Lines Matching full:action
4 "name": "Add MPLS dec_ttl action with pipe opcode",
11 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
17 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls dec_ttl pipe index 8",
19 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
20 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*dec_ttl.*pipe.*index 8 ref",
23 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
28 "name": "Add mpls dec_ttl action with pass opcode",
35 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
41 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls dec_ttl pass index 8",
43 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions get action mpls index 8",
44 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*dec_ttl.*pass.*index 8 ref",
47 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
52 "name": "Add mpls dec_ttl action with drop opcode",
59 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
65 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls dec_ttl drop index 8",
67 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions get action mpls index 8",
68 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*dec_ttl.*drop.*index 8 ref",
71 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
76 "name": "Add mpls dec_ttl action with reclassify opcode",
83 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
89 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls dec_ttl reclassify index 8",
91 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions get action mpls index 8",
92 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*dec_ttl.*reclassify.*index 8 ref",
95 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
100 "name": "Add mpls dec_ttl action with continue opcode",
107 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
113 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls dec_ttl continue index 8",
115 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions get action mpls index 8",
116 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*dec_ttl.*continue.*index 8 ref",
119 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
124 "name": "Add mpls dec_ttl action with jump opcode",
131 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
137 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls dec_ttl jump 10 index 8",
139 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
140 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*jump 10.*index 8 ref",
143 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
148 "name": "Add mpls dec_ttl action with trap opcode",
155 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
161 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls dec_ttl trap index 8",
163 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
164 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*dec_ttl trap.*index 8 ref",
167 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
172 "name": "Add mpls dec_ttl action with opcode and cookie",
179 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
185 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls dec_ttl pipe index 8 cookie aabbccddeeff",
187 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
188 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*dec_ttl pipe.*index 8 ref.*cookie aabbccddeeff",
191 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
196 "name": "Add mpls dec_ttl action with opcode and cookie of max length",
203 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
209 …"cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls dec_ttl continue index 8 cookie aa11bb22cc33dd44ee55f…
211 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
212 …"matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*dec_ttl continue.*index 8 ref.*cookie aa11bb22cc33dd44…
215 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
220 "name": "Add mpls dec_ttl action with invalid opcode",
227 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
233 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls dec_ttl foo index 8",
235 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
236 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*dec_ttl.*foo.*index 8 ref",
242 "name": "Add mpls dec_ttl action with label (invalid)",
249 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
255 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls dec_ttl label 20",
257 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
258 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*dec_ttl.*label.*20.*pipe",
264 "name": "Add mpls dec_ttl action with tc (invalid)",
271 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
277 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls dec_ttl tc 3",
279 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
280 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*dec_ttl.*tc.*3.*pipe",
286 "name": "Add mpls dec_ttl action with ttl (invalid)",
293 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
299 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls dec_ttl ttl 20",
301 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
302 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*dec_ttl.*ttl.*20.*pipe",
308 "name": "Add mpls dec_ttl action with bos (invalid)",
315 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
321 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls dec_ttl bos 1",
323 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
324 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*dec_ttl.*bos.*1.*pipe",
330 "name": "Add mpls pop action with ip proto",
337 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
343 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls pop protocol ipv4",
345 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
346 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*pop.*protocol.*ip.*pipe",
349 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
354 "name": "Add mpls pop action with ip proto and cookie",
361 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
367 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls pop protocol ipv4 cookie 12345678",
369 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
370 … "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*pop.*protocol.*ip.*pipe.*ref 1.*cookie 12345678",
373 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
378 "name": "Add mpls pop action with mpls proto",
385 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
391 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls pop protocol mpls_mc",
393 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
394 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*pop.*protocol.*mpls_mc.*pipe",
397 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
402 "name": "Add mpls pop action with no protocol (invalid)",
409 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
415 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls pop",
