1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
3 /*
4  * As this function is mainly ported from Windows driver, so leave the name
5  * little changed. If any confusion caused, tell me. Created by WB. 2008.05.08
6  */
7 #include "ieee80211.h"
9 u8 MCS_FILTER_ALL[16] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
11 u8 MCS_FILTER_1SS[16] = {0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
13 u16 MCS_DATA_RATE[2][2][77] = {
14 	{	{13, 26, 39, 52, 78, 104, 117, 130, 26, 52, 78, 104, 156, 208, 234, 260,
15 		 39, 78, 117, 234, 312, 351, 390, 52, 104, 156, 208, 312, 416, 468, 520,
16 		 0, 78, 104, 130, 117, 156, 195, 104, 130, 130, 156, 182, 182, 208, 156, 195,
17 		 195, 234, 273, 273, 312, 130, 156, 181, 156, 181, 208, 234, 208, 234, 260, 260,
18 		 286, 195, 234, 273, 234, 273, 312, 351, 312, 351, 390, 390, 429},			// Long GI, 20MHz
19 		{14, 29, 43, 58, 87, 116, 130, 144, 29, 58, 87, 116, 173, 231, 260, 289,
20 		 43, 87, 130, 173, 260, 347, 390, 433, 58, 116, 173, 231, 347, 462, 520, 578,
21 		 0, 87, 116, 144, 130, 173, 217, 116, 144, 144, 173, 202, 202, 231, 173, 217,
22 		 217, 260, 303, 303, 347, 144, 173, 202, 173, 202, 231, 260, 231, 260, 289, 289,
23 		 318, 217, 260, 303, 260, 303, 347, 390, 347, 390, 433, 433, 477}	},		// Short GI, 20MHz
24 	{	{27, 54, 81, 108, 162, 216, 243, 270, 54, 108, 162, 216, 324, 432, 486, 540,
25 		 81, 162, 243, 324, 486, 648, 729, 810, 108, 216, 324, 432, 648, 864, 972, 1080,
26 		 12, 162, 216, 270, 243, 324, 405, 216, 270, 270, 324, 378, 378, 432, 324, 405,
27 		 405, 486, 567, 567, 648, 270, 324, 378, 324, 378, 432, 486, 432, 486, 540, 540,
28 		 594, 405, 486, 567, 486, 567, 648, 729, 648, 729, 810, 810, 891},	// Long GI, 40MHz
29 		{30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 270, 300, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480, 540, 600,
30 		 90, 180, 270, 360, 540, 720, 810, 900, 120, 240, 360, 480, 720, 960, 1080, 1200,
31 		 13, 180, 240, 300, 270, 360, 450, 240, 300, 300, 360, 420, 420, 480, 360, 450,
32 		 450, 540, 630, 630, 720, 300, 360, 420, 360, 420, 480, 540, 480, 540, 600, 600,
33 		 660, 450, 540, 630, 540, 630, 720, 810, 720, 810, 900, 900, 990}	}	// Short GI, 40MHz
34 };
36 static u8 UNKNOWN_BORADCOM[3] = {0x00, 0x14, 0xbf};
37 static u8 LINKSYSWRT330_LINKSYSWRT300_BROADCOM[3] = {0x00, 0x1a, 0x70};
38 static u8 LINKSYSWRT350_LINKSYSWRT150_BROADCOM[3] = {0x00, 0x1d, 0x7e};
39 static u8 NETGEAR834Bv2_BROADCOM[3] = {0x00, 0x1b, 0x2f};
40 static u8 BELKINF5D8233V1_RALINK[3] = {0x00, 0x17, 0x3f};	//cosa 03202008
41 static u8 BELKINF5D82334V3_RALINK[3] = {0x00, 0x1c, 0xdf};
42 static u8 PCI_RALINK[3] = {0x00, 0x90, 0xcc};
43 static u8 EDIMAX_RALINK[3] = {0x00, 0x0e, 0x2e};
44 static u8 AIRLINK_RALINK[3] = {0x00, 0x18, 0x02};
45 //static u8 DLINK_ATHEROS[3] = {0x00, 0x1c, 0xf0};
46 static u8 CISCO_BROADCOM[3] = {0x00, 0x17, 0x94};
47 /*
48  * 2008/04/01 MH For Cisco G mode RX TP We need to change FW duration. Should we
49  * put the code in other place??
50  * static u8 WIFI_CISCO_G_AP[3] = {0x00, 0x40, 0x96};
51  */
52 /*
53  *function:  This function update default settings in pHTInfo structure
54  *   input:  PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT	pHTInfo
55  *  output:  none
56  *  return:  none
57  *  notice:  These value need be modified if any changes.
58  */
HTUpdateDefaultSetting(struct ieee80211_device * ieee)59 void HTUpdateDefaultSetting(struct ieee80211_device *ieee)
60 {
61 	PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT	pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
62 	//const typeof( ((struct ieee80211_device *)0)->pHTInfo ) *__mptr = &pHTInfo;
64 	//printk("pHTinfo:%p, &pHTinfo:%p, mptr:%p,  offsetof:%x\n", pHTInfo, &pHTInfo, __mptr, offsetof(struct ieee80211_device, pHTInfo));
65 	//printk("===>ieee:%p,\n", ieee);
66 	// ShortGI support
67 	pHTInfo->bRegShortGI20MHz = 1;
68 	pHTInfo->bRegShortGI40MHz = 1;
70 	// 40MHz channel support
71 	pHTInfo->bRegBW40MHz = 1;
73 	// CCK rate support in 40MHz channel
74 	if (pHTInfo->bRegBW40MHz)
75 		pHTInfo->bRegSuppCCK = 1;
76 	else
77 		pHTInfo->bRegSuppCCK = true;
79 	// AMSDU related
80 	pHTInfo->nAMSDU_MaxSize = 7935UL;
81 	pHTInfo->bAMSDU_Support = 0;
83 	// AMPDU related
84 	pHTInfo->bAMPDUEnable = 1;
85 	pHTInfo->AMPDU_Factor = 2; //// 0: 2n13(8K), 1:2n14(16K), 2:2n15(32K), 3:2n16(64k)
86 	pHTInfo->MPDU_Density = 0;// 0: No restriction, 1: 1/8usec, 2: 1/4usec, 3: 1/2usec, 4: 1usec, 5: 2usec, 6: 4usec, 7:8usec
88 	// MIMO Power Save
89 	pHTInfo->SelfMimoPs = 3;// 0: Static Mimo Ps, 1: Dynamic Mimo Ps, 3: No Limitation, 2: Reserved(Set to 3 automatically.)
90 	if (pHTInfo->SelfMimoPs == 2)
91 		pHTInfo->SelfMimoPs = 3;
92 	// 8190 only. Assign rate operation mode to firmware
93 	ieee->bTxDisableRateFallBack = 0;
94 	ieee->bTxUseDriverAssingedRate = 0;
96 #ifdef	TO_DO_LIST
97 	// 8190 only. Assign duration operation mode to firmware
98 	pMgntInfo->bTxEnableFwCalcDur = (BOOLEAN)pNdisCommon->bRegTxEnableFwCalcDur;
99 #endif
100 	/*
101 	 * 8190 only, Realtek proprietary aggregation mode
102 	 * Set MPDUDensity=2,   1: Set MPDUDensity=2(32k)  for Realtek AP and set MPDUDensity=0(8k) for others
103 	 */
104 	pHTInfo->bRegRT2RTAggregation = 1;//0: Set MPDUDensity=2,   1: Set MPDUDensity=2(32k)  for Realtek AP and set MPDUDensity=0(8k) for others
106 	// For Rx Reorder Control
107 	pHTInfo->bRegRxReorderEnable = 1;
108 	pHTInfo->RxReorderWinSize = 64;
109 	pHTInfo->RxReorderPendingTime = 30;
112 	pHTInfo->UsbTxAggrNum = 4;
113 #endif
115 	pHTInfo->UsbRxFwAggrEn = 1;
116 	pHTInfo->UsbRxFwAggrPageNum = 24;
117 	pHTInfo->UsbRxFwAggrPacketNum = 8;
118 	pHTInfo->UsbRxFwAggrTimeout = 16; ////usb rx FW aggregation timeout threshold.It's in units of 64us
119 #endif
120 }
122 /*
123  *function:  This function print out each field on HT capability
124  *           IE mainly from (Beacon/ProbeRsp/AssocReq)
125  *   input:  u8*	CapIE       //Capability IE to be printed out
126  *	     u8*	TitleString //mainly print out caller function
127  *  output:  none
128  *  return:  none
129  *  notice:  Driver should not print out this message by default.
