What: /sys/kernel/debug/moxtet/input Date: March 2019 KernelVersion: 5.3 Contact: Marek Behún <marek.behun@nic.cz> Description: (Read) Read input from the shift registers, in hexadecimal. Returns N+1 bytes, where N is the number of Moxtet connected modules. The first byte is from the CPU board itself. Example:: 101214 == ======================================= 10 CPU board with SD card 12 2 = PCIe module, 1 = IRQ not active 14 4 = Peridot module, 1 = IRQ not active == ======================================= What: /sys/kernel/debug/moxtet/output Date: March 2019 KernelVersion: 5.3 Contact: Marek Behún <marek.behun@nic.cz> Description: (RW) Read last written value to the shift registers, in hexadecimal, or write values to the shift registers, also in hexadecimal. Example:: 0102 == ================================================ 01 01 was last written, or is to be written, to the first module's shift register 02 the same for second module == ================================================