGGLE_OFF): pixelmap_fill = GX_FALSE; gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_COMPRESS, GX_EVENT_TOGGLE_ON): compress = 2; gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_COMPRESS, GX_EVENT_TOGGLE_OFF): compress = 0; gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_ALPHA, GX_EVENT_TOGGLE_ON): alpha = 1; gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_ALPHA, GX_EVENT_TOGGLE_OFF): alpha = 0; gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_CIRCLE, GX_EVENT_RADIO_SELECT): draw_shape = CIRCLE; gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_ELLIPSE, GX_EVENT_RADIO_SELECT): draw_shape = ELLIPSE; gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_ARC, GX_EVENT_RADIO_SELECT): draw_shape = ARC; end_angle = start_angle; gx_system_timer_start(pGraphicsWin, ARC_TIMER, ARC_TICKS, ARC_TICKS); gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_PIE, GX_EVENT_RADIO_SELECT): draw_shape = PIE; gx_system_timer_start(pGraphicsWin, PIE_TIMER, PIE_TICKS, PIE_TICKS); gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_POLYGON, GX_EVENT_RADIO_SELECT): draw_shape = POLYGON; gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_SIGNAL(ID_RECTANGLE, GX_EVENT_RADIO_SELECT): draw_shape = RECTANGLE; gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); break; case GX_EVENT_TIMER: if (myevent->gx_event_payload.gx_event_timer_id == ARC_TIMER) { /* Update arc parameter. */ end_angle += 2; if (end_angle == 360) { gx_system_timer_stop(pGraphicsWin, ARC_TIMER); } } else if (myevent->gx_event_payload.gx_event_timer_id == PIE_TIMER) { /* Update pie parameter. */ angle_off += 2; if (angle_off >= 360) { angle_off = 0; } gx_system_dirty_mark(pGraphicsWin); } break; default: return next_button_handler(window, myevent); break; } fill_pixelmap_index = alpha + compress; return status; } VOID graphics_draw(GX_WINDOW *window) { ULONG brush_style = 0; GX_RECTANGLE rect; GX_POINT rectangle[4] = { { 188, 50 },{ 254, 50 },{ 254, 150 },{ 188, 150 } }; GX_POINT rectangle_1[4] = { { 300, 200 }, { 539, 200 }, { 530, 250 }, { 310, 250 } }; GX_POINT rectangle_2[4] = { { 300, 0 }, { 539, 0 }, { 530, 50 }, { 310, 50 } }; GX_POINT pentagon[5] = { { 310, 150 }, { 290, 90 },{ 335, 50 },{ 380, 90 },{ 360, 150 } }; GX_POINT concave[6] = { { 50, 50 },{ 90, 80 },{ 130, 50 },{ 130, 150 },{ 90, 110 },{ 50, 150 } }; GX_POINT star[10] = { { 173, 227 },{ 212, 227 },{ 223, 187 },{ 237, 227 },{ 273, 227 },{ 244, 253 },{ 256, 294 },{ 226, 270 },{ 192, 293 },{ 203, 253 } }; GX_POINT self_intersection[8] = { { 110, 321 },{ 189, 415 },{ 266, 321 },{ 334, 415 },{ 334, 321 },{ 264, 415 },{ 189, 321 },{ 110, 415 } }; GX_BRUSH *brush; gx_context_brush_get(&brush); gx_window_draw((GX_WINDOW*)window); brush->gx_brush_alpha = brush_alpha; if (anti_aliased) { brush_style |= GX_BRUSH_ALIAS; } if (solid_fill) { brush_style |= GX_BRUSH_SOLID_FILL; } if (pixelmap_fill) { brush_style |= GX_BRUSH_PIXELMAP_FILL; gx_context_pixelmap_set(pixelmap_id[fill_pixelmap_index]); } if (round_end) { brush_style |= GX_BRUSH_ROUND; } gx_context_brush_define(line_color, fill_color, brush_style); gx_context_brush_width_set(brush_width); switch (draw_shape) { case CIRCLE: gx_canvas_circle_draw(xcenter, ycenter, radius); break; case ARC: gx_canvas_arc_draw(xcenter, ycenter, radius, start_angle, end_angle); break; case PIE: gx_context_brush_define(GX_COLOR_ID_GRAY, GX_COLOR_ID_INDIAN_RED, brush_style); gx_canvas_pie_draw(xcenter, ycenter, radius, 60 + angle_off, 150 + angle_off); gx_context_brush_define(GX_COLOR_ID_GRAY, GX_COLOR_ID_YELLOW, brush_style); gx_canvas_pie_draw(xcenter, ycenter, radius, 150 + angle_off, 200 + angle_off); gx_context_brush_define(GX_COLOR_ID_GRAY, GX_COLOR_ID_PINK, brush_style); gx_canvas_pie_draw(xcenter, ycenter, radius, 200 + angle_off, 280 + angle_off); gx_context_brush_define(GX_COLOR_ID_GRAY, GX_COLOR_ID_PURPLE, brush_style); gx_canvas_pie_draw(xcenter, ycenter, radius, 280 + angle_off, 60 + angle_off); break; case RECTANGLE: gx_context_line_color_set(GX_COLOR_ID_INDIAN_RED); gx_context_fill_color_set(GX_COLOR_ID_YELLOW); rect = window->gx_widget_size; gx_utility_rectangle_resize(&rect, -10); gx_canvas_rectangle_draw(&rect); gx_utility_rectangle_resize(&rect, -30); gx_context_fill_color_set(GX_COLOR_ID_BROWN); gx_canvas_rectangle_draw(&rect); gx_utility_rectangle_resize(&rect, -30); gx_context_line_color_set(GX_COLOR_ID_WHITE); gx_context_fill_color_set(GX_COLOR_ID_BLACK); gx_canvas_rectangle_draw(&rect); break; case POLYGON: gx_context_brush_define(GX_COLOR_ID_GREEN, fill_color, brush_style); gx_canvas_polygon_draw(rectangle, 4); gx_canvas_polygon_draw(rectangle_1, 4); gx_canvas_polygon_draw(rectangle_2, 4); gx_canvas_polygon_draw(pentagon, 5); gx_canvas_polygon_draw(concave, 6); gx_canvas_polygon_draw(star, 10); gx_canvas_polygon_draw(self_intersection, 8); break; case ELLIPSE: gx_context_brush_define(GX_COLOR_ID_BROWN, GX_COLOR_ID_YELLOW, brush_style); gx_canvas_ellipse_draw(xcenter, ycenter, radius, ellipse_b); #if 0 if (radius > 50) { gx_context_brush_define(GX_COLOR_ID_BROWN, GX_COLOR_ID_WHITE, brush_style); gx_canvas_ellipse_draw(xcenter, ycenter, radius - 50, ellipse_b); } if (radius > 100) { gx_context_brush_define(GX_COLOR_ID_BROWN, GX_COLOR_ID_YELLOW, brush_style); gx_canvas_ellipse_draw(xcenter, ycenter, radius - 100, ellipse_b); } #endif break; } }