130  */
HTDebugHTCapability(u8 * CapIE,u8 * TitleString)131 void HTDebugHTCapability(u8 *CapIE, u8 *TitleString)
132 {
133 	static u8	EWC11NHTCap[] = {0x00, 0x90, 0x4c, 0x33};	// For 11n EWC definition, 2007.07.17, by Emily
136 	if (!memcmp(CapIE, EWC11NHTCap, sizeof(EWC11NHTCap))) {
137 		//EWC IE
138 		IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "EWC IE in %s()\n", __func__);
139 		pCapELE = (PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)(&CapIE[4]);
140 	} else {
141 		pCapELE = (PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)(&CapIE[0]);
142 	}
143 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "<Log HT Capability>. Called by %s\n", TitleString);
145 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT,  "\tSupported Channel Width = %s\n", (pCapELE->ChlWidth) ? "20MHz" : "20/40MHz");
146 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT,  "\tSupport Short GI for 20M = %s\n", (pCapELE->ShortGI20Mhz) ? "YES" : "NO");
147 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT,  "\tSupport Short GI for 40M = %s\n", (pCapELE->ShortGI40Mhz) ? "YES" : "NO");
148 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT,  "\tSupport TX STBC = %s\n", (pCapELE->TxSTBC) ? "YES" : "NO");
149 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT,  "\tMax AMSDU Size = %s\n", (pCapELE->MaxAMSDUSize) ? "3839" : "7935");
150 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT,  "\tSupport CCK in 20/40 mode = %s\n", (pCapELE->DssCCk) ? "YES" : "NO");
151 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT,  "\tMax AMPDU Factor = %d\n", pCapELE->MaxRxAMPDUFactor);
152 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT,  "\tMPDU Density = %d\n", pCapELE->MPDUDensity);
153 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT,  "\tMCS Rate Set = [%x][%x][%x][%x][%x]\n", pCapELE->MCS[0],\
154 				pCapELE->MCS[1], pCapELE->MCS[2], pCapELE->MCS[3], pCapELE->MCS[4]);
155 }
157 /*
158  *function:  This function print out each field on HT Information
159  *           IE mainly from (Beacon/ProbeRsp)
160  *   input:  u8*	InfoIE       //Capability IE to be printed out
161  *	     u8*	TitleString //mainly print out caller function
162  *  output:  none
163  *  return:  none
164  *  notice:  Driver should not print out this message by default.
165  */
HTDebugHTInfo(u8 * InfoIE,u8 * TitleString)166 void HTDebugHTInfo(u8 *InfoIE, u8 *TitleString)
167 {
168 	static u8	EWC11NHTInfo[] = {0x00, 0x90, 0x4c, 0x34};	// For 11n EWC definition, 2007.07.17, by Emily
171 	if (!memcmp(InfoIE, EWC11NHTInfo, sizeof(EWC11NHTInfo))) {
172 		// Not EWC IE
173 		IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "EWC IE in %s()\n", __func__);
174 		pHTInfoEle = (PHT_INFORMATION_ELE)(&InfoIE[4]);
175 	} else {
176 		pHTInfoEle = (PHT_INFORMATION_ELE)(&InfoIE[0]);
177 	}
179 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "<Log HT Information Element>. Called by %s\n", TitleString);
181 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tPrimary channel = %d\n", pHTInfoEle->ControlChl);
182 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tSecondary channel =");
183 	switch (pHTInfoEle->ExtChlOffset) {
184 	case 0:
185 		IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "Not Present\n");
186 		break;
187 	case 1:
188 		IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "Upper channel\n");
189 		break;
190 	case 2:
191 		IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "Reserved. Eooro!!!\n");
192 		break;
193 	case 3:
194 		IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "Lower Channel\n");
195 		break;
196 	}
197 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tRecommended channel width = %s\n", (pHTInfoEle->RecommemdedTxWidth) ? "20Mhz" : "40Mhz");
199 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tOperation mode for protection = ");
200 	switch (pHTInfoEle->OptMode) {
201 	case 0:
202 		IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "No Protection\n");
203 		break;
204 	case 1:
205 		IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "HT non-member protection mode\n");
206 		break;
207 	case 2:
208 		IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "Suggest to open protection\n");
209 		break;
210 	case 3:
211 		IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "HT mixed mode\n");
212 		break;
213 	}
215 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "\tBasic MCS Rate Set = [%x][%x][%x][%x][%x]\n", pHTInfoEle->BasicMSC[0],\
216 				pHTInfoEle->BasicMSC[1], pHTInfoEle->BasicMSC[2], pHTInfoEle->BasicMSC[3], pHTInfoEle->BasicMSC[4]);
217 }
219 /*
220  *	Return:		true if station in half n mode and AP supports 40 bw
221  */
IsHTHalfNmode40Bandwidth(struct ieee80211_device * ieee)222 static bool IsHTHalfNmode40Bandwidth(struct ieee80211_device *ieee)
223 {
224 	bool			retValue = false;
225 	PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT	 pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
227 	if (!pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport)		// wireless is n mode
228 		retValue = false;
229 	else if (!pHTInfo->bRegBW40MHz)		// station supports 40 bw
230 		retValue = false;
231 	else if (!ieee->GetHalfNmodeSupportByAPsHandler(ieee->dev))	// station in half n mode
232 		retValue = false;
233 	else if (((PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf))->ChlWidth) // ap support 40 bw
234 		retValue = true;
235 	else
236 		retValue = false;
238 	return retValue;
239 }
IsHTHalfNmodeSGI(struct ieee80211_device * ieee,bool is40MHz)241 static bool IsHTHalfNmodeSGI(struct ieee80211_device *ieee, bool is40MHz)
242 {
243 	bool			retValue = false;
244 	PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT	 pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
246 	if (!pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport)		// wireless is n mode
247 		retValue = false;
248 	else if (!ieee->GetHalfNmodeSupportByAPsHandler(ieee->dev))	// station in half n mode
249 		retValue = false;
250 	else if (is40MHz) { // ap support 40 bw
251 		if (((PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf))->ShortGI40Mhz) // ap support 40 bw short GI
252 			retValue = true;
253 		else
254 			retValue = false;
255 	} else {
256 		if (((PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf))->ShortGI20Mhz) // ap support 40 bw short GI
257 			retValue = true;
258 		else
259 			retValue = false;
260 	}
262 	return retValue;
263 }
HTHalfMcsToDataRate(struct ieee80211_device * ieee,u8 nMcsRate)265 u16 HTHalfMcsToDataRate(struct ieee80211_device *ieee,	u8	nMcsRate)
266 {
267 	u8	is40MHz;
268 	u8	isShortGI;
270 	is40MHz = (IsHTHalfNmode40Bandwidth(ieee)) ? 1 : 0;
271 	isShortGI = (IsHTHalfNmodeSGI(ieee, is40MHz)) ? 1 : 0;
273 	return MCS_DATA_RATE[is40MHz][isShortGI][(nMcsRate & 0x7f)];
274 }
HTMcsToDataRate(struct ieee80211_device * ieee,u8 nMcsRate)276 u16 HTMcsToDataRate(struct ieee80211_device *ieee, u8 nMcsRate)
277 {
278 	PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT	pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
280 	u8	is40MHz = (pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz) ? 1 : 0;
281 	u8	isShortGI = (pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz) ?
282 						((pHTInfo->bCurShortGI40MHz) ? 1 : 0) :
283 						((pHTInfo->bCurShortGI20MHz) ? 1 : 0);
284 	return MCS_DATA_RATE[is40MHz][isShortGI][(nMcsRate & 0x7f)];
285 }
287 /*
288  *function:  This function returns current datarate.
