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KconfigD18-Mar-2025559 1715

MakefileD18-Mar-2025280 85

TODOD18-Mar-2025784 2017

ddk750.hD18-Mar-2025466 2212

ddk750_chip.cD18-Mar-20259.5 KiB408242

ddk750_chip.hD18-Mar-20252.2 KiB10354

ddk750_display.cD18-Mar-20254.1 KiB160101

ddk750_display.hD18-Mar-20252.8 KiB10852

ddk750_dvi.cD18-Mar-20251.7 KiB6352

ddk750_dvi.hD18-Mar-20251.9 KiB5845

ddk750_hwi2c.cD18-Mar-20255.6 KiB248110

ddk750_hwi2c.hD18-Mar-2025373 138

ddk750_mode.cD18-Mar-20256.7 KiB226149

ddk750_mode.hD18-Mar-2025939 3825

ddk750_power.cD18-Mar-20252.8 KiB146101

ddk750_power.hD18-Mar-2025865 4220

ddk750_reg.hD18-Mar-202578.2 KiB1,4561,262

ddk750_sii164.cD18-Mar-202510.9 KiB409210

ddk750_sii164.hD18-Mar-20255.5 KiB17589

ddk750_swi2c.cD18-Mar-202512.6 KiB505200

ddk750_swi2c.hD18-Mar-20251.6 KiB6210

readmeD18-Mar-20251.5 KiB3931

sm750.cD18-Mar-202529.1 KiB1,192887

sm750.hD18-Mar-20255.6 KiB221149

sm750_accel.cD18-Mar-202511.7 KiB414209

sm750_accel.hD18-Mar-202511.6 KiB244166

sm750_cursor.cD18-Mar-20254 KiB176130

sm750_cursor.hD18-Mar-2025694 1612

sm750_hw.cD18-Mar-202513.9 KiB569434


2	SM750 of Silicon MOtion is pci express display controller device.
3	The SM750 embedded graphics features include:
4	- dual display
5	- 2D acceleration
6	- 16MB integrated video memory
8About the kernel module parameter of driver:
10	Use 1280,8bpp index color and 60 hz mode:
11	insmod ./sm750fb.ko g_option="1280x1024-8@60"
13	Disable MTRR,Disable 2d acceleration,Disable hardware cursor,
14	and use a 800x600 mode :
15	insmod ./sm750fb.ko g_option="noaccel:nomtrr:nohwc:800x600"
17	dual frame buffer for driver with "dual" parameter
18	insmod ./sm750fb.ko g_option="dual,800x600:1024x768"
19	it will create fb0 and fb1 (or fb1,fb2 if fb0 already exist) under /dev
20	and user can use con2fb to link fbX and ttyX
22	Notes:
23	1) if you build the driver with built-in method, the parameter
24		you edited in the grub config file will be also the
25		same format as above modular method,but additionally add
26		"video=sm750fb:"
27		ahead of parameters,so,it looks like:
28		video=sm750fb:noaccel,1280x1024@60,otherparam,etc...
29		it equal to modular method with below command:
30		insmod ./sm750fb.ko g_option="noaccel:1280x1024@60:otherparm:etc..."
32	2) if you put 800x600 into the parameter without bpp and
33		refresh rate, kernel driver will defaulty use 16bpp and 60hz
36	if you have vesafb enabled in your config then /dev/fb0 will be created by vesafb
37	and this driver will use fb1, fb2. In that case, you need to configure your X-server
38	to use fb1. Another simple althernative is to disable vesafb from your config.