What: /sys/bus/platform/devices/dfl-fme.0/ports_num Date: June 2018 KernelVersion: 4.19 Contact: Wu Hao <hao.wu@intel.com> Description: Read-only. One DFL FPGA device may have more than 1 port/Accelerator Function Unit (AFU). It returns the number of ports on the FPGA device when read it. What: /sys/bus/platform/devices/dfl-fme.0/bitstream_id Date: June 2018 KernelVersion: 4.19 Contact: Wu Hao <hao.wu@intel.com> Description: Read-only. It returns Bitstream (static FPGA region) identifier number, which includes the detailed version and other information of this static FPGA region. What: /sys/bus/platform/devices/dfl-fme.0/bitstream_metadata Date: June 2018 KernelVersion: 4.19 Contact: Wu Hao <hao.wu@intel.com> Description: Read-only. It returns Bitstream (static FPGA region) meta data, which includes the synthesis date, seed and other information of this static FPGA region.