289  *   input:  struct ieee80211_device*	ieee
290  *	     u8				nDataRate
291  *  output:  none
292  *  return:  tx rate
293  *  notice:  quite unsure about how to use this function //wb
294  */
TxCountToDataRate(struct ieee80211_device * ieee,u8 nDataRate)295 u16  TxCountToDataRate(struct ieee80211_device *ieee, u8 nDataRate)
296 {
297 	//PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT	pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
298 	u16		CCKOFDMRate[12] = {0x02, 0x04, 0x0b, 0x16, 0x0c, 0x12, 0x18, 0x24, 0x30, 0x48, 0x60, 0x6c};
299 	u8	is40MHz = 0;
300 	u8	isShortGI = 0;
302 	if (nDataRate < 12) {
303 		return CCKOFDMRate[nDataRate];
304 	} else {
305 		if (nDataRate >= 0x10 && nDataRate <= 0x1f) { //if(nDataRate > 11 && nDataRate < 28 )
306 			is40MHz = 0;
307 			isShortGI = 0;
309 		      // nDataRate = nDataRate - 12;
310 		} else if (nDataRate >= 0x20  && nDataRate <= 0x2f) { //(27, 44)
311 			is40MHz = 1;
312 			isShortGI = 0;
314 			//nDataRate = nDataRate - 28;
315 		} else if (nDataRate >= 0x30  && nDataRate <= 0x3f) { //(43, 60)
316 			is40MHz = 0;
317 			isShortGI = 1;
319 			//nDataRate = nDataRate - 44;
320 		} else if (nDataRate >= 0x40  && nDataRate <= 0x4f) { //(59, 76)
321 			is40MHz = 1;
322 			isShortGI = 1;
324 			//nDataRate = nDataRate - 60;
325 		}
326 		return MCS_DATA_RATE[is40MHz][isShortGI][nDataRate & 0xf];
327 	}
328 }
IsHTHalfNmodeAPs(struct ieee80211_device * ieee)330 bool IsHTHalfNmodeAPs(struct ieee80211_device *ieee)
331 {
332 	bool			retValue = false;
333 	struct ieee80211_network *net = &ieee->current_network;
335 	if ((memcmp(net->bssid, BELKINF5D8233V1_RALINK, 3) == 0) ||
336 	    (memcmp(net->bssid, BELKINF5D82334V3_RALINK, 3) == 0) ||
337 	    (memcmp(net->bssid, PCI_RALINK, 3) == 0) ||
338 	    (memcmp(net->bssid, EDIMAX_RALINK, 3) == 0) ||
339 	    (memcmp(net->bssid, AIRLINK_RALINK, 3) == 0) ||
340 	    (net->ralink_cap_exist))
341 		retValue = true;
342 	else if ((memcmp(net->bssid, UNKNOWN_BORADCOM, 3) == 0) ||
343 		 (memcmp(net->bssid, LINKSYSWRT330_LINKSYSWRT300_BROADCOM, 3) == 0) ||
344 		 (memcmp(net->bssid, LINKSYSWRT350_LINKSYSWRT150_BROADCOM, 3) == 0) ||
345 		 (memcmp(net->bssid, NETGEAR834Bv2_BROADCOM, 3) == 0) ||
346 		 (net->broadcom_cap_exist))
347 		retValue = true;
348 	else if (net->bssht.bdRT2RTAggregation)
349 		retValue = true;
350 	else
351 		retValue = false;
353 	return retValue;
354 }
356 /*
357  *function:  This function returns peer IOT.
358  *   input:  struct ieee80211_device*	ieee
359  *  output:  none
360  *  return:
361  *  notice:
362  */
HTIOTPeerDetermine(struct ieee80211_device * ieee)363 static void HTIOTPeerDetermine(struct ieee80211_device *ieee)
364 {
365 	PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT	pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
366 	struct ieee80211_network *net = &ieee->current_network;
368 	if (net->bssht.bdRT2RTAggregation)
370 	else if (net->broadcom_cap_exist)
372 	else if ((memcmp(net->bssid, UNKNOWN_BORADCOM, 3) == 0) ||
373 		 (memcmp(net->bssid, LINKSYSWRT330_LINKSYSWRT300_BROADCOM, 3) == 0) ||
374 		 (memcmp(net->bssid, LINKSYSWRT350_LINKSYSWRT150_BROADCOM, 3) == 0) ||
375 		 (memcmp(net->bssid, NETGEAR834Bv2_BROADCOM, 3) == 0))
377 	else if ((memcmp(net->bssid, BELKINF5D8233V1_RALINK, 3) == 0) ||
378 		 (memcmp(net->bssid, BELKINF5D82334V3_RALINK, 3) == 0) ||
379 		 (memcmp(net->bssid, PCI_RALINK, 3) == 0) ||
380 		 (memcmp(net->bssid, EDIMAX_RALINK, 3) == 0) ||
381 		 (memcmp(net->bssid, AIRLINK_RALINK, 3) == 0) ||
382 		 net->ralink_cap_exist)
383 		pHTInfo->IOTPeer = HT_IOT_PEER_RALINK;
384 	else if (net->atheros_cap_exist)
386 	else if (memcmp(net->bssid, CISCO_BROADCOM, 3) == 0)
387 		pHTInfo->IOTPeer = HT_IOT_PEER_CISCO;
388 	else
391 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_IOT, "Joseph debug!! IOTPEER: %x\n", pHTInfo->IOTPeer);
392 }
394 /*
395  *function:  Check whether driver should declare received rate up to MCS13
396  *           only since some chipset is not good at receiving MCS14~15 frame
397  *           from some AP.
398  *   input:  struct ieee80211_device*	ieee
399  *	     u8 *			PeerMacAddr
400  *  output:  none
401  *  return:  return 1 if driver should declare MCS13 only(otherwise return 0)
402  */
HTIOTActIsDisableMCS14(struct ieee80211_device * ieee,u8 * PeerMacAddr)403 static u8 HTIOTActIsDisableMCS14(struct ieee80211_device *ieee, u8 *PeerMacAddr)
404 {
405 	return 0;
406 }
408 /*
409  * Function:	HTIOTActIsDisableMCS15
410  *
411  * Overview:	Check whether driver should declare capability of receiving
412  *              MCS15
413  *
414  * Input:
415  *			PADAPTER		Adapter,
416  *
417  * Output:		None
418  * Return:	true if driver should disable MCS15
419  * 2008.04.15	Emily
420  */
HTIOTActIsDisableMCS15(struct ieee80211_device * ieee)421 static bool HTIOTActIsDisableMCS15(struct ieee80211_device *ieee)
422 {
423 	bool retValue = false;
425 #ifdef TODO
426 	// Apply for 819u only
427 #if (HAL_CODE_BASE == RTL8192)
430 	// Alway disable MCS15 by Jerry Chang's request.by Emily, 2008.04.15
431 	retValue = true;
433 	// Enable MCS15 if the peer is Cisco AP. by Emily, 2008.05.12
434 //	if(pBssDesc->bCiscoCapExist)
435 //		retValue = false;
436 //	else
437 		retValue = false;
438 #endif
439 #endif
440 #endif
441 	// Jerry Chang suggest that 8190 1x2 does not need to disable MCS15
443 	return retValue;
444 }
446 /*
447  * Function:	HTIOTActIsDisableMCSTwoSpatialStream
448  *
449  * Overview:	Check whether driver should declare capability of receiving
450  *              All 2 ss packets
451  *
452  * Input:
453  *			PADAPTER		Adapter,
454  *
455  * Output:		None
456  * Return:	true if driver should disable all two spatial stream packet
457  * 2008.04.21	Emily
458  */
HTIOTActIsDisableMCSTwoSpatialStream(struct ieee80211_device * ieee,u8 * PeerMacAddr)459 static bool HTIOTActIsDisableMCSTwoSpatialStream(struct ieee80211_device *ieee,
460 						 u8 *PeerMacAddr)
461 {
462 #ifdef TODO
463 	// Apply for 819u only
464 #endif
465 	return false;
466 }
468 /*
469  *function:  Check whether driver should disable EDCA turbo mode
470  *   input:  struct ieee80211_device*	ieee
471  *	     u8*			PeerMacAddr
472  *  output:  none
473  *  return:  return 1 if driver should disable EDCA turbo mode
474  *           (otherwise return 0)
475  */
HTIOTActIsDisableEDCATurbo(struct ieee80211_device * ieee,u8 * PeerMacAddr)476 static u8 HTIOTActIsDisableEDCATurbo(struct ieee80211_device *ieee,
477 				     u8 *PeerMacAddr)
478 {	/* default enable EDCA Turbo mode. */
479 	return false;
480 }
482 /*
483  *function:  Check whether we need to use OFDM to sned MGNT frame for
484  *           broadcom AP
485  *   input:  struct ieee80211_network *network   //current network we live
486  *  output:  none
487  *  return:  return 1 if true
488  */
HTIOTActIsMgntUseCCK6M(struct ieee80211_network * network)489 static u8 HTIOTActIsMgntUseCCK6M(struct ieee80211_network *network)
490 {
491 	u8	retValue = 0;
493 	// 2008/01/25 MH Judeg if we need to use OFDM to sned MGNT frame for broadcom AP.