417 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
418 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*pop.*pipe",
424 "name": "Add mpls pop action with label (invalid)",
431 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
437 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls pop protocol ipv4 label 20",
439 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
440 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*pop.*label.*20.*pipe",
446 "name": "Add mpls pop action with tc (invalid)",
453 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
459 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls pop protocol ipv4 tc 3",
461 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
462 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*pop.*tc.*3.*pipe",
468 "name": "Add mpls pop action with ttl (invalid)",
475 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
481 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls pop protocol ipv4 ttl 20",
483 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
484 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*pop.*ttl.*20.*pipe",
490 "name": "Add mpls pop action with bos (invalid)",
497 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
503 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls pop protocol ipv4 bos 1",
505 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
506 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*pop.*bos.*1.*pipe",
512 "name": "Add mpls push action with label",
519 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
525 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls push label 20",
527 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
528 …"matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*push.*protocol.*mpls_uc.*label.*20.*ttl.*[0-9]+.*pipe",
531 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
536 "name": "Add mpls push action with mpls_mc protocol",
543 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
549 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls push protocol mpls_mc label 20",
551 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
552 …"matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*push.*protocol.*mpls_mc.*label.*20.*ttl.*[0-9]+.*pipe",
555 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
560 "name": "Add mpls push action with label, tc and ttl",
567 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
573 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls push label 20 tc 3 ttl 128",
575 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
576 …"matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*push.*protocol.*mpls_uc.*label.*20.*tc.*3.*ttl.*128.*p…
579 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
584 "name": "Add mpls push action with label, tc ttl and cookie of max length",
591 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
597 …"cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls push label 20 tc 3 ttl 128 cookie aa11bb22cc33dd44ee5…
599 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
600 …"matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*push.*protocol.*mpls_uc.*label.*20.*tc.*3.*ttl.*128.*p…
603 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
608 "name": "Add mpls push action with label and bos",
615 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
621 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls push label 20 bos 1",
623 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
624 … "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*push.*protocol.*mpls_uc.*label.*20.*bos.*1.*pipe",
627 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
632 "name": "Add mpls push action with no label (invalid)",
639 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
645 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls push",
647 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
648 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*push.*protocol.*mpls_uc.*pipe",
654 "name": "Add mpls push action with ipv4 protocol (invalid)",
661 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
667 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls push protocol ipv4 label 20",
669 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
670 …"matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*push.*protocol.*mpls_uc.*label.*20.*ttl.*[0-9]+.*pipe",
676 "name": "Add mpls push action with out of range label (invalid)",
683 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
689 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls push label 1048576",
691 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
692 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*push.*protocol.*mpls_uc.*label.*1048576.*pipe",
698 "name": "Add mpls push action with out of range tc (invalid)",
705 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
711 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls push label 20 tc 8",
713 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
714 … "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*push.*protocol.*mpls_uc.*label.*20.*tc.*8.*pipe",
720 "name": "Add mpls push action with ttl of 0 (invalid)",
727 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
733 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls push label 20 ttl 0",
735 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
736 … "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*push.*protocol.*mpls_uc.*label.*20.*ttl.*0.*pipe",
742 "name": "Add mpls mod action with mpls label",
749 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
755 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls mod label 20",
757 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
758 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*modify.*label.*20.*pipe",
761 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
766 "name": "Add mpls mod action with max mpls label",
773 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
779 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls mod label 0xfffff",
781 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
782 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*modify.*label.*1048575.*pipe",
785 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
790 "name": "Add mpls mod action with mpls label exceeding max (invalid)",
797 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
803 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls mod label 0x100000",
805 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
806 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*modify.*label.*1048576.*pipe",
812 "name": "Add mpls mod action with mpls label of MPLS_LABEL_IMPLNULL (invalid)",
819 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
825 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls mod label 3",
827 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
