Lines Matching refs:task

15 -	task.h
32task instead of within an ISR. To do so the `TX_TIMER_PROCESS_IN_ISR` preprocessor definition shou…
49 | configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE | 512u | Minimum stack size, used as the stack size of the idle task if …
51 …elete | 1 | Set to 0 to disable the task delete API. When disabled the adaptation layer will not c…
52 | TX_FREERTOS_IDLE_STACK | 512u | Stack size of the idle task. |
58 …within `tx_application_define()`. Usually, at least the initial application task should be created.
105 …layer some FreeRTOS API may function erratically when they are called from outside a FreeRTOS task.
108task created using `xTaskCreate()` or `xTaskCreateStatic()` is not recommended, with exceptions. I…
114task. FreeRTOS, however, does have an idle task, and it is responsible for performing the final cl…
117task ready to run. As such the `taskYIELD_FROM_ISR()` macro has no effect and yielding will always…
120task, which is created during initialization, to cleanup deleted threads. The Threadx adaptation l…
123task while this behaviour is permitted within ThreadX. The adaptation layer allows returning from …
145task API represents the core of the adaptation layer enabling creation and control of FreeRTOS tas…
161 …Has no effect, ThreadX will automatically pre-empt when a higher priority task is available to run…
172 | uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks() | Only returns the number of task created by either `xTaskCreate()` or `…
176 | xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() | This will only work when called from a task created by either `xTas…
189 | xTaskGetIdleTaskHandle() | Not implemented since the idle task is not a FreeRTOS task. |
193 | xTaskGetIdleRunTimeCounter() | Not implemented since the idle task is not free-running but waitin…
214 …differences between ThreadX and FreeRTOS it is possible that the ordering task wakeup may slightly…
239 …differences between ThreadX and FreeRTOS it is possible that the ordering task wakeup may slightly…
295 …ionCallFromISR()`. Also since the timer handling thread is not a FreeRTOS task, `xTimerGetTimerDae…