494 	// 2008/01/28 MH We must prevent that we select null bssid to link.
496 	if (network->broadcom_cap_exist)
497 		retValue = 1;
499 	return retValue;
500 }
HTIOTActIsCCDFsync(u8 * PeerMacAddr)502 static u8 HTIOTActIsCCDFsync(u8 *PeerMacAddr)
503 {
504 	u8	retValue = 0;
506 	if ((memcmp(PeerMacAddr, UNKNOWN_BORADCOM, 3) == 0) ||
507 	    (memcmp(PeerMacAddr, LINKSYSWRT330_LINKSYSWRT300_BROADCOM, 3) == 0) ||
508 	    (memcmp(PeerMacAddr, LINKSYSWRT350_LINKSYSWRT150_BROADCOM, 3) == 0))
509 		retValue = 1;
511 	return retValue;
512 }
515 {
516 	pHTInfo->IOTAction = 0;
518 }
520 /*
521  *function:  Construct Capablility Element in Beacon... if HTEnable is turned on
522  *   input:  struct ieee80211_device*	ieee
523  *	     u8*		     posHTCap //pointer to store Capability Ele
524  *	     u8*		     len //store length of CE
525  *	     u8			     IsEncrypt //whether encrypt, needed further
526  *  output:  none
527  *  return:  none
528  *  notice:  posHTCap can't be null and should be initialized before.
529  */
HTConstructCapabilityElement(struct ieee80211_device * ieee,u8 * posHTCap,u8 * len,u8 IsEncrypt)530 void HTConstructCapabilityElement(struct ieee80211_device *ieee, u8 *posHTCap, u8 *len, u8 IsEncrypt)
531 {
532 	PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT	pHT = ieee->pHTInfo;
534 	//u8 bIsDeclareMCS13;
536 	if (!posHTCap || !pHT) {
537 		IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_ERR,
538 				"posHTCap or pHTInfo can't be null in %s\n",
539 				__func__);
540 		return;
541 	}
542 	memset(posHTCap, 0, *len);
543 	if (pHT->ePeerHTSpecVer == HT_SPEC_VER_EWC) {
544 		u8	EWC11NHTCap[] = {0x00, 0x90, 0x4c, 0x33};	// For 11n EWC definition, 2007.07.17, by Emily
546 		memcpy(posHTCap, EWC11NHTCap, sizeof(EWC11NHTCap));
547 		pCapELE = (PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)&posHTCap[4];
548 	} else {
550 	}
552 	//HT capability info
553 	pCapELE->AdvCoding		= 0; // This feature is not supported now!!
554 	if (ieee->GetHalfNmodeSupportByAPsHandler(ieee->dev))
555 		pCapELE->ChlWidth = 0;
556 	else
557 		pCapELE->ChlWidth = (pHT->bRegBW40MHz ? 1 : 0);
559 //	pCapELE->ChlWidth		= (pHT->bRegBW40MHz?1:0);
560 	pCapELE->MimoPwrSave		= pHT->SelfMimoPs;
561 	pCapELE->GreenField		= 0; // This feature is not supported now!!
562 	pCapELE->ShortGI20Mhz		= 1; // We can receive Short GI!!
563 	pCapELE->ShortGI40Mhz		= 1; // We can receive Short GI!!
564 	//DbgPrint("TX HT cap/info ele BW=%d SG20=%d SG40=%d\n\r",
565 	//pCapELE->ChlWidth, pCapELE->ShortGI20Mhz, pCapELE->ShortGI40Mhz);
566 	pCapELE->TxSTBC			= 1;
567 	pCapELE->RxSTBC			= 0;
568 	pCapELE->DelayBA		= 0;	// Do not support now!!
569 	pCapELE->MaxAMSDUSize	        = (MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE >= 7935) ? 1 : 0;
570 	pCapELE->DssCCk			= ((pHT->bRegBW40MHz) ? (pHT->bRegSuppCCK ? 1 : 0) : 0);
571 	pCapELE->PSMP			= 0; // Do not support now!!
572 	pCapELE->LSigTxopProtect	= 0; // Do not support now!!
574 	/*
575 	 * MAC HT parameters info
576 	 * TODO: Nedd to take care of this part
577 	 */
578 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "TX HT cap/info ele BW=%d MaxAMSDUSize:%d DssCCk:%d\n", pCapELE->ChlWidth, pCapELE->MaxAMSDUSize, pCapELE->DssCCk);
580 	if (IsEncrypt) {
581 		pCapELE->MPDUDensity	= 7; // 8us
582 		pCapELE->MaxRxAMPDUFactor = 2; // 2 is for 32 K and 3 is 64K
583 	} else {
584 		pCapELE->MaxRxAMPDUFactor = 3; // 2 is for 32 K and 3 is 64K
585 		pCapELE->MPDUDensity	= 0; // no density
586 	}
588 	//Supported MCS set
589 	memcpy(pCapELE->MCS, ieee->Regdot11HTOperationalRateSet, 16);
590 	if (pHT->IOTAction & HT_IOT_ACT_DISABLE_MCS15)
591 		pCapELE->MCS[1] &= 0x7f;
593 	if (pHT->IOTAction & HT_IOT_ACT_DISABLE_MCS14)
594 		pCapELE->MCS[1] &= 0xbf;
596 	if (pHT->IOTAction & HT_IOT_ACT_DISABLE_ALL_2SS)
597 		pCapELE->MCS[1] &= 0x00;
599 	/*
600 	 * 2008.06.12
601 	 * For RTL819X, if pairwisekey = wep/tkip, ap is ralink, we support only MCS0~7.
602 	 */
603 	if (ieee->GetHalfNmodeSupportByAPsHandler(ieee->dev)) {
604 		int i;
606 		for (i = 1; i < 16; i++)
607 			pCapELE->MCS[i] = 0;
608 	}
610 	//Extended HT Capability Info
611 	memset(&pCapELE->ExtHTCapInfo, 0, 2);
613 	//TXBF Capabilities
614 	memset(pCapELE->TxBFCap, 0, 4);
616 	//Antenna Selection Capabilities
617 	pCapELE->ASCap = 0;
618 //add 2 to give space for element ID and len when construct frames
619 	if (pHT->ePeerHTSpecVer == HT_SPEC_VER_EWC)
620 		*len = 30 + 2;
621 	else
622 		*len = 26 + 2;
624 //	IEEE80211_DEBUG_DATA(IEEE80211_DL_DATA | IEEE80211_DL_HT, posHTCap, *len -2);
626 	/*
627 	 * Print each field in detail. Driver should not print out this message
628 	 * by default
629 	 */
630 //	HTDebugHTCapability(posHTCap, (u8*)"HTConstructCapability()");
631 }
633 /*
634  *function:  Construct Information Element in Beacon... if HTEnable is turned on
635  *   input:  struct ieee80211_device*	ieee
636  *	     u8*		     posHTCap //pointer to store Information Ele
637  *	     u8*		     len   //store len of
638  *	     u8			     IsEncrypt //whether encrypt, needed further
639  *  output:  none
640  *  return:  none
641  *  notice:  posHTCap can't be null and be initialized before.
642  *           Only AP and IBSS sta should do this
643  */
HTConstructInfoElement(struct ieee80211_device * ieee,u8 * posHTInfo,u8 * len,u8 IsEncrypt)644 void HTConstructInfoElement(struct ieee80211_device *ieee, u8 *posHTInfo, u8 *len, u8 IsEncrypt)
645 {
646 	PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT	pHT = ieee->pHTInfo;
649 	if (!posHTInfo || !pHTInfoEle) {
650 		IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_ERR,
651 				"posHTInfo or pHTInfoEle can't be null in %s\n",
652 				__func__);
653 		return;
654 	}
656 	memset(posHTInfo, 0, *len);
657 	if ((ieee->iw_mode == IW_MODE_ADHOC) || (ieee->iw_mode == IW_MODE_MASTER)) { //ap mode is not currently supported
658 		pHTInfoEle->ControlChl			= ieee->current_network.channel;
659 		pHTInfoEle->ExtChlOffset		= ((!pHT->bRegBW40MHz) ? HT_EXTCHNL_OFFSET_NO_EXT :
660 											(ieee->current_network.channel <= 6) ?
