Samsung S6E8AA0 AMOLED LCD 5.3 inch panel

Required properties:
  - compatible: "samsung,s6e8aa0"
  - reg: the virtual channel number of a DSI peripheral
  - vdd3-supply: core voltage supply
  - vci-supply: voltage supply for analog circuits
  - reset-gpios: a GPIO spec for the reset pin
  - display-timings: timings for the connected panel as described by [1]

Optional properties:
  - power-on-delay: delay after turning regulators on [ms]
  - reset-delay: delay after reset sequence [ms]
  - init-delay: delay after initialization sequence [ms]
  - panel-width-mm: physical panel width [mm]
  - panel-height-mm: physical panel height [mm]
  - flip-horizontal: boolean to flip image horizontally
  - flip-vertical: boolean to flip image vertically

The device node can contain one 'port' child node with one child
'endpoint' node, according to the bindings defined in [2]. This
node should describe panel's video bus.

[1]: Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/panel/display-timing.txt
[2]: Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/video-interfaces.txt


	panel {
		compatible = "samsung,s6e8aa0";
		reg = <0>;
		vdd3-supply = <&vcclcd_reg>;
		vci-supply = <&vlcd_reg>;
		reset-gpios = <&gpy4 5 0>;
		power-on-delay= <50>;
		reset-delay = <100>;
		init-delay = <100>;
		panel-width-mm = <58>;
		panel-height-mm = <103>;

		display-timings {
			timing0: timing-0 {
				clock-frequency = <57153600>;
				hactive = <720>;
				vactive = <1280>;
				hfront-porch = <5>;
				hback-porch = <5>;
				hsync-len = <5>;
				vfront-porch = <13>;
				vback-porch = <1>;
				vsync-len = <2>;