Lines Matching full:scope

23 …"BriefDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope was chip pump (prediction=correct) for all data …
24 …"PublicDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope and data sourced across this scope was chip pum…
29 …"BriefDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope and data sourced across this scope was group pum…
30 …"PublicDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope and data sourced across this scope was group pu…
35 …"BriefDescription": "Final Pump Scope (Group) ended up either larger or smaller than Initial Pump
36 …mp Scope(Group) to get data sourced, ended up larger than Initial Pump Scope OR Final Pump Scope(G…
41 …"BriefDescription": "Final Pump Scope (Group) ended up larger than Initial Pump Scope (Chip) for a…
42 …"PublicDescription": "Final Pump Scope(Group) to get data sourced, ended up larger than Initial Pu…
59 …"BriefDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope was system pump for all data types (demand load,…
60 …"PublicDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope and data sourced across this scope was system p…
65 …escription": "Final Pump Scope (system) mispredicted. Either the original scope was too small (Chi…
66Scope(system) to get data sourced, ended up larger than Initial Pump Scope(Chip/Group) OR Final Pu…
71 …"BriefDescription": "Final Pump Scope (system) ended up larger than Initial Pump Scope (Chip/Group…
72 …"PublicDescription": "Final Pump Scope(system) to get data sourced, ended up larger than Initial P…
365 …"BriefDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope was chip pump (prediction=correct) for either de…
366 …"PublicDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope and data sourced across this scope was chip pum…
551 …"BriefDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope was group pump (prediction=correct) for either d…
552 …"PublicDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope and data sourced across this scope was group pu…
557 …"BriefDescription": "Final Pump Scope (Group) ended up either larger or smaller than Initial Pump
558 …mp Scope(Group) to get data sourced, ended up larger than Initial Pump Scope OR Final Pump Scope(G…
563 …"BriefDescription": "Final Pump Scope (Group) ended up larger than Initial Pump Scope (Chip) for e…
564 …"PublicDescription": "Final Pump Scope(Group) to get data sourced, ended up larger than Initial Pu…
581 …"BriefDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope was system pump (prediction=correct) for either …
582 …"PublicDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope and data sourced across this scope was system p…
587 …escription": "Final Pump Scope (system) mispredicted. Either the original scope was too small (Chi…
588Scope(system) to get data sourced, ended up larger than Initial Pump Scope(Chip/Group) OR Final Pu…
593 …"BriefDescription": "Final Pump Scope (system) ended up larger than Initial Pump Scope (Chip/Group…
594 …"PublicDescription": "Final Pump Scope(system) to get data sourced, ended up larger than Initial P…
1235 …"BriefDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope was chip pump (prediction=correct) for instructi…
1236 …"PublicDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope and data sourced across this scope was chip pum…
1421 …"BriefDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope was group pump (prediction=correct) for instruct…
1422 …"PublicDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope and data sourced across this scope was group pu…
1427 …"BriefDescription": "Final Pump Scope (Group) ended up either larger or smaller than Initial Pump
1428 …mp Scope(Group) to get data sourced, ended up larger than Initial Pump Scope OR Final Pump Scope(G…
1433 …"BriefDescription": "Final Pump Scope (Group) ended up larger than Initial Pump Scope (Chip) for i…
1434 …"PublicDescription": "Final Pump Scope(Group) to get data sourced, ended up larger than Initial Pu…
1451 …"BriefDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope was system pump (prediction=correct) for instruc…
1452 …"PublicDescription": "Initial and Final Pump Scope and data sourced across this scope was system p…
1457 …escription": "Final Pump Scope (system) mispredicted. Either the original scope was too small (Chi…
1458Scope(system) to get data sourced, ended up larger than Initial Pump Scope(Chip/Group) OR Final Pu…
1463 …"BriefDescription": "Final Pump Scope (system) ended up larger than Initial Pump Scope (Chip/Group…
1464 …"PublicDescription": "Final Pump Scope(system) to get data sourced, ended up larger than Initial P…