662 		pHTInfoEle->RecommemdedTxWidth	= pHT->bRegBW40MHz;
663 		pHTInfoEle->RIFS					= 0;
664 		pHTInfoEle->PSMPAccessOnly		= 0;
665 		pHTInfoEle->SrvIntGranularity		= 0;
666 		pHTInfoEle->OptMode				= pHT->CurrentOpMode;
667 		pHTInfoEle->NonGFDevPresent		= 0;
668 		pHTInfoEle->DualBeacon			= 0;
669 		pHTInfoEle->SecondaryBeacon		= 0;
670 		pHTInfoEle->LSigTxopProtectFull		= 0;
671 		pHTInfoEle->PcoActive				= 0;
672 		pHTInfoEle->PcoPhase				= 0;
674 		memset(pHTInfoEle->BasicMSC, 0, 16);
676 		*len = 22 + 2; //same above
677 	} else {
678 		//STA should not generate High Throughput Information Element
679 		*len = 0;
680 	}
681 	//IEEE80211_DEBUG_DATA(IEEE80211_DL_DATA | IEEE80211_DL_HT, posHTInfo, *len - 2);
682 	//HTDebugHTInfo(posHTInfo, "HTConstructInforElement");
683 }
685 /*
686  * According to experiment, Realtek AP to STA (based on rtl8190) may achieve
687  * best performance if both STA and AP set limitation of aggregation size to
688  * 32K, that is, set AMPDU density to 2 (Ref: IEEE 11n specification).
689  * However, if Realtek STA associates to other AP, STA should set limitation of
690  * aggregation size to 8K, otherwise, performance of traffic stream from STA to
691  * AP will be much less than the traffic stream from AP to STA if both of the
692  * stream runs concurrently at the same time.
693  *
694  *  Frame Format
695  *  Element ID		Length		OUI		Type1		Reserved
696  *  1 byte		1 byte		3 bytes		1 byte		1 byte
697  *
698  *  OUI		= 0x00, 0xe0, 0x4c,
699  *  Type	= 0x02
700  *  Reserved	= 0x00
701  *
702  *  2007.8.21 by Emily
703  */
704 /*
705  *function:  Construct  Information Element in Beacon... in RT2RT condition
706  *   input:  struct ieee80211_device*	ieee
707  *	     u8*		  posRT2RTAgg //pointer to store Information Ele
708  *	     u8*		  len   //store len
709  *  output:  none
710  *  return:  none
711  *  notice:
712  */
HTConstructRT2RTAggElement(struct ieee80211_device * ieee,u8 * posRT2RTAgg,u8 * len)713 void HTConstructRT2RTAggElement(struct ieee80211_device *ieee, u8 *posRT2RTAgg, u8 *len)
714 {
715 	if (!posRT2RTAgg) {
716 		IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_ERR,
717 				"posRT2RTAgg can't be null in %s\n",
718 				__func__);
719 		return;
720 	}
721 	memset(posRT2RTAgg, 0, *len);
722 	*posRT2RTAgg++ = 0x00;
723 	*posRT2RTAgg++ = 0xe0;
724 	*posRT2RTAgg++ = 0x4c;
725 	*posRT2RTAgg++ = 0x02;
726 	*posRT2RTAgg++ = 0x01;
727 	*posRT2RTAgg = 0x10;//*posRT2RTAgg = 0x02;
729 	if (ieee->bSupportRemoteWakeUp)
730 		*posRT2RTAgg |= 0x08;//RT_HT_CAP_USE_WOW;
732 	*len = 6 + 2;
733 	return;
734 #ifdef TODO
736 	/*
737 	//Emily. If it is required to Ask Realtek AP to send AMPDU during AES mode, enable this
738 	   section of code.
739 	if(IS_UNDER_11N_AES_MODE(Adapter))
740 	{
741 		posRT2RTAgg->octet[5] |= RT_HT_CAP_USE_AMPDU;
742 	}else
743 	{
744 		posRT2RTAgg->octet[5] &= 0xfb;
745 	}
746 	*/
747 #else
748 	// Do Nothing
749 #endif
751 	posRT2RTAgg->Length = 6;
752 #endif
753 }
755 /*
756  *function:  Pick the right Rate Adaptive table to use
757  *   input:  struct ieee80211_device*	ieee
758  *	     u8*		      pOperateMCS //A pointer to MCS rate bitmap
759  *  return:  always we return true
760  *  notice:
761  */
HT_PickMCSRate(struct ieee80211_device * ieee,u8 * pOperateMCS)762 static u8 HT_PickMCSRate(struct ieee80211_device *ieee, u8 *pOperateMCS)
763 {
764 	if (!pOperateMCS) {
765 		IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_ERR,
766 				"pOperateMCS can't be null in %s\n",
767 				__func__);
768 		return false;
769 	}
771 	switch (ieee->mode) {
772 	case IEEE_A:
773 	case IEEE_B:
774 	case IEEE_G:
775 		//legacy rate routine handled at selectedrate
777 		//no MCS rate
778 		memset(pOperateMCS, 0, 16);
779 		break;
781 	case IEEE_N_24G:	//assume CCK rate ok
782 	case IEEE_N_5G:
783 		// Legacy part we only use 6, 5.5,2,1 for N_24G and 6 for N_5G.
784 		// Legacy part shall be handled at SelectRateSet().
786 		//HT part
787 		// TODO: may be different if we have different number of antenna
788 		pOperateMCS[0] &= RATE_ADPT_1SS_MASK;	//support MCS 0~7
789 		pOperateMCS[1] &= RATE_ADPT_2SS_MASK;
790 		pOperateMCS[3] &= RATE_ADPT_MCS32_MASK;
791 		break;
793 	//should never reach here
794 	default:
795 		break;
796 	}
798 	return true;
799 }
801 /*
802  *	Description:
803  *		This function will get the highest speed rate in input MCS set.
804  *
805  *	/param	Adapter			Pionter to Adapter entity
806  *			pMCSRateSet		Pointer to MCS rate bitmap
807  *			pMCSFilter		Pointer to MCS rate filter
808  *
809  *	/return	Highest MCS rate included in pMCSRateSet and filtered by pMCSFilter.
810  *
811  */
812 /*
813  *function:  This function will get the highest speed rate in input MCS set.
814  *   input:  struct ieee80211_device*	ieee
815  *	     u8*			pMCSRateSet //Pointer to MCS rate bitmap
816  *	     u8*			pMCSFilter //Pointer to MCS rate filter
817  *  return:  Highest MCS rate included in pMCSRateSet and filtered by pMCSFilter
818  *  notice:
819  */
HTGetHighestMCSRate(struct ieee80211_device * ieee,u8 * pMCSRateSet,u8 * pMCSFilter)820 u8 HTGetHighestMCSRate(struct ieee80211_device *ieee, u8 *pMCSRateSet, u8 *pMCSFilter)
821 {
822 	u8		i, j;
823 	u8		bitMap;
824 	u8		mcsRate = 0;
825 	u8		availableMcsRate[16];
827 	if (!pMCSRateSet || !pMCSFilter) {
828 		IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_ERR,
829 				"pMCSRateSet or pMCSFilter can't be null in %s\n",
830 				__func__);
831 		return false;
832 	}
833 	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
834 		availableMcsRate[i] = pMCSRateSet[i] & pMCSFilter[i];
836 	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
837 		if (availableMcsRate[i] != 0)
838 			break;
839 	}
840 	if (i == 16)
841 		return false;
843 	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
844 		if (availableMcsRate[i] != 0) {
845 			bitMap = availableMcsRate[i];
846 			for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
847 				if ((bitMap % 2) != 0) {
848 					if (HTMcsToDataRate(ieee, (8 * i + j)) > HTMcsToDataRate(ieee, mcsRate))
849 						mcsRate = (8 * i + j);
850 				}
851 				bitMap >>= 1;
852 			}
853 		}
854 	}
855 	return (mcsRate | 0x80);
856 }
858 /*
859  * 1.Filter our operation rate set with AP's rate set
860  * 2.shall reference channel bandwidth, STBC, Antenna number
861  * 3.generate rate adative table for firmware
862  * David 20060906
863  *
864  * \pHTSupportedCap: the connected STA's supported rate Capability element
865  */
HTFilterMCSRate(struct ieee80211_device * ieee,u8 * pSupportMCS,u8 * pOperateMCS)866 static u8 HTFilterMCSRate(struct ieee80211_device *ieee, u8 *pSupportMCS,
867 			  u8 *pOperateMCS)
868 {
869 	u8 i = 0;
871 	// filter out operational rate set not supported by AP, the length of it is 16
872 	for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
873 		pOperateMCS[i] = ieee->Regdot11HTOperationalRateSet[i] & pSupportMCS[i];
875 	// TODO: adjust our operational rate set  according to our channel bandwidth, STBC and Antenna number
876 	/*
877 	 * TODO: fill suggested rate adaptive rate index and give firmware info
878 	 * using Tx command packet we also shall suggested the first start rate
879 	 * set according to our signal strength
880 	 */
881 	HT_PickMCSRate(ieee, pOperateMCS);
883 	// For RTL819X, if pairwisekey = wep/tkip, we support only MCS0~7.