828 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*modify.*label.*3.*pipe",
834 "name": "Add mpls mod action with mpls min tc",
841 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
847 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls mod tc 0",
849 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
850 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*modify.*tc.*0.*pipe",
853 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
858 "name": "Add mpls mod action with mpls max tc",
865 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
871 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls mod tc 7",
873 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
874 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*modify.*tc.*7.*pipe",
877 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
882 "name": "Add mpls mod action with mpls tc exceeding max (invalid)",
889 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
895 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls mod tc 8",
897 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
898 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*modify.*tc.*4.*pipe",
904 "name": "Add mpls mod action with mpls ttl",
911 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
917 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls mod ttl 128",
919 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
920 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*modify.*ttl.*128.*pipe",
923 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
928 "name": "Add mpls mod action with mpls ttl and cookie",
935 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
941 … "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls mod ttl 128 cookie aa11bb22cc33dd44ee55ff66aa11b1b2",
943 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
944 …"matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*modify.*ttl.*128.*pipe.*ref 1.*cookie aa11bb22cc33dd44…
947 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
952 "name": "Add mpls mod action with mpls max ttl",
959 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
965 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls mod ttl 255",
967 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
968 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*modify.*ttl.*255.*pipe",
971 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
976 "name": "Add mpls mod action with mpls min ttl",
983 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
989 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls mod ttl 1",
991 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
992 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*modify.*ttl.*1.*pipe",
995 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
1000 "name": "Add mpls mod action with mpls ttl of 0 (invalid)",
1007 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
1013 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls mod ttl 0",
1015 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
1016 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*modify.*ttl.*0.*pipe",
1022 "name": "Add mpls mod action with mpls ttl exceeding max (invalid)",
1029 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
1035 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls mod ttl 256",
1037 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
1038 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*modify.*ttl.*256.*pipe",
1044 "name": "Add mpls mod action with mpls max bos",
1051 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
1057 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls mod bos 1",
1059 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
1060 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*modify.*bos.*1.*pipe",
1063 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
1068 "name": "Add mpls mod action with mpls min bos",
1075 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
1081 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls mod bos 0",
1083 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
1084 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*modify.*bos.*0.*pipe",
1087 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
1092 "name": "Add mpls mod action with mpls bos exceeding max (invalid)",
1099 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
1105 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls mod bos 2",
1107 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
1108 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*modify.*bos.*2.*pipe",
1114 "name": "Add mpls mod action with protocol (invalid)",
1121 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
1127 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions add action mpls mod protocol ipv4",
1129 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
1130 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*modify.*protocol.*ip.*pipe",
1136 "name": "Replace existing mpls push action with new ID",
1143 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
1148 "$TC actions add action mpls push label 20 pipe index 12"
1150 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions replace action mpls push label 30 pipe index 12",
1152 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions get action mpls index 12",
1153 …"matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*push.*protocol.*mpls_uc.*label.*30.*pipe.*index 12 ref…
1156 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
1161 "name": "Replace existing mpls push action with new label, tc, ttl and cookie",
1168 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
1173 …"$TC actions add action mpls push label 20 tc 3 ttl 128 index 1 cookie aa11bb22cc33dd44ee55ff66aa1…
1175 …"cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions replace action mpls push label 30 tc 2 ttl 125 pipe index 1 cookie aa…
1177 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions get action mpls index 1",
1178 …"matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*push.*protocol.*mpls_uc.*label.*30 tc 2 ttl 125 pipe.*…
1181 "$TC actions flush action mpls"
1186 "name": "Delete mpls pop action",
1193 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
1198 "$TC actions add action mpls pop protocol ipv4 index 44"
1200 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions del action mpls index 44",
1202 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
1203 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*pop.*index 44 ref",
1216 "$TC actions flush action mpls",
1221 "$TC actions add action mpls push label 10 index 10",
1222 "$TC actions add action mpls push label 20 index 20",
1223 "$TC actions add action mpls push label 30 index 30",
1224 "$TC actions add action mpls push label 40 index 40"
1226 "cmdUnderTest": "$TC actions flush action mpls",
1228 "verifyCmd": "$TC actions list action mpls",
1229 "matchPattern": "action order [0-9]+: mpls.*push.*",