884 	if (ieee->GetHalfNmodeSupportByAPsHandler(ieee->dev))
885 		pOperateMCS[1] = 0;
887 	/*
888 	 * For RTL819X, we support only MCS0~15.
889 	 * And also, we do not know how to use MCS32 now.
890 	 */
891 	for (i = 2; i <= 15; i++)
892 		pOperateMCS[i] = 0;
894 	return true;
895 }
897 void HTSetConnectBwMode(struct ieee80211_device *ieee, enum ht_channel_width Bandwidth, enum ht_extension_chan_offset	Offset);
HTOnAssocRsp(struct ieee80211_device * ieee)898 void HTOnAssocRsp(struct ieee80211_device *ieee)
899 {
900 	PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT	pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
903 	u16	nMaxAMSDUSize = 0;
904 	u8	*pMcsFilter = NULL;
906 	static u8				EWC11NHTCap[] = {0x00, 0x90, 0x4c, 0x33};		// For 11n EWC definition, 2007.07.17, by Emily
907 	static u8				EWC11NHTInfo[] = {0x00, 0x90, 0x4c, 0x34};	// For 11n EWC definition, 2007.07.17, by Emily
909 	if (!pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport) {
910 		IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_ERR,
911 				"<=== %s: HT_DISABLE\n",
912 				__func__);
913 		return;
914 	}
915 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "===> HTOnAssocRsp_wq(): HT_ENABLE\n");
916 //	IEEE80211_DEBUG_DATA(IEEE80211_DL_DATA, pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf, sizeof(HT_CAPABILITY_ELE));
917 //	IEEE80211_DEBUG_DATA(IEEE80211_DL_DATA, pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf, sizeof(HT_INFORMATION_ELE));
919 //	HTDebugHTCapability(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf,"HTOnAssocRsp_wq");
920 //	HTDebugHTInfo(pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf,"HTOnAssocRsp_wq");
921 	//
922 	if (!memcmp(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf, EWC11NHTCap, sizeof(EWC11NHTCap)))
923 		pPeerHTCap = (PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)(&pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf[4]);
924 	else
925 		pPeerHTCap = (PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf);
927 	if (!memcmp(pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf, EWC11NHTInfo, sizeof(EWC11NHTInfo)))
928 		pPeerHTInfo = (PHT_INFORMATION_ELE)(&pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf[4]);
929 	else
930 		pPeerHTInfo = (PHT_INFORMATION_ELE)(pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf);
932 	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
933 	// Configurations:
934 	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
935 	IEEE80211_DEBUG_DATA(IEEE80211_DL_DATA | IEEE80211_DL_HT, pPeerHTCap, sizeof(HT_CAPABILITY_ELE));
936 //	IEEE80211_DEBUG_DATA(IEEE80211_DL_DATA|IEEE80211_DL_HT, pPeerHTInfo, sizeof(HT_INFORMATION_ELE));
937 	// Config Supported Channel Width setting
938 	//
939 	HTSetConnectBwMode(ieee, (enum ht_channel_width)(pPeerHTCap->ChlWidth), (enum ht_extension_chan_offset)(pPeerHTInfo->ExtChlOffset));
941 	pHTInfo->bCurTxBW40MHz = (pPeerHTInfo->RecommemdedTxWidth == 1);
943 	/*
944 	 * Update short GI/ long GI setting
945 	 *
946 	 * TODO:
947 	 */
948 	pHTInfo->bCurShortGI20MHz = pHTInfo->bRegShortGI20MHz &&
949 				    (pPeerHTCap->ShortGI20Mhz == 1);
950 	pHTInfo->bCurShortGI40MHz = pHTInfo->bRegShortGI40MHz &&
951 				   (pPeerHTCap->ShortGI40Mhz == 1);
953 	/*
954 	 * Config TX STBC setting
955 	 *
956 	 * TODO:
957 	 */
959 	/*
960 	 * Config DSSS/CCK  mode in 40MHz mode
961 	 *
962 	 * TODO:
963 	 */
964 	pHTInfo->bCurSuppCCK = pHTInfo->bRegSuppCCK &&
965 			       (pPeerHTCap->DssCCk == 1);
967 	/*
968 	 * Config and configure A-MSDU setting
969 	 */
970 	pHTInfo->bCurrent_AMSDU_Support = pHTInfo->bAMSDU_Support;
972 	nMaxAMSDUSize = (pPeerHTCap->MaxAMSDUSize == 0) ? 3839 : 7935;
974 	if (pHTInfo->nAMSDU_MaxSize > nMaxAMSDUSize)
975 		pHTInfo->nCurrent_AMSDU_MaxSize = nMaxAMSDUSize;
976 	else
977 		pHTInfo->nCurrent_AMSDU_MaxSize = pHTInfo->nAMSDU_MaxSize;
978 	/*
979 	 * Config A-MPDU setting
980 	 */
981 	pHTInfo->bCurrentAMPDUEnable = pHTInfo->bAMPDUEnable;
983 	/*
984 	 * <1> Decide AMPDU Factor
985 	 * By Emily
986 	 */
987 	if (!pHTInfo->bRegRT2RTAggregation) {
988 		// Decide AMPDU Factor according to protocol handshake
989 		if (pHTInfo->AMPDU_Factor > pPeerHTCap->MaxRxAMPDUFactor)
990 			pHTInfo->CurrentAMPDUFactor = pPeerHTCap->MaxRxAMPDUFactor;
991 		else
992 			pHTInfo->CurrentAMPDUFactor = pHTInfo->AMPDU_Factor;
993 	} else {
994 		/*
995 		 * Set MPDU density to 2 to Realtek AP, and set it to 0 for others
996 		 * Replace MPDU factor declared in original association response frame format. 2007.08.20 by Emily
997 		 */
998 		if (ieee->current_network.bssht.bdRT2RTAggregation) {
999 			if (ieee->pairwise_key_type != KEY_TYPE_NA)
1000 				// Realtek may set 32k in security mode and 64k for others
1001 				pHTInfo->CurrentAMPDUFactor = pPeerHTCap->MaxRxAMPDUFactor;
1002 			else
1003 				pHTInfo->CurrentAMPDUFactor = HT_AGG_SIZE_64K;
1004 		} else {
1005 			if (pPeerHTCap->MaxRxAMPDUFactor < HT_AGG_SIZE_32K)
1006 				pHTInfo->CurrentAMPDUFactor = pPeerHTCap->MaxRxAMPDUFactor;
1007 			else
1008 				pHTInfo->CurrentAMPDUFactor = HT_AGG_SIZE_32K;
1009 		}
1010 	}
1012 	/*
1013 	 * <2> Set AMPDU Minimum MPDU Start Spacing
1014 	 * 802.11n 3.0 section 9.7d.3
1015 	 */
1016 	if (pHTInfo->MPDU_Density > pPeerHTCap->MPDUDensity)
1017 		pHTInfo->CurrentMPDUDensity = pHTInfo->MPDU_Density;
1018 	else
1019 		pHTInfo->CurrentMPDUDensity = pPeerHTCap->MPDUDensity;
1020 	if (ieee->pairwise_key_type != KEY_TYPE_NA)
1021 		pHTInfo->CurrentMPDUDensity	= 7; // 8us
1022 	// Force TX AMSDU
1024 	// Lanhsin: mark for tmp to avoid deauth by ap from  s3
1025 	//if(memcmp(pMgntInfo->Bssid, NETGEAR834Bv2_BROADCOM, 3)==0)
1026 	if (0) {
1027 		pHTInfo->bCurrentAMPDUEnable = false;
1028 		pHTInfo->ForcedAMSDUMode = HT_AGG_FORCE_ENABLE;
1029 		pHTInfo->ForcedAMSDUMaxSize = 7935;
1031 		pHTInfo->IOTAction |=  HT_IOT_ACT_TX_USE_AMSDU_8K;
1032 	}
1034 	// Rx Reorder Setting
1035 	pHTInfo->bCurRxReorderEnable = pHTInfo->bRegRxReorderEnable;
1037 	/*
1038 	 * Filter out unsupported HT rate for this AP
1039 	 * Update RATR table
1040 	 * This is only for 8190 ,8192 or later product which using firmware to
1041 	 * handle rate adaptive mechanism.
1042 	 */
1044 	/*
1045 	 * Handle Ralink AP bad MCS rate set condition. Joseph.
1046 	 * This fix the bug of Ralink AP. This may be removed in the future.
1047 	 */
1048 	if (pPeerHTCap->MCS[0] == 0)
1049 		pPeerHTCap->MCS[0] = 0xff;
1051 	HTFilterMCSRate(ieee, pPeerHTCap->MCS, ieee->dot11HTOperationalRateSet);
1053 	/*
1054 	 * Config MIMO Power Save setting
1055 	 */
1056 	pHTInfo->PeerMimoPs = pPeerHTCap->MimoPwrSave;
1057 	if (pHTInfo->PeerMimoPs == MIMO_PS_STATIC)
1058 		pMcsFilter = MCS_FILTER_1SS;
1059 	else
1060 		pMcsFilter = MCS_FILTER_ALL;
1061 	//WB add for MCS8 bug
1062 //	pMcsFilter = MCS_FILTER_1SS;
1063 	ieee->HTHighestOperaRate = HTGetHighestMCSRate(ieee, ieee->dot11HTOperationalRateSet, pMcsFilter);
1064 	ieee->HTCurrentOperaRate = ieee->HTHighestOperaRate;
1066 	/*
1067 	 * Config current operation mode.
1068 	 */
1069 	pHTInfo->CurrentOpMode = pPeerHTInfo->OptMode;
1070 }
1072 void HTSetConnectBwModeCallback(struct ieee80211_device *ieee);
1073 /*
1074  *function:  initialize HT info(struct PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT)
1075  *   input:  struct ieee80211_device*	ieee
1076  *  output:  none
1077  *  return:  none
1078  *  notice: This function is called when
1079  *                                  *  (1) MPInitialization Phase
1080  *                                  *  (2) Receiving of Deauthentication from AP
1081  */
1082 // TODO: Should this funciton be called when receiving of Disassociation?
HTInitializeHTInfo(struct ieee80211_device * ieee)1083 void HTInitializeHTInfo(struct ieee80211_device *ieee)
1084 {
1085 	PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
1087 	/*
1088 	 * These parameters will be reset when receiving deauthentication packet
1089 	 */
1090 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "===========>%s()\n", __func__);
1091 	pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport = false;
1093 	// 40MHz channel support
1094 	pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz = false;
1095 	pHTInfo->bCurTxBW40MHz = false;
1097 	// Short GI support
1098 	pHTInfo->bCurShortGI20MHz = false;
1099 	pHTInfo->bCurShortGI40MHz = false;
1100 	pHTInfo->bForcedShortGI = false;
1102 	/*
1103 	 * CCK rate support
1104 	 * This flag is set to true to support CCK rate by default.
1105 	 * It will be affected by "pHTInfo->bRegSuppCCK" and AP capabilities
1106 	 * only when associate to 11N BSS.
1107 	 */
1108 	pHTInfo->bCurSuppCCK = true;
1110 	// AMSDU related
1111 	pHTInfo->bCurrent_AMSDU_Support = false;
1112 	pHTInfo->nCurrent_AMSDU_MaxSize = pHTInfo->nAMSDU_MaxSize;
1114 	// AMPUD related
1115 	pHTInfo->CurrentMPDUDensity = pHTInfo->MPDU_Density;
1116 	pHTInfo->CurrentAMPDUFactor = pHTInfo->AMPDU_Factor;
1118 	// Initialize all of the parameters related to 11n
1119 	memset(&pHTInfo->SelfHTCap, 0, sizeof(pHTInfo->SelfHTCap));
1120 	memset(&pHTInfo->SelfHTInfo, 0, sizeof(pHTInfo->SelfHTInfo));
1121 	memset(&pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf, 0, sizeof(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf));
1122 	memset(&pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf, 0, sizeof(pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf));
1124 	pHTInfo->bSwBwInProgress = false;
1125 	pHTInfo->ChnlOp = CHNLOP_NONE;
1127 	// Set default IEEE spec for Draft N
1128 	pHTInfo->ePeerHTSpecVer = HT_SPEC_VER_IEEE;
1130 	// Realtek proprietary aggregation mode
1131 	pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTAggregation = false;
1132 	pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTLongSlotTime = false;
1133 	pHTInfo->IOTPeer = 0;
1134 	pHTInfo->IOTAction = 0;
1136 	//MCS rate initialized here
1137 	{
1138 		u8 *RegHTSuppRateSets = &ieee->RegHTSuppRateSet[0];
1140 		RegHTSuppRateSets[0] = 0xFF;	//support MCS 0~7
1141 		RegHTSuppRateSets[1] = 0xFF;	//support MCS 8~15
1142 		RegHTSuppRateSets[4] = 0x01;	//support MCS 32
1143 	}
1144 }
1146 /*
1147  *function:  initialize Bss HT structure(struct PBSS_HT)
1148  *   input:  PBSS_HT pBssHT //to be initialized
1149  *  output:  none
1150  *  return:  none
1151  *  notice: This function is called when initialize network structure
1152  */
HTInitializeBssDesc(PBSS_HT pBssHT)1153 void HTInitializeBssDesc(PBSS_HT pBssHT)
1154 {
1155 	pBssHT->bdSupportHT = false;
1156 	memset(pBssHT->bdHTCapBuf, 0, sizeof(pBssHT->bdHTCapBuf));
1157 	pBssHT->bdHTCapLen = 0;
1158 	memset(pBssHT->bdHTInfoBuf, 0, sizeof(pBssHT->bdHTInfoBuf));
1159 	pBssHT->bdHTInfoLen = 0;
1161 	pBssHT->bdHTSpecVer = HT_SPEC_VER_IEEE;
1163 	pBssHT->bdRT2RTAggregation = false;
1164 	pBssHT->bdRT2RTLongSlotTime = false;
1165 }
1167 /*
1168  *function:  initialize Bss HT structure(struct PBSS_HT)
1169  *   input:  struct ieee80211_device	*ieee
1170  *	     struct ieee80211_network	*pNetwork //usually current network
1171  *                                                  we are live in
1172  *  output:  none
1173  *  return:  none
1174  *  notice: This function should ONLY be called before association
1175  */
HTResetSelfAndSavePeerSetting(struct ieee80211_device * ieee,struct ieee80211_network * pNetwork)1176 void HTResetSelfAndSavePeerSetting(struct ieee80211_device *ieee,	struct ieee80211_network *pNetwork)
1177 {
1178 	PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT		pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
1179 //	u16						nMaxAMSDUSize;
1180 //	PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE		pPeerHTCap = (PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)pNetwork->bssht.bdHTCapBuf;
1181 //	PHT_INFORMATION_ELE		pPeerHTInfo = (PHT_INFORMATION_ELE)pNetwork->bssht.bdHTInfoBuf;
1182 //	u8*	pMcsFilter;
1183 	u8	bIOTAction = 0;
1185 	//
1186 	//  Save Peer Setting before Association
1187 	//
1188 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "==============>%s()\n", __func__);
1189 	/*unmark bEnableHT flag here is the same reason why unmarked in function ieee80211_softmac_new_net. WB 2008.09.10*/
1190 //	if( pHTInfo->bEnableHT &&  pNetwork->bssht.bdSupportHT)
1191 	if (pNetwork->bssht.bdSupportHT) {
1192 		pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport = true;
1193 		pHTInfo->ePeerHTSpecVer = pNetwork->bssht.bdHTSpecVer;
1195 		// Save HTCap and HTInfo information Element
1196 		if (pNetwork->bssht.bdHTCapLen > 0 &&	pNetwork->bssht.bdHTCapLen <= sizeof(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf))
1197 			memcpy(pHTInfo->PeerHTCapBuf, pNetwork->bssht.bdHTCapBuf, pNetwork->bssht.bdHTCapLen);
1199 		if (pNetwork->bssht.bdHTInfoLen > 0 && pNetwork->bssht.bdHTInfoLen <= sizeof(pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf))
1200 			memcpy(pHTInfo->PeerHTInfoBuf, pNetwork->bssht.bdHTInfoBuf, pNetwork->bssht.bdHTInfoLen);
1202 		// Check whether RT to RT aggregation mode is enabled
1203 		if (pHTInfo->bRegRT2RTAggregation) {
1204 			pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTAggregation = pNetwork->bssht.bdRT2RTAggregation;
1205 			pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTLongSlotTime = pNetwork->bssht.bdRT2RTLongSlotTime;
1206 		} else {
1207 			pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTAggregation = false;
1208 			pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTLongSlotTime = false;
1209 		}
1211 		// Determine the IOT Peer Vendor.
1212 		HTIOTPeerDetermine(ieee);
1214 		/*
1215 		 * Decide IOT Action
1216 		 * Must be called after the parameter of pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTAggregation is decided
1217 		 */
1218 		pHTInfo->IOTAction = 0;
1219 		bIOTAction = HTIOTActIsDisableMCS14(ieee, pNetwork->bssid);
1220 		if (bIOTAction)
1221 			pHTInfo->IOTAction |= HT_IOT_ACT_DISABLE_MCS14;
1223 		bIOTAction = HTIOTActIsDisableMCS15(ieee);
1224 		if (bIOTAction)
1225 			pHTInfo->IOTAction |= HT_IOT_ACT_DISABLE_MCS15;
1227 		bIOTAction = HTIOTActIsDisableMCSTwoSpatialStream(ieee, pNetwork->bssid);
1228 		if (bIOTAction)
1229 			pHTInfo->IOTAction |= HT_IOT_ACT_DISABLE_ALL_2SS;
1231 		bIOTAction = HTIOTActIsDisableEDCATurbo(ieee, pNetwork->bssid);
1232 		if (bIOTAction)
1235 		bIOTAction = HTIOTActIsMgntUseCCK6M(pNetwork);
1236 		if (bIOTAction)
1237 			pHTInfo->IOTAction |= HT_IOT_ACT_MGNT_USE_CCK_6M;
1239 		bIOTAction = HTIOTActIsCCDFsync(pNetwork->bssid);
1240 		if (bIOTAction)
1241 			pHTInfo->IOTAction |= HT_IOT_ACT_CDD_FSYNC;
1242 	} else {
1243 		pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport = false;
1244 		pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTAggregation = false;
1245 		pHTInfo->bCurrentRT2RTLongSlotTime = false;
1247 		pHTInfo->IOTAction = 0;
1248 	}
1249 }
HTUpdateSelfAndPeerSetting(struct ieee80211_device * ieee,struct ieee80211_network * pNetwork)1251 void HTUpdateSelfAndPeerSetting(struct ieee80211_device *ieee,	struct ieee80211_network *pNetwork)
1252 {
1253 	PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT	pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
1254 //	PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE		pPeerHTCap = (PHT_CAPABILITY_ELE)pNetwork->bssht.bdHTCapBuf;
1255 	PHT_INFORMATION_ELE		pPeerHTInfo = (PHT_INFORMATION_ELE)pNetwork->bssht.bdHTInfoBuf;
1257 	if (pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport) {
1258 		/*
1259 		 * Config current operation mode.
1260 		 */
1261 		if (pNetwork->bssht.bdHTInfoLen != 0)
1262 			pHTInfo->CurrentOpMode = pPeerHTInfo->OptMode;
1264 		/*
1265 		 * <TODO: Config according to OBSS non-HT STA present!!>
1266 		 */
1267 	}
1268 }
1269 EXPORT_SYMBOL(HTUpdateSelfAndPeerSetting);
1271 /*
1272  *function:  check whether HT control field exists
1273  *   input:  struct ieee80211_device	*ieee
1274  *	     u8*			pFrame //coming skb->data
1275  *  output:  none
1276  *  return:  return true if HT control field exists(false otherwise)
1277  *  notice:
1278  */
HTCCheck(struct ieee80211_device * ieee,u8 * pFrame)1279 u8 HTCCheck(struct ieee80211_device *ieee, u8 *pFrame)
1280 {
1281 	if (ieee->pHTInfo->bCurrentHTSupport) {
1282 		if ((IsQoSDataFrame(pFrame) && Frame_Order(pFrame)) == 1) {
1284 			return true;
1285 		}
1286 	}
1287 	return false;
1288 }
1290 /*
1291  * This function set bandwidth mode in protocol layer.
1292  */
HTSetConnectBwMode(struct ieee80211_device * ieee,enum ht_channel_width Bandwidth,enum ht_extension_chan_offset Offset)1293 void HTSetConnectBwMode(struct ieee80211_device *ieee, enum ht_channel_width Bandwidth, enum ht_extension_chan_offset Offset)
1294 {
1295 	PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
1296 //	u32 flags = 0;
1298 	if (!pHTInfo->bRegBW40MHz)
1299 		return;
1301 	// To reduce dummy operation
1302 //	if((pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz==false && Bandwidth==HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20) ||
1303 //	   (pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz==true && Bandwidth==HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40 && Offset==pHTInfo->CurSTAExtChnlOffset))
1304 //		return;
1306 //	spin_lock_irqsave(&(ieee->bw_spinlock), flags);
1307 	if (pHTInfo->bSwBwInProgress) {
1308 //		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&(ieee->bw_spinlock), flags);
1309 		return;
1310 	}
1311 	//if in half N mode, set to 20M bandwidth please 09.08.2008 WB.
1312 	if (Bandwidth == HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40 && (!ieee->GetHalfNmodeSupportByAPsHandler(ieee->dev))) {
1313 			// Handle Illegal extension channel offset!!
1314 		if (ieee->current_network.channel < 2 && Offset == HT_EXTCHNL_OFFSET_LOWER)
1315 			Offset = HT_EXTCHNL_OFFSET_NO_EXT;
1316 		if (Offset == HT_EXTCHNL_OFFSET_UPPER || Offset == HT_EXTCHNL_OFFSET_LOWER) {
1317 			pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz = true;
1318 			pHTInfo->CurSTAExtChnlOffset = Offset;
1319 		} else {
1320 			pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz = false;
1321 			pHTInfo->CurSTAExtChnlOffset = HT_EXTCHNL_OFFSET_NO_EXT;
1322 		}
1323 	} else {
1324 		pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz = false;
1325 		pHTInfo->CurSTAExtChnlOffset = HT_EXTCHNL_OFFSET_NO_EXT;
1326 	}
1328 	pHTInfo->bSwBwInProgress = true;
1330 	/*
1331 	 * TODO: 2007.7.13 by Emily Wait 2000ms  in order to guarantee that
1332 	 * switching bandwidth is executed after scan is finished. It is a
1333 	 * temporal solution because software should ganrantee the last
1334 	 * operation of switching bandwidth is executed properlly.
1335 	 */
1336 	HTSetConnectBwModeCallback(ieee);
1338 //	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&(ieee->bw_spinlock), flags);
1339 }
HTSetConnectBwModeCallback(struct ieee80211_device * ieee)1341 void HTSetConnectBwModeCallback(struct ieee80211_device *ieee)
1342 {
1343 	PRT_HIGH_THROUGHPUT pHTInfo = ieee->pHTInfo;
1345 	IEEE80211_DEBUG(IEEE80211_DL_HT, "======>%s()\n", __func__);
1347 	if (pHTInfo->bCurBW40MHz) {
1348 		if (pHTInfo->CurSTAExtChnlOffset == HT_EXTCHNL_OFFSET_UPPER)
1349 			ieee->set_chan(ieee->dev, ieee->current_network.channel + 2);
1350 		else if (pHTInfo->CurSTAExtChnlOffset == HT_EXTCHNL_OFFSET_LOWER)
1351 			ieee->set_chan(ieee->dev, ieee->current_network.channel - 2);
1352 		else
1353 			ieee->set_chan(ieee->dev, ieee->current_network.channel);
1355 		ieee->SetBWModeHandler(ieee->dev, HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40, pHTInfo->CurSTAExtChnlOffset);
1356 	} else {
1357 		ieee->set_chan(ieee->dev, ieee->current_network.channel);
1358 		ieee->SetBWModeHandler(ieee->dev, HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20, HT_EXTCHNL_OFFSET_NO_EXT);
1359 	}
1361 	pHTInfo->bSwBwInProgress = false;
1362 }